
Final Rush

From Sonic Retro

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Final Rush
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Final Rush
Sixteenth hero storyline stage, Sonic Adventure 2
Location: Space Colony ARK
Level theme: outer space
Mission 1: Hurry and find the point of the cannon!

Rank A 13,000 points
Rank B 11,000 points
Rank C 10,000 points
Rank D 9,000 points
Rank E Finish the mission
(total rings: DCicon.png 530 + 6 point markers GCicon.png 524 + 6 point markers)

Mission 2: Collect 100 rings!

Rank A 1:30
Rank B 1:45
Rank C 2:30
Rank D 3:00
Rank E Finish the mission

Mission 3: Find the lost Chao!

Rank A 4:15
Rank B 4:30
Rank C 4:45
Rank D 5:30
Rank E Finish the mission

Mission 4: Reach the goal within 5 minutes!

Rank A 13,000 points
Rank B 12,000 points
Rank C 10,000 points
Rank D 8,000 points
Rank E Finish the mission
(total rings: DCicon.png 530 GCicon.png 524)

Mission 5: Clear Hard Mode!

Rank A 13,000 points
Rank B 12,000 points
Rank C 10,000 points
Rank D 9,000 points
Rank E Finish the mission
(total rings: DCicon.png 497 + 6 point markers GCicon.png 491 + 6 point markers)

Crazy Gadget

Final Rush is the sixteenth stage in the Hero storyline of Sonic Adventure 2 and the sixth and last stage playable with Sonic. It represents Sonic's run through the ARK's underside to reach the Eclipse Cannon.

Level layout


Final Rush is almost entirely composed of vastly-colored rails and floating blue and purple platforms, with an occasional tunnel and brief moments inside the ARK, where there's usually three differently-colored tunnels, which grants additional items or routes. It seems to have originally been a travel network for the entire ARK originally, judging from the all of the countless warning signs, but that purpose seems to have deteriorated. The rails (perhaps originally supposed to guide the G.U.N. Lifts) have curved impossibly and the platforms are in near disarray, but still form a logical path. The numerous and lengthy rails and the continuous risk of a dive to the Earth make this a very fast and difficult level. One's reflexes must be fine-tuned, and not be so fast that they catapult themselves off the edge. There are also a fair number of alternative routs and shortcuts, which particularly helps with the timed-missions or A ranks. Other level objects are black and orange platforms with railings, blue rings in the center of rails that subtlety speed Sonic up, the aforementioned warning signs and wandering asteroids, some permanently fixed in a single place with a spring attached to them, providing players with a shortcut or a item. Additionally, there are red or green X's at the end of a few rails. Similarly to Sky Rail, if you press A at the end of a rail with a green X, then Sonic preforms a trick and the player is awarded bonus points. What trick you do is determined by your speed, and if you don't land on solid ground, the points aren't counted.

Level sections

Sonic first starts holding to a rocket and then being dropped to grind down a red rail, which leads to a platform, two sets of orange rails and a platform. Halfway down there are two rails flanking the way. The left and orange leads to an upwards ramp with a rail, a platform with a spring and another with another rail, a higher platform and another rail, which ends in the platform where the red rail ends. The right and purple leads to a platform with a spring or an upwards ramp with a rail to a set oft two platforms above, a set of springs, another two rails there are are a set of two red rails standing side by side, and at the end there’s the first Point Marker. Back at the platform where the left and the front path end, there’s a purple rail that leads to a platform with dash panels and at the back of that same platform there’s another purple rail that leads to the exact same place. The red rail at the right will connect with an orange, and at the end there will be the pair of red rails leading to the first Point Marker. The orange rail at the left will take to a rail that leads to a platform with a row of three springs the platform where the red and orange connect and from here to the same pair of two red rails and to the first Point Marker as well.

From here, it’s possible to see some rails down below, which is a massive shortcut. Yet continuing beyond, there’s a steep incline and halfway down, there are two rails, a small orange and a long red, that will lead to an ARK opening to the right that will end up connecting with the rails seen down below mentioned above. All the way to the back after the steep incline there’s a purple rail to the left that leads to a platform with springs that will launch Sonic to the same set of orange and red rails mentioned before. At the end there’s a platform with two Artificial Chaos and from here a long orange rail that leads to some platforms down below, where the second Point Marker is. It’s worth noticing that there’s a downwards long rail at the back of the platform with the two Artificial Chaos. It leads to the platform with an upwards ramp with two rails that will be mentioned below.

After the Point Marker, there’s a steep incline and a rocket that leads to a platform with a spring, or an upwards path thanks to rails. Either way, both end up in a purple rail that ends up in a platform section. It’s worth noting that a jump of faith to the right before the purple rail will lead to the platform section anyway. In this platform section there’s the upwards ramp with the two orange rails that was mentioned before. Past this there’s a rail that needs to be jumped for the next, otherwise there’s a spring that will lead back, and beyond there’s more rails and a platform where the third Point Marker is.

Past this there’s a tunnel and a room with a three way shaft, red, blue and yellow. The red shaft leads to an electric shield and the other two to different paths. The blue is a shortcut to a platform above. The yellow will take Sonic to a platform with an upreel and to platform and from here to another, where the blue shaft path ends. From here upwards there’s platforms, rails and upwards ramp with rails, and halfway up there’s the fourth Point Marker.

Beyond it’s more of the same, although there is an alternate path by jumping higher on the ramp with a rail before the platform with a spring, a set of springs and a long red rail, which ends in the fifth Point Marker.

After this there’s an ARK hallway section, with a lot of alternative paths, but almost all end in a vertical rail at the end, with the exception of one at the right, that shortcuts to the Mystic Melody ramp. After this there are two rails, the right and orange if grinded to the maximum, will launch Sonic to a set of platforms with a rocket that will lead to a way of platforms which at the end is where the Mystic Melody upgrade is. The Mystic Melody here will lead to orange rails that will be mentioned below. Back at the two-way rail, the left and purple will lead to a platform with the sixth Point Marker and a Mystic Ruin, which will make some platforms that will lead to a purple upwards rail and some platforms, where at the end is another Mystic Melody. If activated a trail of rings will appear that lead to a short rails and ramps with rails section, another platform with a tunnel and room. The only way back is from the way Sonic came.

Back at the Point Marker, there’s a long orange rail, halfway you can jump onto a purple rail that leads to the upgrade as well, and two platforms that make two alternative paths but that end up in the same long orange rail beyond. There are alternative paths here using the rails, but they all end up in a platform section beyond, which culminates in an orange rail. Also worth mentioning there’s an upwards orange rail at the beginning of the platform section. After this there’s another short platform section, a tunnel and a shaft room, red, blue and yellow once again. All end up in a downwards run from ARK pieces chasing Sonic and at the end there’s the Goal platform.

Other Versions

Shadow's Final Chase greatly resembles this level, as they take place in the exact same area. Eggman's Cosmic Wall also takes place in Final Rush; we even see a couple of still-intact rail transporters. Also, Space Gadget, The ARK, and Cosmic Fall (to a lesser extent)from Shadow the Hedgehog also bear huge similarities to this level, as they all take place on the ARK and its abandoned transportation system. The aforementioned Lost Impact (and by extent, The Doom) also notably have the polygonal warning signs from this level. AND Sonic and Shadow battle it out here twice; once in this game, and again in Sonic Generations.




Animal Number Location
Condor.png 3 Beginning: On the left edge of the platform after the orange rail, after taking the front rail at the beginning
First Point Marker: on the back of the platform after the long orange rail.
Second Point Marker: At the back of the platform with the upwards ramp with two orange rails at the front.
Dragon.png 2 Fifth Point Marker: on the ARK ledge to the right before the corner of the ARK hallway area.
Sixth Point Marker: On the right cube Sonic can pick up on the platform to the left of the first of the platform section.
Peacock.png 3 Beginning: on the back of the platform with a dash panel and a Chao container, by taking the left orange rail from the beginning.
Second Point Marker: After the steep incline, on the same platform as the rocket.
Fourth Point Marker: Close to the containers on the platform before the long red rail.
Penguin.png 4 First Point Marker: near a spring, located at a platform where the first purple rail ends.
Fourth Point Marker: on a wooden container, on the platform before the long red rail.
Sixth Point Marker: on the lower platform before the ramp with an orange rail, on the two alternative path platforms.
Sixth Point Marker: On the left aisle of the shaft room.
Sheep.png 3 Fourth Point Marker: at the back of the platform with the Point Marker.
Fifth Point Marker: behind the dash panels on the bottom platform after the Point Marker.
Sixth Point Marker: on the platform with a spring halfway to the Mystic Melody upgrade.
Random 5 Beginning: on a cube Sonic can pick up, at the platform with the row of three springs.
First Point Marker: On a pipe at the back of the platform after the steep incline.
First Point Marker: On a pipe on the end of the platform after the ARK section.
Sixth Point Marker: on the northern cube Sonic can pick up, on the platform halfway the long orange and red rail.
Sixth Point Marker: On the left cube Sonic can pick up on the platform to the left of the first of the platform section.
Sixth Point Marker: On a cube Sonic can pick up at the Platform with an Hornet-6.
Total 20 (21)
  • The level specific animal (third Chao container) is a Dragon.

Big the Cat

Halfway outside the ARK hallway section after the fifth Point Marker, there's a vertical rail that when grinded will launch Sonic into some springs at the top. As he's launched from them, the camera pans out a bit and Big can be seen over the ARK ledge above the springs, jumping and waving his arms around.

Chao containers

  • Beginning: on the front of the platform with a dash panel, by taking the left orange rail from the beginning.
  • First Point Marker: amongst two wooden containers at the platform beyond.
  • Third Point Marker: amongst the containers on the platform before the long red rail.

Gold Beetle

The gold beetle can be found by jumping higher on the ramp with one rail after the one with two rails, past the second Point Marker.


Information icon.svg
Trivia sections are bad
Try and incorporate this information into the main article. See the manual of style to find out why.

  • At least in the Dreamcast version, the game's counter considers there to be only 20 animals on the level, even though, as listed above, there's actually 21. After the twentieth animal, the game will give an extra life and the number will blink red like usual; when the twenty-first is subsequently collected, an additional life is awarded and the number twenty will blink red again as well.


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