
Starfall Super Sonic

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Frontiers Starfall Super Sonic.jpg
Starfall Super Sonic
First seen: Sonic Frontiers (2023)
Power source: Chaos Emeralds
Cyber Corruption
Base character: Sonic the Hedgehog
Used in: Games

Starfall Super Sonic,[1] also called Super Sonic 2, is a powered up form of Super Sonic that Sonic the Hedgehog used in Sonic Frontiers.[2]


After completing the trials of the Ancients, Sonic gained control over his Cyber Corruption. It allowed him to use a more powerful form of Super Sonic, which has been described as "Super Sonic's hidden power". With enhanced cyber energy abilities, Sonic used this form to defeat The End, but in doing so let loose all of his cyber energy.


Starfall Super Sonic follows many of the same rules as Sonic's normal Super Form; is invulnerable to most attacks and requires Rings to maintain the form, or else Sonic will turn back to normal. In this new form, Sonic's Parry becomes Perfect Parry, it requires exact timing, but is able to reflect all attacks The End throws at Sonic.

Other things Starfall Super Sonic has been able to do include; crushing his opponent in a whirlwind with a Cyloop, teleport and lift The End into space.



Characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog game series
Recurring characters
Heroes Sonic (Super, Starfall, Hyper, Darkspine, the Werehog, Excalibur) | Tails (Super, Hyper) | Knuckles (Super, Hyper) | Amy (Super, Hyper) | Mighty (Super) | Ray (Super) | Espio | Charmy | Vector | Cream | Big | Blaze (Burning) | Silver (Super) | Sticks
Anti-heroes/Neutrals Shadow (Hero, Dark, Super) | Rouge | E-102 Gamma | E-123 Omega | Jet | Wave | Storm
Villains Dr. Eggman | Metal Sonic (Rocket, Neo, 3.0) | Mecha Sonic (8-bit, Mk. II, Super, Mk. III) | Fang | Tails Doll | Metal Knuckles | Chaos (Perfect) | E-Series | ZERO | Biolizard (Finalhazard) | Black Doom (Devil Doom) | Mephiles | Eggman Nega | Orbot | Cubot | Deadly Six (Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Master Zik, Zeena, Zor)
Teams Sonic/Heroes | Rose | Dark | Chaotix | Babylon
Other Animals (Flicky) | Froggy | Chao (Hero, Dark) | Tikal | Pachacamac | Omochao | Chaclon | Gerald & Maria Robotnik | President | King Boom Boo | Cheese | Chocola | Vanilla | Commander Abraham Tower | Wisps | Mother Wisp
One-off characters
Heroes Emerl | Marine | Lumina Flowlight | Chip | Shahra | Knights of the Round Table | Caliburn | Yacker | Avatar | Barry | Trip (Super)
Anti-heroes/Neutrals Bean | Bark | Shade | Merlina | Sage
Villains Witchcart | Hocke-Wulf | Bearenger | Carrotia | Battle Kukku Army (15th, 16th, Dr. Fukurokov) | E-101 Beta | Void | Chaos Gamma | Gemerl | Shugo-hei | Iblis | Solaris | Erazor Djinn | Captain Whisker | Johnny | Master Core: ABIS | Ix (Super) | Dark Gaia | King Arthur | Hard Boiled Heavies | Infinite | The End | Mirage Express
Teams Vector | Eggman
Other Birdie | Illumina | Secretary | Elise | Duke of Soleanna | Sonic Man | Coconut Crew | Vikings | Professor Pickle | Wentos | Don Fachio | Dodon Pa | Koco | Ancients | Conductor | Conductor's wife | Ariem | Heavy | Bomb | Tiara | Gazebo | Mips | Honey