

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 21:09, 15 June 2008 by SuperSoniadow (talk | contribs) (Basic Info)

Template:CharacterSheet Tikal is a girl from Knuckles' tribe of Echidnas with very mystical powers. She debuted in Sonic Adventure.

Tikal was the one who sealed Chaos within the Master Emerald, but it was released by Doctor Eggman when he tried to free the monster. In the game, she appears as a little ball of light in every stage and area when you need help.

She also appears in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle as a 2P extra character.

Tikal (Mayan for "Bread") was named after the Mayan ruins in Central America, and was the largest and center of the five city-states that made up the ancient Mayan lands.

Basic Info

  • Age: 14 (excluding time spent in the Master Emerald)
  • Species: Echidna
  • Height: About 4' something (as tall, or an inch or two shorter than Sonic)
  • Weight: Around 74 lbs (and also as much weight as Cream)
  • Occupation: Chaos' watcher (make sure he doesn't get angry again)
  • Nationality: Whatever you would call her echidna race from Mystic Ruins' nationality

Tikal's Story

Tikal was the daughter of Pachacamac, the chief of Knuckles' long forgotten echidna race (Knuckles was never part of it as he's only 16 and it rose and declined nowhere near the 20th century). For a long time, Pachacamac yearned to expand his power over Mystic Ruin (which was connected to Angel Island at the time), but the precense and wishes of Tikal's grandmother prevented him from doing so. In addition to delaying many wars and killings, Tikal's grandmother learned many things about their neighbors, the mysterious Chao. In her lifetime, her grandmother bonded with the peaceful creatures and their guardian Chaos, learned of the Chaos and Master Emeralds that Chaos used to watch over, the miracle that they can create and most importantly, taught her knowledge of them to her people.

With these teachings, the echidna civilaztion was modeled after Chaos and the Emeralds, though no one really paid attention or learned to the information of the Chao or Chaos. Instead, Pachacamac was intrigued by the Emeralds' power and secretly desired them. Before she passed away, the grandmother taught her granddaughter Tikal of the Chao, Chaos, and the Emeralds, especially the legend related to them.

"The servers are the seven chaos.
Chaos is power,
Power enriched by the heart.
The controller is the one that unifies the chaos."

Knowing this, Tikal learned that whatever the Master Emerald was, it could cancel out the effects of the ellusive Chaos Emeralds. However, her grandmother was meant for long after passing on her findings. As soon as she passed away, Pachacamac immediately began invading and conquering other nations. Part of his conquest was his failed attempt to reach the fabled altar of the Master and Chaos Emeralds that Tikal's grandmother spoke of. Though he tried to obtain the powerful tools, an invisible barrier (Chaos' power) kept them from getting their As this tyranny carried on, Tikal was disgusted by these actions, though did nothing about it. She did, however, look into the tales that her grandmother told her. She got pass the invisible barrier that had prevented the rest of her people from getting to the altar of the Master Emerald. When she did, she was astonished to meet the Chao and even more so to see their protector, Chaos. Though the creature looked terrifying, Tikal found out that it was a friendly deity with a big heart, only seeking to keep its friends safe. In addition to protecting the Chao, Tikal learned that it was Chaos' duty to watch over the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds as it and the Chao lived at the altar. As she spent time with Chaos and the Chao, they began to trust her and became friends, even to the point that they showed her the Emeralds. Her jaw dropped as she finally saw the stones that her grandmother spoke so often of.

Though this joy was her's to enjoy, and share with her people, Tikal wasn't meant long to know it. Some time after Pachacamac learned of these stories, he planned to go after the Emeralds once more. Tikal caught word of this and rushed to her friends to try to save them. She begged Chaos and the Chao to leave, but he couldn't as he was bound to the Emeralds which counldn't be moved. Knowing this, Tikal went off to her tribe to try to persuade them from invading the sacred land. Pachacamac ignored the warning and instead he went after the Emeralds again, this time able to get past the barrier. As he and a group of his soldiers stood before the altar, all that stood in their way was Tikal. Desperate to protect her friends and put an end to her father's evil ways peacefully, she pleaded once more that they turn back, telling them that power shouldn't be obtained through brutal means and making others suffer and die. Pachacamac replied to this by sending his men forward to the altar, plowing over Tikal and the Chao as they obstructed their path. As pain came to the Chao, Chaos' rage was awakened and he emerged in their way to the Master Emerald. As if they weren't terrifyed enough by the monster's existence as it was, Chaos summoned the full power of all seven Chaos Emeralds to achieve his ultimate form and destroy all that were responsible for what he thought to be the deaths of his friends. However, Chaos didn't stop there, he went out and destroyed the entire Echidna Empire, killing everyone in the lands except a lucky few that lived long enough to pass on a few more generations, ending with Knuckles himself thousands of years later. Tikal was crushed and scared by this destruction but knew that something had to be done, even if she knew it would not end well for her misguided deads. She ran up to the Master Emerald and applied the legend to stop Chaos' reign of destruction before it seeped out into the rest of the world. As the poem was finished, Chaos, the Chao (which Tikal learned to still be alive), and even Tikal herself were absorbed into the void of the Master Emerald. And to further protect this power, the Master Emerald had the land surrounding the altar that connected to the Echidna Empire rise into the sky, far from the reach of those that would seek to abuse the the Emeralds' power. Throughout the years, a family line of echidnas that survived Chaos' revenge learned the error of their ways and saught to protect the Master Emerald as they too were carried away. This line would eventually dwindle down to the single guardian Knuckles, who was taught to protect it, its powers, and then was made to forget about his family, only to know to guard the Emerald. During this time, Tikal and the others slept in a dormant state in the emerald where no time passed for them.

Also during this time, Sonic the Hedgehog managed to accidentally find ways into the Master Emerald's Special Stage and retrieved the Chaos Emeralds, though not disturbing the life forms inside the Emerald. Other than this, the Master Emerald remained safe. But after a run-in with the fiendish Dr. Robotnik, the mad man attempted to use its power to power his crashed Death Egg, oblivious to its importance. Though he was foiled by Sonic the Hedgehog, he found stone tablets depicting the legends of the Chaos, the Chaos, the Chaos Emeralds, and the Master Emerald. As soon as he amounted a new Badnik army and three new bases (the Mystic Ruin base, Egg Carrier, and Egg Carrier 2), he attack the Master Emerald in such a fashion that even a mortal such as himself was able to shatter it. As part of his plan, Chaos was freed from his prison. In addition, Tikal, now with enough supernatural power to bring back interactable flashbacks and to assume the form of a floating ball, was freed and knew that Chaos must be sealed back inside the Master Emerald. However, she was unable to do this by herself, she attempted enlisting the help of Sonic, Tails, Amy Rose, Big, Knuckles and E-102 Gamma via showing them incidents that happened in her lifetime showing her relations with the Chaos and Chaos, the legend, and her father's lust for conquest. She primarily focused on Knuckles as he was an echidna too so she presumed that he would have the most knowledge of the Master Emerald's past and Chaos. However, Knuckles didn't catch on so she turned her attention to Tails, then Amy, then Big, next was Gamma, and finally Sonic. Sonic turned out to know more about the situation, so she showed him the final message, the one in which Chaos destroyed the Empire, just as Chaos re-emereged after numerous defeats to gain all seven Chaos Emeralds once and for all. Sonic indeed caught on to everything presented to him, and he set out with Tails to stop Chaos.

Despite their speed, Sonic and Tails weren't fast enough to stop Chaos and he resumed his Pefect form in Station Square. His formation alone was enough to destroy a large portion of it. Then, his power proved impressive as a single attack destroyed the Egg Carrier 2. As Sonic watched awe-stricken at Chaos, Tikal came around and turned into her normal form. She advised Sonic that Chaos must be sealed back into the Master Emerald at all costs, even though she still cared for him, but Sonic disagreed, knowing that Chaos' feelings will still brew if he isn't taught the error of his ways and helped with his pain. It was at this time that all of Sonic's friends presented him with the Chaos Emeralds. Chaos had seemingly sucked up all of their negative power into himself and spewed their now useless forms out. Though Tikal thought that all hope was lost, Tails proved her wrong by getting Sonic to use the postive energies of the Chaos Emeralds, those of the feelings of friendship, love, and other things opposite of hate and anger (which Chaos was using). Sonic assumed his Super Sonic form like no other time at that point as his already surprising power was boosted to insane levels thanks to the positive energies of the Emeralds. Tikal watched as Sonic made short work of the most powerful being, reverting it to its normal form. At this time, Tikal came back to him and told him that the Chao had survived the attack and that the rest of their kind was living peacefully with the lives on Earth. Tikal convinced Chaos that there was no need for him to be angry any more and thusly set his heart back to its original kindness. Now that Chaos was at peace once more, Tikal took another step to protect the world by using her powers to teleport herself and Chaos to a safe area where Chaos could live peacefully and no longer bother the world (It might have been an advanced form of Chaos Control).

Characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog game series
Recurring characters
Heroes Sonic (Super, Starfall, Hyper, Darkspine, the Werehog, Excalibur) | Tails (Super) | Knuckles (Super, Hyper) | Amy (Super, Hyper) | Mighty (Super) | Ray (Super) | Espio | Charmy | Vector | Cream | Big | Blaze (Burning) | Silver (Super) | Sticks
Anti-heroes/Neutrals Shadow (Hero, Dark, Super) | Rouge | E-102 Gamma | E-123 Omega | Jet | Wave | Storm
Villains Dr. Eggman | Metal Sonic (Rocket, Neo, 3.0) | Mecha Sonic (8-bit, Mk. II, Mk. III, Super) | Fang | Tails Doll | Metal Knuckles | Chaos (Perfect) | E-Series | ZERO | Biolizard (Finalhazard) | Black Doom (Devil Doom) | Eggman Nega | Orbot | Cubot | Deadly Six (Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Master Zik, Zeena, Zor)
Teams Sonic/Heroes | Rose | Dark | Chaotix | Babylon
Other Animals (Flicky) | Froggy | Chao (Hero, Dark) | Tikal | Pachacamac | Omochao | Chaclon | Gerald & Maria Robotnik | President | King Boom Boo | Cheese | Chocola | Vanilla | G.U.N. Commander | Wisps | Mother Wisp
One-off characters
Heroes Emerl | Marine | Lumina Flowlight | Chip | Shahra | Knights of the Round Table | Caliburn | Yacker | Avatar | Barry | Trip (Super)
Anti-heroes/Neutrals Bean | Bark | Shade | Merlina | Sage
Villains Witchcart | Hocke-Wulf | Bearenger | Carrotia | Battle Kukku Army (15th, 16th, Dr. Fukurokov) | E-101 Beta | Void | Chaos Gamma | Gemerl | Shugo-hei | Iblis | Mephiles | Solaris | Erazor Djinn | Captain Whisker | Johnny | Master Core: ABIS | Ix (Super) | Dark Gaia | King Arthur | Hard Boiled Heavies | Infinite | The End | Mirage Express
Teams Vector | Eggman
Other Birdie | Illumina | Secretary | Elise | Duke of Soleanna | Sonic Man | Coconut Crew | Vikings | Professor Pickle | Wentos | Don Fachio | Dodon Pa | Koco | Ancients | Conductor | Conductor's wife | Ariem | Heavy | Bomb | Tiara Boobowski | Honey