
Amazing Interstellar Amusement Park

From Sonic Retro

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The Interstellar Amusement Park
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The Amazing Interstellar Amusement Park is the name of the collection of planets Eggman had captured in the game Sonic Colours. He says that this amusement park is his apology for all his previous misdeeds, but in reality he is only using the amusement park as a cover. His real purpose is to capture the Wisps and harness their Color Powers to power his mind-control laser which he plans on using to capture Sonic's world for his collection. He ties all the planets to Tropical Resort with tractor beam generators, which Sonic must destroy to free the planets from his grasp. After Sonic defeats Eggman, the planets that made up the park return to their normal locations across the universe, and thus it can be assumed the park is dissolved.


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TropicalReservoir1.jpg Tropical Resort (Wii / DS)
Eggman's artificial hotel worldlet and space elevator anchor.
Sweet mountain.jpg Sweet Mountain (Wii / DS)
A cake-based world with pastry geology.
StarlightCarnival.jpg Starlight Carnival (Wii / DS)
An armada of neon ships, presumably of the Doctor's manufacture.
Planet Wisp Wii.jpg Planet Wisp (Wii / DS)
The Wisps' verdant homeworld, supposedly created by Mother Wisp.
AquariumPark.jpg Aquarium Park (Wii / DS)
An azure, Oriental-themed waterpark world.
AsteroidCoaster.jpg Asteroid Coaster (Wii / DS)
White-knuckle thrills around a polluted asteroid cluster.
TerminalVelocity.png Terminal Velocity (Wii / DS)
The space elevator back down to Sonic's world.
GameLand.jpg Game Land (Wii / DS)
The location of the Sonic Simulator for multiplayer.

While Planet Wisp is explicitly stated to have been 'captured' by the Doctor for his park, and he obviously built Terminal Velocity himself, it's not entirely clear whether Eggman constructed areas like Sweet Mountain from scratch, or just stole them from elsewhere in the solar system.

Sonic Colours (Wii) / Sonic Colours: Ultimate
SonicColours Wii EU Title.png

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Sonic Colours (Nintendo DS)
Sonic Colours DS Title Screen.png

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Locations in the Sonic the Hedgehog game series
Islands   Christmas Island | South Island | West Side Island | Angel Island | Newtrogic High Zone | Cocoa Island | Flicky Island | Prison Island | Onyx Island | Southern Island | Starfall Islands | Northstar Islands
Landmarks / Buildings   Never Lake | Mt. Mobius | Emerald Shrine | Super Labyrinth | Tails' Workshop | Babylon Garden | Gaia Gate
Regions / Nations   Eggman Empire | Station Square | Mystic Ruins | United Federation | Central City | Soleanna | Monopole | City | Mystic Jungle
Vessels   Death Egg | Death Egg II | Egg Carrier | Space Colony ARK | Eggman Fleet
Planets / Planetoids   Mobius | Little Planet | Black Comet | Interstellar Amusement Park | Lost Hex
Dimensions   Special Stage | Maginaryworld | Sol Dimension | Arabian Nights | Twilight Cage | World of Camelot | White Space | Dreamscape | Micro Mobius