Chaotix (characters)
From Sonic Retro
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The Chaotix is a group of characters that debuted in the game Knuckles' Chaotix. They later appeared in the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics, Fleetway's British comic series Sonic the Comic, and Sonic X. A downsized version of the original Chaotix group, known as Team Chaotix, returned after a lengthy absence in the game Sonic Heroes, much to the delight of fans.
The original Chaotix group consisted of:
- Knuckles the Echidna, former leader and full-time loner.
- Mighty the Armadillo, old friend of Sonic. He has strength that can nearly match Knuckles' strength - In Sonic the Comic, he is a rival of Espio.
- Espio the Chameleon, a serious ninja and detective who owns what are possibly the biggest shuriken known to man.
- Vector the Crocodile, a headphone-wearing croc from the hood, with the bling-bling included, who is always blasting music into his head at decibels that would drown out most airplanes - He is the leader of Chaotix in Sonic the Comic and in Sonic Heroes.
- Charmy Bee, a very young and bubbly bee with a heart as big as his stinger - In Sonic the Comic, his humming annoys his colleagues.
- Heavy and Bomb, two mysterious robots who claim they escaped from Eggman, but haven't been seen since.
In Fleetway's Sonic the Comic, Chaotix had a sixth member, Fang the Sniper. In the Sonic Archie comics, Julie-su was considered a member, making her the only female member of the Chaotix.
What first brought this varied group together was the discovery of the Newtrogic High Zone, where Dr. Eggman built a strange amusement park on based on the island's power to amplify the Master Emerald. Dr. Eggman also sent Metal Sonic to fight the Chaotix. After defeating the giant Metal Sonic, the group mostly dispersed.
Knuckles, being the loner he is, quickly went back to guard the Master Emerald. Bomb and Heavy's whereabouts are unknown. Mighty, who had also appeared alongside Sonic and Ray the Flying Squirrel in SegaSonic the Hedgehog, also went his own way.
Vector, Espio, and Charmy, the remaining members, formed the Team Chaotix detective agency who would do just about anything, within legal reason, for money. Despite the fact that the detective agency has a ninja who throws three-foot wide shuriken, money has been scarce. The story in Sonic Heroes begins after the group receives a strange telephone call.
Espio, Charmy and Vector also appear as detectives trying to get to the bottom of the 50-year-old Project Shadow research programme in Shadow the Hedgehog. Charmy appears in Prison Island searching for G.U.N.'s top-secret files, Espio appears in Mad Matrix trying to hack into Dr. Eggman's mainframe, and Vector must extract all the data into the computer of the ARK in Cosmic Fall.
Team Chaotix's theme song is also called Team Chaotix.