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m (Station Square: Reworded two screenshot descriptions, one of which contains a small feature from the AutoDemo.)
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==Saturn Development==
According to a [[:Image:Nightsadventure.jpg|Retro Gamer Magazine Article]] ''[[Sonic World]]'', an extra on ''[[Sonic Jam]]'', was a prototype version of ''[[Sonic Adventure]]''. This was also revealed in the trivia section of the [[:Image:Flamingskeleon.png|Sonic Advance 2 strategy guide]].
[[File:Sonic1024.png|thumb|The now iconic silhouette of Sonic, green eyes and grin foreshadowing his jump into a 3D world.]]
''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' went through many ideas and changes during the development process. What follows is a collection of items related to the game's development.
==Spielwarenmesse Nürnberges Concept Art==
==Development process==
[[File:Naka Ohshima Hanging Out.png|thumb|Naka and Ohshima, together again.]]
With the completion of ''[[Sonic & Knuckles]]'', the majority of the Japanese side of the [[Sega Technical Institute]], including producer and programmer [[Yuji Naka]], decided to return to their native land, leaving behind the ''[[:Category:Games|Sonic the Hedgehog ]]'' franchise in the hands of other creative teams in other countries. Once back in Japan, Naka finally reunited with the original creator of [[Sonic the Hedgehog]], [[Naoto Ohshima]]. Resurrecting the [[Sonic Team]] name, a group of both veteran members and newcomers decided to begin work on a title completely separate from the Sonic concept, wanting to prove that the minds behind the biggest franchise in Sega's catalogue were able to create new and exciting ideas without completely relying on the most famous hedgehog in the world. With the [[sega:Sega Saturn|Sega Saturn]] hardware well on its way to being released for the consumer market, the team began development on an idea Naka had conceived right after the completion of ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)|Sonic the Hedgehog 2]]'' - ''[[sega:NiGHTS Into Dreams|NiGHTS Into Dreams]]''.
At the 1999 [ Spielwarenmesse Nürnberges], also known as the Nürnberg International Toy Fair, [[Sega]] provided a [[Dreamcast]] digital press kit for attendees. The kit included concept models, character sketches and concept art for ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'', which was set to release in the West later that year. Included below are the images provided on the disc for the game. To view any of the images at full size, simply click on the image.
Knowing that the Sonic franchise was still a viable money-making tool, Sega was unwilling to let the series slumber, assigning the members of STI that remained to work on the next major installment of the series: ''[[Sonic X-treme]]''. Though filled with people who had grand visions of what Sonic would be like in the third dimension, the project would be almost doomed from the start. With Naka viewing the very first conceptual ideas for the game, the man who would become the head of Sonic Team simply shook his head, saying "good luck" and moving on. Indeed, through numerous shifts and changes in both hardware and the director, the project ultimately would be canceled, leaving a hole in the Saturn lineup that would be felt across the board at Sega. While other titles such as the [[sega:Traveller's Tales|Traveller's Tales]]-produced ''[[Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island]]'' and the  [[sega:Sega 32X|Sega 32X]] exclusive title ''[[Knuckles Chaotix|Chaotix]]'' attempted to fill the void left by ''X-treme'', it was clear that these titles would not be the heavy-hitters the company needed. To the outside world, it seemed clear that the only people who would be able to make Sonic work in the new generation of gaming would be the people responsible for helping launch the franchise in the first place - Sonic Team.
[[File:Iizuka_SA1_Reveal.png|thumb|Takashi Iizuka, Director of ''Sonic Adventure''.]]
Though it is possible Naka and Ohshima were quite aware that they would have to produce another Sonic title at some point, it was [[Takashi Iizuka]], Senior Game Designer for ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 3]]'' and ''Sonic & Knuckles'' who began pushing the idea of a "Sonic RPG" to be the development studio's next big game. Though work on Sonic Team's second non-Sonic property ''[[sega:Burning Rangers|Burning Rangers]]'' was underway, it was decided that the group would indeed look into producing the next big Sonic game. Realizing that the majority of the team responsible for the classic games was still under Sega's employment, Iizuka made it a point to discuss with each person what made up Sonic, not just as a compelling character but as a compelling game series, not wanting to lose those essential elements in the jump to 3D.
===Character Concept Models===
Not wanting to strictly make an RPG, but knowing that 3D-capable systems offered both the space and graphical capability to expand on a story, it was decided that the game would have a much greater emphasis on plot, just as ''[[Sonic 3 & Knuckles]]'' had taken a narrative leap over its predecessor, ''Sonic the Hedgehog 2''. However, before any work was to be done on such specific details, the team knew they first had to figure out how to take Sonic and make him work outside of a two-dimensional plane. Arguing over just how Sonic would work, eventually a group consensus was reached as to how a 3D Sonic level would operate. Working with the basic building blocks, a simple test level was put together to see if what they had on paper would work in practice.
The following are early models for various characters in ''Sonic Adventure''. Many of the joints in each model are improperly connected, and as such, can be seen plainly.
{{quote|1=When we built our first test level, we knew we had to test it out, just to make sure our ideas worked. It ended up only lasting about ten seconds, and we knew we couldn't build a game around this structure. We had to rebuild levels over and over again until we finally had a level length we were happy with.|2=Takashi Iizuka, Director of ''Sonic Adventure''}}
|Sonic model sheet
|Tails model sheet.
The stiffness of the tails seems to indicate this was an early test model.
|[[Image:Sa concept model knuckles.png|100px]]
|Knuckles model sheet
|[[Image:Sa concept model amy.png|100px]]
|Amy model sheet
|[[Image:Sa concept model e102.png|100px]]
|E-102 model sheet.
Note that some of the poses are missing Gamma's aimer, which covers his eye when about to shoot.
|[[Image:Sa concept model big.png|100px]]
|Big model sheet
|[[Image:Sa concept model echidna.png|100px]]
|Echidna Tribe models
===Character Sketches===
[[File:Ohshima Uekawa Hedgehog.png|thumb|Ohshima, Uekawa, and a blue hedgehog.]]
<gallery widths="200px">
The earliest builds of the game were originally programmed with the Saturn in mind, as it was the current console the company was pushing and the focus of the rest of Sonic Team's development. However, when it became painfully obvious that the life span of the Sega Saturn was going to be dramatically shorter than the [[sega:Sega Mega Drive|Mega Drive]], the team reached a crossroads - either continue working on what would become ''Sonic Adventure'' as a Saturn title, or to scrap what they had done and begin working anew using the proposed specs of Sega's next system, codenamed "Katana." Realizing the futility of continuing with the Saturn, and knowing the scope of the project might be better suited for more advanced hardware, what could be ported was done so, the team now working on a game that would be one of the premier titles for the [[sega:Sega Dreamcast|Sega Dreamcast]]. Wanting to make sure the game would be the perfect demonstration of what the system would be capable of, Yuji Naka became involved in the hardware creation of the Dreamcast, offering suggestions and changes to the schematics of Sega's last great hope.
Image:SaconSonic Concept.jpg|Sonic sketch showing the ''Sonic Adventure'' style. The notes on the picture detail how the torso works.
Image:SaconSonic Concept2.jpg|A basic "how-to" sketch showing the construction of Sonic's head.
Not wanting to let the work that had been done for the Saturn version go to waste, the earliest builds of ''Sonic Adventure'' were transformed into the [[Sonic World]] portion of the compilation title ''[[Sonic Jam]]''. Intended to simply be a collection of the main four Mega Drive titles and an assortment of bonus features, this early look into how a 3D Sonic title would work was included, becoming the portal to a wealth of knowledge involving the blue blur. Unknowingly, the gaming public was used as a test subject to see how people would react to such a title.
Image:SaconKnuckles Amy Concept.jpg|Sketch highlighting various changes made to Knuckles and Amy in their new ''Sonic Adventure'' designs.
Image:SaconCharacters Concept.jpg|Drawing showing the height differences between the main four characters.
With production now in full gear for the Dreamcast, the production team wanted to take full advantage of the superior graphical capabilities they now had. Fueled with the desire to create worlds far more realistic than what had been possible beforehand, the core members of the ''Sonic Adventure'' development team, consisting of producer Yuji Naka, designer [[Hiroshi Nishiyama]], programmer [[Tetsu Katano]], director Takashi Iizuka, designer [[Nobuhiko Honda]], and art director [[Kazuyuki Hoshino]], went on a trip to Central and South America. Although ruins and jungles had been used before in previous Sonic titles, none of the team members had actually gone to any such locales in person before, instead taking their inspiration from movies, TV shows, and other popular media. With this in mind, it was decided the team would explore on their own, in the hopes that this change in scenery would provide a wealth of inspiration for the game. Starting out in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, the group traveled through Chichen Itza, Tulum, San Gervasio, Tikal, and Uaxactun, then flew down to the South American country Peru, where they visited the Nazca lines, Cusco, Machu Picchu, and Pachacamac.
Image:SaconBig Concept.jpg|Concept art for Big. Looking at this, it looks like they originally were trying to make him look like the cat-like figure seen in Miyazaki's Japanese animated features.
Image:E-102 Concept.jpg|Some concept artwork of E-102 Gamma, showing that at one point he had a very different look to him. Here he looks much more like the [[Eggrobo]], and some other images show that he once had a lump on the back of his head, and his arms were attached to the black part of his body.
Confronted with sights and sounds they had never seen before, the team made sure to not let the environment overwhelm them, knowing the trip was not simply a pleasure cruise. Filming their trip and taking pictures of everything in sight, many of their images were then used in the creation of such locations as [[Emerald Coast]], [[Lost World]] and the [[Mystic Ruins]], not just as inspiration but in some cases literally. Many of the textures found in the more realistic areas of the game were lifted straight from the team's collected photographs. One idea for the game which hadn't been part of the original plan, but was directly inspired by their trip, was the [[Sand Hill]] level in [[Miles "Tails" Prower]]'s version of the game:
Image:SaconEggman Concept.jpg|Early concept sketch of Eggman. This seems to be something of a transitional period for the character, as his face and body structure is reminiscent of the final ''Sonic Adventure'' design, though he is wearing the classic outfit seen in pre-1998 artwork. He is also missing his goggles, aside from one head sketch on the right.
[[File:Hikenai.jpg|thumb|Yuji Naka pretending to jam.]]
{{quote|1=While we were in Peru...we noticed some people boarding on sand dunes. We were so impressed with this. We had no idea this kind of sport actually existed. It was so new and exciting for us to see this, we knew that we had to add this element to our game. And we figured that Tails, if anyone, was the most appropriate character to use.|2=Takashi Iizuka, Director of ''Sonic Adventure''}}
However, the trip was not all fun and games, the team having unexpected encounters with tarantulas, snakes, and reportedly Katano collapsing from an altitude sickness at one point. At the end of it all, the team returned to Japan in one piece, full of enthusiasm to create the game.
Though unique goals and playstyles were thought up by the team, Iizuka felt that perhaps there should be completely separate playstyles in the game represented by new characters, to not only change the pace of the game but to also broaden the appeal, and have people who would not normally be interested in a Sonic title look into purchasing the game. The first of these new characters was [[E-102 Gamma]], a robotic creation built by Eggman, his story giving a look beyond Sonic and the gang. His playstyle, that of targeting and shooting, was in direct response to people who had written in to Sonic Team and asked for a shooting component to be added to their games. Feeling it not in Sonic or any other established playable's casts nature to wield a gun, a separate character was developed, designed in such a way that Gamma still felt perfectly natural within the Sonic universe. The second of these new characters, [[Big the Cat]], went with the unusual choice of fishing. Wanting to create a character that "went at his own pace" and broke up the intense nature of the other five, Big was conceived, his gameplay decided upon based on the fact he was a cat.
[[File:Train sonic.png|thumb|A Japanese subway advertising the ''Sonic Adventure'' unveiling at the Tokyo International Forum.]]
One element that Iizuka wanted to have in the game was an enemy that was completely separate from Eggman, and also something which, up until then, was impossible to create in a game. Wanting something liquid and transparent, the character of [[Chaos]] was thought up. Presenting the original concept art and idea to Naka, Chaos was approved on the spot, his role in the game cemented. His ever-shifting nature and demeanor was something the team wanted to advertise, placing the character in the very first playable sequence in the game.
Another aspect of the game that was decided early on was resurrecting the "A-Life" technology originally developed for ''NiGHTS Into Dreams''. Though simplistic in ''NiGHTS'' and only a passive goal within the main stages, the idea was completely retooled, fleshed out for ''Sonic Adventure''. Creating characters called [[Chao]] that borrowed visual cues from both the Nightopians and the new character Chaos, a game-within-a-game was developed alongside. The Chao-raising experience was yet another element that was meant to attract people who were unfamiliar with Sonic, and was also meant to help people become better at playing the game. The more time spent with Chao raising, the better the player's skill at the Action Stages was meant to be, turning a casual gamer into a dedicated Sonic the Hedgehog player.
[[File:Yuji Naka and Friends.png|thumb|Yuji Naka and friends.]]
With each element slowly falling into place, it wouldn't take long before word got out that Sonic Team, hot off their critically acclaimed Saturn titles, was busily creating a new Sonic the Hedgehog title. Speculation ran wild, the early concept of a "Sonic RPG" leaking out and causing people to believe the next game would be called ''Sonic & Knuckles RPG''. However, the full details of the game were able to stay guarded, one fuzzy screenshot being all that the public saw, many not even believing the shot to be from a Sonic game. The speculation train would soon go into overdrive when it was announced that on August 22nd, 1998, a public unveiling of the game would happen at the Tokyo International Forum. Accompanied with the now iconic green eyes and grin, the show was advertised on Japanese television and {{file|Cf1 44.mp3|radio}} {{file|Cf2 44.mp3|stations}}, the initial two shows planned expanded into three based on the projected turnout. Though a handful of screenshots were leaked days prior on a French news site, the anticipation of the event unwaivered, people lining up along the streets hours ahead of time. When the doors opened, the crowd was treated to a wealth of information, hosted by none other than Yuji Naka, along with a pair of Japanese radio personalities Yūko Hamaya and Chris Peppler. Simultaneously streamed on the Internet and recorded on VHS for those who could not attend, live gameplay and prerecorded videos showcased the style of the game, along with the new characters and expanded storyline. Immediately, the game became one of the most requested, Sonic Team hastily finishing it up in time for its December release in Japan. Periodically offering new content up on their website, the game was finally released on December 23rd, 1998.
[[File:Hikeru.jpg|thumb|[[Jun Senoue]] posing with his limited edition guitar.]]
Knowing the game could use some much-needed polish for its western debut, a handful of Sonic Team members flew out to Sega of America, located in San Francisco. Dubbed "Sonic Team USA," the group's primary focus was on localizing the game. Unlike previous Sonic titles where entire storylines were discarded and art completely redrawn, for ''Sonic Adventure'' it was decided the arbitrary divide between the eastern and western versions of Sonic would be erased, the Japanese canon becoming the one, official story for Sonic. Months before its proper release, a deal was stuck with video rental chain Hollywood Video, in which Sega Dreamcasts, along with copies of ''Sonic Adventure'', could be rented out to people who wished to try the system out before release. Starting July 15th, 1999, ''[[Sonic Adventure: Limited Edition]]'' contained only portions of the game, saving enough to bring people back to buy it come fall. Released on September 9th, 1999 (along with the launch of the Dreamcast in the U.S.) the game served to be both a commercial and critical success, high praise for the game also being heard in Japan, where Sonic had never been able to pick up steam. The cleaned-up version of ''Sonic Adventure'' was released in Japan under the title ''[[Sonic Adventure International]]'', one of the "Play 4!" titles that Sonic Team announced after the initial release of ''Sonic Adventure'' (the other titles being ''[[sega:Chu Chu Rocket|Chu Chu Rocket]]'', ''[[sega:Samba De Amigo|Samba De Amigo]]'' and ''[[sega:Phantasy Star Online|Phantasy Star Online]]''). With the team that remained back in Japan working on ''PSO'', "Sonic Team USA" would soon begin their next project - ''[[Sonic Adventure 2]]''.
Although a success for Sega, ''Sonic Adventure'' would also serve to be the final game worked on by the character's creator, Naoto Ohshima. Though never officially stated, rumors around his leaving the company proved similar to the rumors that surrounding the dissolving of Naka and Yasuhara's partnership - that Ohshima had run into disputes with Naka over the continued direction of the Sonic franchise. Though unsubstantiated, the result was the same, with Ohshima leaving the company, eventually going on to found his own development studio, Artoon. Curiously enough, when ''Sonic Adventure'' was eventually ported to the [[sega:Nintendo GameCube|Nintendo GameCube]], Ohshima's name was removed from the end credit list for reasons that have yet to be explained.
===Character redesigns===
[[File:SJAM_SONIC_3.png|thumb|Artwork for ''Sonic Jam'' by Satoshi Okano, which eventually inspired the character redesigns for ''Sonic Adventure''.]]
While redesigns for Sonic Adventure weren't planned from the start,{{ref|}} a domino effect of prior events caused them to happen during development.
In the midst of ''[[Sonic Jam]]'''s development, [[Kazuyuki Hoshino]] gave [[Satoshi Okano]] the task to create promotional ''Sonic Jam'' art for ''[[:sega:Sega Saturn Magazine (Japan)|Sega Saturn Magazine]]''. With the help of Hoshino's love for street culture insight and Okano's art style, a new design was created for the magazine.{{ref|}}
{{quote|1=I wanted to give Sonic a timeless, cutting-edge image, I was raised on and inspired by American Sci-Fi movies, New York hip-hop, sneaker and street culture, and UK industrial rock music. My inspirations were George Lucas and Steven Spielburg movies, Nike basketball shoes, the Adidas tracksuits RUN DMC wore in their 1988 photoshoots, Flavor Flav’s clock and glasses, De la Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers lyrics, Bjork, Underworld, and other music, music videos, and artwork like that.|2=Satoshi Okano{{ref|}}}}
[[File:SA1 earlySonic conceptart Harmony154.png|thumb|4 different concepts for Sonic's redesign, in order (by numbers) by Yuji Uekawa, Satoshi Okano, Naoto Ohshima and [[Takumi Miyake]].]]
According to Satoshi Okano, [[Yuji Naka]] liked the promotional art{{ref|}} and it was also included in the files of ''Sonic Jam'', although he later requested a revised version of the design which omitted detail on Sonic's shoes.{{ref|}} The revised version was used for free advertisement cards.{{ref||}} Naka and Hoshino later decided to create an internal design competition to see who could improve on this design, because the two of them thought that specific designers had the potential to do so,{{ref|}} and likely because of Naka's overall positive reception towards the ''Sega Saturn Magazine'' design. The winner of the competition would get their design adopted into Sonic Adventure. According to Okano, Naka decided to have Okano join the competition, so it's likely that Naka and perhaps Hoshino picked the contestants themselves.
{{quote|1=Among the four who participated in the contest, there was classic Sonic’s father, Naoto Ohshima, Yuji Uekawa who drew characters like Ristar the Shining Star and Sonic, and Takumi Miyake who illustrated the 1996 Nights into Dreams storybook. Although I was a 3D field designer for SEGA, I was recommended because of my past work on Saturn Magazine.|2=Satoshi Okano{{ref|}}}}
[[Yuji Uekawa]], who had previously created the title character of [[:sega:Ristar|Ristar]] and worked on ''Flickies' Island'' and ''Sonic R'', was the competition winner and was recruited to redraw characters that had imprinted into the minds of numerous people in the 90's. Such a task was one Uekawa did not take lightly.
{{quote|1=Our mission was to renew the character, so we had to ask ourselves "to what extent do we change Sonic? What are the reasons for changing the way it looks?" That's what I paid close attention to.|2=Yuji Uekawa, Character Designer for ''Sonic Adventure''}}
With Ohshima looking over his shoulder, Uekawa set to work on a stylized version of the main cast, inspired in part by graffiti art, which Kazuyuki Hoshino and Satoshi Okano had taken inspiration from for the ''Sonic Jam'' era promotional design. Uekawa's submitted redesign underwent additional adjustments. Uekawa added green irises around his pupils to make them stand out from other parts of Sonic's body and to reflect the green pastures around him. Proportions were also tweaked to make Sonic look more grown-up and to keep an overall color balance, and a new deeper shade of blue was picked to match Sega's then-new overseas logo.
Giving "Tails" and Knuckles the Echidna similar overhauls, when it came time to tweak the designs of Dr. Eggman and Amy Rose, Uekawa decided to drastically redesign those characters.
Concept art of Amy's redesign was revealed at [[:sega:Joypolis|Joypolis]] likely a week ahead of ''Sonic Adventure'''s August 22nd reveal event.{{ref|}}{{ref|}}{{ref|}} Aging Amy Rose and changing everything from her hairstyle to her dress, she visually became a character that fit in with the goals the story set out for her. Eggman, on the other hand, was originally meant to maintain his classic design, but at some point it was decided to alter his style as well, creating an Eggman in stark contrast to the simplistic design Ohshima had come up with years prior.
==Sonic Team's travels==
The following is a collection of photographs Sonic Team took while on their many travels across Central and South America in preparation for ''Sonic Adventure''. The trip lasted from November 26th to December 9th, 1996.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
nanbei0.jpg|"All of us gathered at Tulum."
nanbei1.jpg|"The native of Machu Picchu."
nanbei2.jpg|"Napping at Tikal."
nanbei3.jpg|"Dinner at Cancún."
nanbei4.jpg|"We went to the sea as well."
nanbei5.jpg|"Tried to fit in there for a bit."
nanbei6.jpg|"Just about to go out on a llama."
nanbei7.jpg|"We're the Sonic Team!!" (from left to right: Naka, Nishiyama, Katano, Iizuka, Honda, Hoshino)
nan0817a.jpg|"Couldn't help but strike a cool pose."
nan0817b.jpg|"Ocean view from Cancún's hotel."
nan0817c.jpg|"Chilling out at Chichen Itza."
nan0817d.jpg|"Giving him a drink~"
nan3_0.jpg|"Monkeys fighting in the jungle."
nan3_1.jpg|"What is that, mister?"
nan3_2.jpg|"Struck a pose again today!"
nan3_3.jpg|"Doesn't this plane seem small?"
nan3_4.jpg|"Well, we're above Ica after all."
nan3_5.jpg|"We finally saw it. This is it."
nan4_0.jpg|"Ah... The oxygen is sparse."
nan4_1.jpg|"Amazing! Machu Picchu really was there!"
nan4_3.jpg|"From the Cusco train window."
nan4_5.jpg|"At times like that, drink this Coca tea."
==Concept art==
The following is a collection of concept art related to the production of ''Sonic Adventure''. Many of the following images were included with a digital press kit Sega released during the promotion of the game, given to attendees at the 1999 [ Spielwarenmesse Nürnberges], also known as the Nürnberg International Toy Fair
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SaconSonic Concept.jpg|Sonic sketch showing the Sonic Adventure style. The notes on the picture detail how the torso works.
SaconSonic Concept2.jpg|A basic "how-to" sketch showing the construction of Sonic's head.
SA1_earlySonic_conceptart.png|Early Sonic redesign concept art by [[Yuji Uekawa]].
Joypolis2016_ConceptArt_SonicSA1.png|Concept art shown at the [|Joypolis 25th Anniversary party].
SaconKnuckles Amy Concept.jpg|Sketch highlighting various changes made to Knuckles and Amy in their new Sonic Adventure designs.
SaconBig Concept.jpg|Concept art for Big the Cat, resembling in certain respects the cat-like figure seen in [[wikipedia:Hayao Miyazaki|Hayao Miyazaki]]'s animated features.
SA1_Big_ConceptArt1.jpg|Concept art for Big the Cat, resembling in certain respects the cat-like figure seen in [[wikipedia:Hayao Miyazaki|Hayao Miyazaki]]'s animated features.
SA1_Big_ConceptArt2.jpg|Concept art for Big the Cat, resembling in certain respects the cat-like figure seen in [[wikipedia:Hayao Miyazaki|Hayao Miyazaki]]'s animated features.
SA1_Big_ConceptArt4.png|Concept art for Big the Cat.
SA1_Big_ConceptArt5.png|Concept art for Big the Cat.
E-102 Concept.jpg|Early concept art of a vastly different E-102 Gamma, partially resembling an [[Eggrobo]].
Adventure_E-102EarlyConcept.jpg|Early concept art of a vastly different E-102 Gamma, partially resembling an Eggrobo.
Joypolis2016_ConceptArt_E102_SA1.png|Concept art shown at the Joypolis 25th Anniversary party.
SaconEggman Concept.jpg|A working of Dr. Eggman trying to find a balance between his classic look and his final ''Sonic Adventure'' style. Of note is the fact the full body sketch features his original clothing, and only one sketch has the goggles that were added to the final design.
Sonic Adventure Concept 02.jpg|A sketch of Super Sonic by Naoto Ohshima.
SaconCharacters Concept.jpg|A drawing showcasing the height differences between the four main characters.
SA Sonic Sketch.png|Final sketch of Sonic the Hedgehog.
SA Tails Sketch.png|Final sketch of Miles "Tails" Prower.
SA Knuckles Sketch.png|Final sketch of Knuckles the Echidna.
SA Amy Sketch.png|Final sketch of Amy Rose.
SA Big Sketch.png|Final sketch of Big the Cat.
SA E102 Sketch.png|Final sketch of E-102 Gamma.
SA Tikal Concept.jpg|Concept art of [[Tikal]].
SA_Stylebook_Sonic_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Sonic from the [[Sonic Adventure Stylebook]].
SA_Stylebook_Sonic_Concept2.png|Sonic's model sheet from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Tails_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Tails from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Tails_Concept2.png|Tails' model sheet from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Knuckles_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Knuckles from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Knuckles_Concept2.png|Knuckles' model sheet art from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Amy_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Amy from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Amy_Concept2.png|Amy's model sheet from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Big_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Big from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_E102_Concept1.png|Color guidance for E-102 Gamma from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Eggman_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Eggman the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
SA_Stylebook_Chao_Concept1.png|Color guidance for Chao from the Sonic Adventure Stylebook.
Perfect Chaos Concept 01.jpg|Concept art of Perfect Chaos by Naoto Ohshima.
Chao Concept Art 1.png|Assorted Chao concept art.
Chao Concept Art 2.png|More Chao concept art.
Storyboards by Kazuyuki Hoshino.
SA1 Storyboard03.png
===Mystic Ruins Sketches===
<gallery widths="200px">
{{main|Sonic Adventure Stylebook}}
Image:Mr night.png|Mystic Ruins at night--Sonic seems to be holding a torch. NiGHTS can be seen in the moon.
The images below are early renders of the final models for the various characters used in-game. Because of this, the joints for each character are visible.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SapsdSONIC.png|Sonic the Hedgehog
SapsdTAILS.png|Miles "Tails" Prower
Sa concept model knuckles.png|Knuckles the Echidna
Sa concept model amy.png|Amy Rose
Sa concept model big.png|Big the Cat
Sa concept model e102.png|E-102 Gamma
Sa concept model echidna.png|[[Knuckles Clan|The Knuckles]]
===Egg Carrier Sketches===
===Underground altar===
<gallery widths="200px">
Below is concept art drawn by [[Hiroshi Nishiyama]] depicting the emerald altar underground [[Hidden_Palace_Zone_(Sonic_&_Knuckles)|similarly to]] [[Sonic & Knuckles]]. It was shared by the US Sonic social media team "Sonic Pillar" on their 2020 ExtraLife Livestream and later posted to official social media channels.
Image:SaconEggCarrier 01.jpg|Here's a quick original sketch of the Egg Carrier done on some graph paper.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
Image:SaconEggCarrier 04.jpg|Some more, cleaner sketches of the final Egg Carrier design.
Image:SaconEggCarrier 02.jpg|It looks like the Egg Carrier had a very different design at one point, almost looking like the Submarine from Disney's 'Atlantis'. There's another sketch to look like an EggTrain as well.
Image:SaconEggCarrier 05.jpg|Some closer to final sketches with some colour. This also shows off the second mode as a sketch.
Image:SaconEggCarrier 03.jpg|This is a painting of the cockpit of Eggman's Egg Carrier. It's very similar to the final design except for the dimples in the glass, which you can't see in the game.
Image:Ec hall.png|Here are the walls inside the Egg Carrier. The painting makes it look more darker and mysterious, and seems to be much larger than the final, like a huge corridor rather than a main room.
Image:Eg image.png|Here's an image of the monorail surrounding the Egg Carrier. The Eggman face in the very back looks like it has a Viking hat on, and is coloured very differently.
Image:Ec arasi.png|Here is a sketchy painting of the Egg Carrier in it's first form. It uses a lot more yellows than the final, making it look more sinister.
===Miscellaneous Concept Models===
===Egg Carrier===
<gallery widths="200px">
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
Image:SaconTornado.jpg|The Tornado
SaconEggCarrier 01.jpg|An initial sketch of the Egg Carrier done on graph paper.
Image:SaconTornado2a.jpg|The Tornado II, plane mode
SaconEggCarrier 04.jpg|A cleaner sketch of the final Egg Carrier design.
Image:SaconTornado2b.jpg|The Tornado II, second mode
SaconEggCarrier 02.jpg|Alternate concepts for the design of the Egg Carrier, one resembling a train, the other a submarine.
Image:SaconEggCarrier 06.jpg|Egg Carrier
SaconEggCarrier 05.jpg|Concept art of the Egg Carrier in its two forms.
SaconEggCarrier 03.jpg|A painting of the Egg Carrier's cockpit. Visible in the image are dimples in the glass, unnoticeable ingame.
Ec hall.png|A painting of the interior of the Egg Carrier, looking far more dark and mysterious than in the final game. It also resembles a long corridor as opposed to the giant room in the final.
Eg image.png|Concept art of the monorail that surrounds the Egg Carrier. The Eggman logo in the back looks almost to have a Viking hat on.
Ec arasi.png|A sketchy painting of the Egg Carrier's playfield, using far more yellow than the final model in-game.
SaconEggCarrier 06.jpg|The final CG model of the Egg Carrier.
===Saturn-era concept art by Satoshi Okano===
At the end of November 2023, Satoshi Okano shared a series of tweets posting drawings that he did for the then upcoming new Sonic the Hedgehog title. The drawings also feature, among others, the mysterious spider character that appears on some posters in the game's Speed Highway stage as well as a new character named Fly the Bat.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SatoshiOkano1 2023-11-23 Samba.jpg|Samba de Amigo
SatoshiOkano2 2023-11-23 Samba.jpg|Samba de Amigo
SatoshiOkano3 2023-11-23 Samba.jpg|Samba de Amigo
SatoshiOkano4 2023-11-23 SpiderGirl.jpg|Spider Girl
SatoshiOkano5 2023-11-23 Sonic.jpg|Sonic
SatoshiOkano6 2023-11-23 Sonic&Eggman.jpg|Sonic & Dr. Eggman
SatoshiOkano7 2023-11-23 Sonic&Fly.jpg|Sonic & Fly the Bat
SatoshiOkano8 2023-11-23 New.jpg|?
File:SatoshiOkano9 2023-11-23 SpiderGirl&Fly.jpg|Spiderl Girl & Fly the Bat
SatoshiOkano1 2023-11-27 MysticRuins.jpg|Mystic Ruins
SatoshiOkano2 2023-11-27 SegaSaturnMagazineSonic.jpg|Sega Saturn Magazine Sonic
SatoshiOkano3 2023-11-27 SonicJamExtraStage.jpg|Sonic Jam Extra Stage
SatoshiOkano4 2023-11-27 SonicJamExtraStage.jpg|Sonic Jam Extra Stage
SatoshiOkano9 2023-11-27 SonicADVEggmanVarious.jpg|Sonic ADV Eggman Various
SatoshiOkano10 2023-11-27 SonicADVEggmanSpeechRoom.jpg|Sonic ADV Eggman Speech Room
SatoshiOkano11 2023-11-27 E-102BoosterRoom.jpg|E-102 Booster Room
SatoshiOkano12 2023-11-27 Various&new.jpg|Various & chara not asked
SatoshiOkano1 2023-12-05 SonicADVBic'shouse.jpg|Sonic ADV Bic's house
SatoshiOkano2 2023-12-05 SonicADVBic'shouse.jpg|Sonic ADV Bic's house
SatoshiOkano3 2023-12-05 SonicADVTailsHouse.jpg|Sonic ADV Tails House
SatoshiOkano4 2023-12-05 SonicADVTailsHouse.jpg|Sonic ADV Tails House
SatoshiOkano5 2023-12-05 Tails.jpg|Tails
SatoshiOkano6 2023-12-05 Sonic.jpg|Sonic
SatoshiOkano7 2023-12-05 Tails.jpg|Tails
SatoshiOkano8 2023-12-05 Sonic.jpg|Sonic
SatoshiOkano9 2023-12-05 Eggman.jpg|Eggman
SatoshiOkano10 2023-12-05 Sonic.jpg|Sonic
SatoshiOkano11 2023-12-05 Sonic.jpg|Sonic
SatoshiOkano12 2023-12-05 Sonic.jpg|Sonic
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1_EmeraldCoast_ConceptArt.jpg|Concept art of [[Emerald Coast]], shown at the Sonic Adventure Music Experience.
Mr night.png|Art of Sonic standing in the Mystic Ruins at night, holding a torch to light his way. The image of NiGHTS can be seen on the face of the moon.
SaconTornado.jpg|The [[Tornado]].
SaconTornado2a.jpg|The Tornado II.
SaconTornado2b.jpg|The Tornado II in its second form.
==Promotional Screenshots==
==Promotional Screenshots==
These screenshots taken of the game before its release were given to the media to use for promotional purposes. Some of these images are notable for their lack of a [[HUD]].  The following are images with notable findings.
===Sega Saturn Prototype===
These are the only screenshots/concepts available of Sonic Adventure when it was still being developed on the Sega Saturn. They were shown at the Sonic Adventure Music Experience. A clean version of one of the shots was shared on Sonic Official's 2020 ExtraLife Livestream and later posted to social media.
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_cutscene.jpg|High-resolution shot taken from the opening cutscene
Image:Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic.jpeg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic2.jpg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic3.jpg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic4.jpg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_lost_world_knuckles.jpeg|Hidden HUD
===Tokyo International Forum screenshots===
Image:Sega ftp sa1 sa1 ftp windy sonic.jpg|Hidden HUD
This large batch of screenshots were released to the press at the ''Sonic Adventure'' unveiling (1998-08-22). Many were then widely circulated in magazines.
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_sa1_ftp_windy_sonic2.jpg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega ftp sa1 sa1 ftp twinklepark sonic.jpg|Hidden HUD
For the most part the screens show Sonic and Knuckles wandering around roughly half the stages in game. Screenshots of Tails, Amy, Big and E-102 appear in small numbers, not doing much, and often in places where they're not allowed to go in the final game.
====Leaked screenshots====
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_speed_highway_knuckles.jpeg|Hidden HUD
These first four screens were shown prior to the August 22nd unveiling.
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_egg_carrier.jpg|High-resolution shot
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SONICADV5.JPG|Perfect Chaos here was originally thought to be from ''[[sega:Godzilla Generations|Godzilla Generations]]''
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_emerald_coast_sonic.jpg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_E102_emerald_coast.jpg|Hidden HUD
Image:Sega_ftp_sa1_ec_tails.jpeg|In the final game, Tails is restricted from this area of the Egg Carrier
====Chaos 0====
The battle with [[Chaos 0]] was the only part of Station Square on display.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA SS7.jpg|A differently lit first encounter.
SonicAdventure TIF SS03.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SS01.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SS02.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SS04.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SS05.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SS06.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SS07.jpg
====Egg Carrier====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA EC8.jpg|Sonic inside the control room, at a different angle.
SA EC9.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF EC02.jpg
Sega ftp sa1 ec tails.jpeg
SA EC7.jpg
SA EC6.jpg|Amy playing Hedgehog Hammer without being scored.
Sega ftp sa1 ec big.jpeg
====Windy Valley====
Windy Valley was entirely remodelled in the final months of the game. At the conference, it still had its earlier design, though very little attention was given to the stage.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SonicAdventure TIF WV02.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF WV01.jpg
SA WV1.jpg|Strangely this same shot was used to advertise ''[[Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut|Sonic Adventure DX]]'' even though it was not reinstated in the game proper.
SA WV2.jpeg|Tails in Act 3. This shot was reused for the intro sequence, albeit behind a CG render of Tails.
====Ice Cap====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA IC1.png|Jump panel sequences originally ended on a star panel.
SonicAdventure TIF IC04.jpg|The star panel is still in the final game, but only shows up when an unused object debug is active.
SonicAdventure TIF IC01.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF IC02.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF IC03.jpg
SA IC6.jpg
SA IC4.jpg
SA IC5.jpg
====Speed Highway====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SonicAdventure TIF SH01.jpg
SA SH4.jpg|Reused for Tails' credits.
SonicAdventure TIF SH02.jpg
SA SH2.jpg
SA SH3.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SH04.jpg
SA SS6.jpg|Different colored traffic in Act 3.
Sega ftp sa1 speed highway knuckles.jpeg
SA SH1.jpg
SA SH5.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF SH03.jpg
====Red Mountain====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA RM1.jpg|A red bridge.
SA RM3.jpg
SA RM4.jpg
SA RM5.jpg
SA RM6.jpg|This shot was reused for Sonic's credits.
SA RM7.jpg
SA RM8.jpg
SA RM9.jpg
SA RM10.jpg|A clear view of the earlier background.
SonicAdventure TIF RM03.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF RM04.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF RM05.jpg
SonicAdventure TIF RM01.jpg
SA RM2.jpg|Knuckles using an uppercut move not featured in the final build.
SonicAdventure TIF RM02.jpg
====Sky Chase====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA SC1.jpg|Early Sonic and Tails models.
Sega ftp sa1 egg carrier.jpg|A closer view of the early models.
SA SCdragon2.jpg|The unused dragon enemy.
SA SCdragon1.jpg|Again.
Sega ftp sa1 ec beam.jpeg
====Lost World====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic.jpeg|
Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic2.jpg|
Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic3.jpg|
Sega ftp sa1 lost world sonic4.jpg|
Sega ftp sa1 lost world knuckles.jpeg|Reused for Knuckles' credits.
SA LW2.jpg
===Other screenshots===
Other screenshots would surface in various publications leading up to the game's release. Note that the build of the game used doesn't necessarily match up to the date of the publication.
====Chaos 0====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px">
SA Eggman Cutscene Proto.png|An early view of Dr. Eggman's first appearance in the game.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 5.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 29.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 30.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 31.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 5.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981023 19.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-10-23)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981023 20.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-10-23)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981023 21.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-10-23)
====Station Square====
Later screenshots of Station Square showed large amounts of NPCs walking around and interacting with the environment, making the area look a lot more lively than the final game. However, since they can often be seen performing the same actions across multiple screenshots it can be deduced that none of them are actually functional and were just laid across the field in static poses for the sake of taking screenshots.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px">
SA1 ProtoScreen Press SonicAmy.jpg|Press kit screenshot containing the Hotel sign seen in the AutoDemo.
SA Station Square Cutscene Proto.png|Sonic and Tails standing in a very empty pool area.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP100.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP102.png|Amy's intro set at day rather than the evening.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP107.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP112.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP116.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP117.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP119.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP120.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP121.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP122.png|This camera was changed before the final game, but still appears in Amy's credits.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP123.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP125.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP127.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP130.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP133.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP135.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP139.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP140.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP141.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP143.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP144.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP145.png|The billboard behind Sonic displays "The Man 3" rather than "Chao in Space". It only appears in the Egg Walker fight in the final game.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP147.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP148.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP149.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP151.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP152.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP157.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP158.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP161.png
officed002.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed024.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed038.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed048.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed057.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed061.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed068.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed070.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
officed075.jpg|Station Square originally had very different sky textures. (released 1998-11-02)
officed085.jpg|Cityfolk in line at the news stand. (released 1998-11-02)
SA SS3.jpg|
SA SS8.jpg|
SA SS4.jpg|
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 1.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 2.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 3.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 4.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 5.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 6.jpg|A boat-less Station Square. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 17.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 22.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 23.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 24.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 28.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 25.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 26.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 27.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 39.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 40.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 41.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 42.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 43.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 44.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 45.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 46.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 48.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 49.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 50.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 51.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 53.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 54.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 62.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 1.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 3.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 4.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure Train.png
====Egg Carrier====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Tails Egg Carrier Tornado.png|"Tails" standing next to an untransformed [[Tornado 2]].
SA Tails Egg Carrier Tornado 2.png|Alternate angle.
SA Hedgehog Hammer Proto.png|Hedgehog Hammer at one point only kept count of how many Sonics were hit, rather than the points system it uses in the final game.
SA E102 Gamma Cutscene Proto.png|An early version of an E-102 Gamma cutscene, with multiple Gamma models instead of the unique models of the E-100 series.
SA E102 Cutscene 2.png|An alternate angle of the early cutscene.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 12.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 14.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 16.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 22.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 23.jpg|It's unknown whether these glowing doors are related to the glowing locked doors used in the 1999 release version of Gamma's story. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 26.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 1.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 2.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 3.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 6.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 10.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 11.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 12.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 13.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 14.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 15.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 16.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 17.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 18.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 20.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 21.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 23.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 25.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 27.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 30.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 37.jpg|Reused in the opening as the background for Gamma's closeup. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 1.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 2.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 3.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
====Mystic Ruins====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 4.jpg|Sonic running along the train tracks. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 5.jpg|Tails flying at Sunset. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 6.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 7.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 19.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 20.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 21.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 22.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 1.jpg|Sonic doesn't appear in this scene in the final game. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 2.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 3.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 4.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 5.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 6.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 7.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 8.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 9.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 10.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 11.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 12.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 13.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 14.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 15.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 16.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 17.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 18.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981211 19.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 7.jpg
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 8.jpg|A shot of the Egg Carrier never seen in the final game.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 9.jpg
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 10.jpg
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 11.jpg
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 13.jpg|ZERO boarding the Egg Carrier.
====Emerald Coast====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
Sega ftp sa1 E102 emerald coast.png|Taken from Sega's FTP. Reused for Gamma's credits.
DreamcastScreenshots SonicAdventure BeachRunner.png
Sega ftp sa1 emerald coast sonic.jpg|Sonic running from the whale, sans boostpads. Taken from Sega's FTP.
SonicAdventure GD EC 01.jpg
SonicAdventure GD EC 02.jpg
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA001.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA002.png|Reused for Sonic's credits.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA003.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA004.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA005.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA006.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA007.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA008.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA009.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA010.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA011.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SEA012.png
SonicAdventure ProtoEmeraldCoastScan.jpg
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 7.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 8.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 18.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 21.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 52.jpg|Reused for Super Sonic's credits. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure emerald1.png
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure emerald2.png
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure emerald3.png
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure emerald5.png
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure emerald6.png
====Windy Valley (Pre-redesign)====
Of all the levels shown before release, [[Windy Valley]] was the one that went through the biggest visual changes between the announcement of the game on August 22nd, 1998 and its release in December. Though still broken up into three parts, the layout and textures for each were completely redone. Amy and Big can be seen in this stage, despite the fact that neither of them go there in the final game.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Windy Valley E102.png|E-102 Gamma readying his aim.
SA Windy Valley E102 2.png
SA Windy Valley E102 3.png
SA Windy Valley E102 4.png
SA Windy Valley Beta Amy.png|Amy Rose swinging her hammer in the early Windy Valley.
SA Windy Valley Beta 8.png
SA Windy Valley Beta 9.png
sa1windyvalley2.png|Act 1. (Found in the "Sega Dreamcast Loop Checker" disc by "Japanman")
SA Windy Valley Beta 5.png|Sonic being pulled through a wind gust.
SA Windy Valley Beta Big.png|Big the Cat standing near a body of water.
SA Windy Valley Beta 6.png
SA Windy Valley Beta 7.png
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 24.jpg|Gamma using his target laser. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1OPBig.png|A higher quality version of Gamma's screenshot can be seen behind Big in the opening sequence, albeit flipped.
SA Windy Valley Beta 1.png|Sonic running through the stage.
SA Windy Valley Beta 2.png
SA Windy Valley Beta Big 2.png|Big walking along with [[Froggy]].
SA Windy Valley Beta Big 3.png
SA Windy Valley Beta Big 4.png
SA Windy Valley Beta 3.png|Sonic being sucked into the tornado.
SA Windy Valley Beta 4.png
SA Windy Valley Beta 10.png|Sonic inside the tornado.
SA Windy Valley Beta Tornado.jpg
SA Windy Valley Beta 11.png
sa1windyvalley.png|Act 3. (Found in the "Sega Dreamcast Loop Checker" disc by "Japanman")
SA1OPTails.png|A still from the intro movie showing Tails in Act 3, over one of his screenshots.
SA_WV2.jpeg|The screenshot.
SA Windy Valley Beta Tails.png
SA Windy Valley Beta Tails 2.png|Tails using his extended Tail Attack. This ability can only be used after obtaining the Rhythm Badge upgrade in the final game.
SA Windy Valley Beta 12.png|Sonic bouncing on an early trampoline.
SA Windy Valley Beta 14.png|Alternate angle.
SA Windy Valley Beta 13.png
====Windy Valley (Post-redesign)====
Even after its redesign, Windy Valley had changes made to its layout before the game's release. Some of the zone's rocky textures are photos of the Incan city of Cusco, also featured on the title screen background.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 28.jpg|Behind the animals a very different layout can be seen here. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 36.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 29.jpg|Sonic bouncing on a trampoline that was later removed. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 27.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 35.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 31.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 24.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 25.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 38.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 26.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 37.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 33.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 34.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
DreamcastScreenshots SonicAdventure Trail.png
Sega ftp sa1 sa1 ftp windy sonic.jpg|An image closer to the final build. Taken from Sega's FTP.
Sega ftp sa1 sa1 ftp windy sonic2.jpg|Taken from Sega's FTP.
The NiGHTS pinball board at Casinopolis was overhauled at some point before the game's release, going from a large spiral to a more compact double boards layout. Many of the objects used in this original design are still unused in the final game, as well as a few leftover pieces of geometry (Tubes inside the central tower).
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Casino1.jpg|Note the ''NiGHTS Into Dreams'' background between the left pillars.
Sa-cs1.jpg|Sonic standing in an early version of the shower room.
Sa-cs2.PNG|Slot machine chairs and large "Emerald Line" signs not seen in the final game.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 9.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 10.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 11.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 12.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 13.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 14.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 15.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 16.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
Sa-1sonic casino1.jpg|The top of the original NiGHTS board.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 20.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 30.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 31.jpg|Another shot of the original NiGHTS Pinball. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 32.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 33.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 36.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 37.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 38.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 55.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 56.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 57.jpg|Spike balls at the beginning of Act 2. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 60.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 59.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 58.jpg|A pool at water at the end of Act 2 rather than a light. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 61.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
Sega ftp sa1 casino sonic.jpg|Taken from Sega's FTP.
====Ice Cap====
Big's stage is set at night in the final game. However, most development screenshots (including the final game's credits) show his stage set in the day, using the same lighting as Sonic.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA IC2.png|Slightly different trees in the background.
SA Ice Cap Proto.png|An early version of Ice Cap with a timer on the bottom, as well as old style trees and the background in an area it doesn't usually appear in.
SA Ice Cap Proto 2.png|The timer seems to increase as Sonic performs various tricks on the snowboard.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 4.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 18.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 28.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA Ice Cap Star.png
SA IC3.jpg|This bridge in Act 1 was eventually replaced with a rocket. Despite that, it wasn't entirely removed - in Act 3 the avalanche passes through the location Act 1 takes place in and tears it apart.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 3.jpg|The ice here looks more similar to the final game's, but still lacks reflections. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 32.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 36.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~1.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~2.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~3.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~4.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~5.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~6.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~7.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB903~8.png
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 3.jpg|Later screenshot showing an oddly spaced timer. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 4.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 5.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 6.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SonicAdventure ProtoIcecapScan.jpg
====Twinkle Park====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Tails Unknown Room.png|Suspected to be an early Act 1 judging from object data in the AutoDemo, before being replaced by the kart track seen in the final game.
SA Tails Unknown Room 2.png|A close-up of the previous image, where extra details can be seen such as rings, bomb barrels, lights and a flag within the pit below.
SA Amy Unknown Room.png|Amy Rose standing in an unknown room.
Sega ftp sa1 sa1 ftp twinklepark sonic.png|Taken from Sega's FTP.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 2.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 5.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 6.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 7.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 8.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 9.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 10.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 11.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 12.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 13.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 14.jpg|Reused for Sonic's credits. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 15.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure twinkle1.png
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure twinkle2.png
SegaPRFTP SonicAdventure twinkle3.png
====Speed Highway====
The earliest versions of Speed Highway Act 1 lacked the blue "night" lighting, using a brighter and more generic palette. Act 3 was redesigned sometime during the game's development. The original version (which can also be found in the AutoDemo) was full of bizarre elements such as clocks in pits, and paths of glass platforms on the sides of buildings.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 15.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 19.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 27.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 10.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 11.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 13.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 21.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 17.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA Speed Highway Day Knuckles.png|A clocktower in a pit in Act 3.
SA Speed Highway Day Knuckles 2.png|An alternate angle.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 35.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 29.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 24.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 40.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 28.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 39.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB001.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB002.png
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NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB004.png
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NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB006.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB007.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB008.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB009.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB010.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB011.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB012.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB013.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB014.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB015.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB016.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB017.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB018.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB019.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB020.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB021.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB022.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB023.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB024.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB025.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB026.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB027.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB028.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB029.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB030.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB031.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB032.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB033.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB034.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB035.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB036.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB037.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB038.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB039.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB040.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB041.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB042.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB043.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB044.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB045.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB046.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB047.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB048.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure PUB049.png
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981120 47.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-20)
====Red Mountain====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Red Mountain Green Button.png|A green switch.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 20.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 25.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 4.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 22.jpg|Knuckles with an early HUD. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 26.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 31.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB01.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB02.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB03.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB04.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB05.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB06.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB07.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB08.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB09.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB10.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB11.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB12.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB13.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB14.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB15.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB16.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB17.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB18.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB19.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure M PUB20.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~1.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~2.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~3.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~4.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~5.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~6.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~7.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN_DIG~8.png
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 1.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 2.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981218 14.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-18)
SonicAdventure ProtoRedMountainScan.jpg
SonicAdventure ProtoRedMountainScan2.jpg
====Sky Deck====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 000.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 001.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 002.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 003.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 004.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 005.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 006.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 007.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 008.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 009.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 010.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 011.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 012.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 013.png|A tower in the background that was later removed.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 014.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 015.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 016.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD S 017.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 000.png|Tails about to be shot out of the cannon at the start of the stage.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 001.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 002.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 003.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 004.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 005.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 006.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 007.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 008.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD T 009.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD K 000.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD K 001.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD K 002.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD K 003.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD K 004.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SD K 005.png
====Lost World====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 2.jpg|This extra Boa-Boa was ultimately replaced with a Leon badnik. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA Lost World Proto.png|Sonic walking atop the waterfall he is normally automatically pushed over. The background is seen loaded in this area, which isn't the case in the final game.
SA Lost World Proto 2.png|Sonic at the bottom of the waterfall.
SA Knuckles Lost World.png|Knuckles in Act 3, an area he never goes to in the final game.
SA Knuckles Lost World 2.png|The lighting here seems to be more complex than the final game's, lighting up both the mural and the torches.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 33.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
====Sky Chase====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Sky Chase Transformation 1.png|An early [[Tornado]] transformation using the early models.
SA Sky Chase Transformation 2.png
SA Sky Chase Act 2 Dragon.png|The "Dragon" boss flying around Act 2.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 6.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 7.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 8.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980925 19.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981030 20.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-10-30)
SonicAdventure ProtoSkyChaseScan1.jpg|Taken from the JP Manual.
====Final Egg====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~1.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~2.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~3.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~4.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~5.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~6.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~7.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~8.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG_~9.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~10.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~11.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~12.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~13.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~14.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~15.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~16.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~17.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~18.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~19.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~20.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~21.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~22.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~23.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~24.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~25.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~26.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~27.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~28.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~29.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~30.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~31.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure F_EGG~32.png
SonicAdventure ProtoFinalEggScan.jpg
====Hot Shelter====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SonicAdventure ProtoHotShelterScan1.jpg|Taken from the JP Manual.
SonicAdventure ProtoHotShelterScan2.jpg
====Sand Hill====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SNAP.png|A debug display is clearly enabled.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SAND001.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SAND002.png|An empty looking Sand Hill.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SAND003.png
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====Egg Hornet====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 1.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 2.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 3.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 8.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 9.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 10.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 11.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 12.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 13.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 14.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 15.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 16.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 17.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981204 18.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-04)
====Chao Garden====
The Station Square garden seen in these screenshots can be found in the AutoDemo.
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA Chao Garden Beta 1.png|An early [[Chao Garden]], using land ripped straight out of Windy Valley 3.
SA Chao Garden Beta 2.png|Each Chao is drawn to Sonic, following him at every turn.
SA Chao Garden Beta 3.png|This would later be replaced by the Egg Carrier garden.
chao_2_1.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
chao_2_2.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
chao_2_3.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
chao_2_4.jpg|(released 1998-11-02) Sonic throwing a Chao. Note the lack of a door to the Chao Stadium.
chao_2_5.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
chao_2_6.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
chao_2_7.jpg|(released 1998-11-02)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 16.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 17.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 18.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 19.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 20.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 21.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981127 22.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-11-27)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 4.jpg|Chao Race (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 5.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 6.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 7.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 8.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 9.jpg|(Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19981225 10.jpg|The island that the Ruby race starts on is missing. (Dreamcast Magazine 1998-12-25)
====CG movies====
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA1_CG_Intro_ScreenshotPresskit.jpg|A high resolution shot from the opening sequence. Taken from the screenshots available in the presskit.
Sega ftp sa1 cutscene.jpg|A high resolution shot from the opening sequence. Taken from Sega's FTP.
SA Emerald CG.png|The seven [[Chaos Emerald|Chaos Emeralds]] in CG, used only in promotional material for the game.
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 7.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 8.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 9.jpg|(Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
SA1 ProtoScreen Magazine 19980911 1.jpg|This frame was cut out of the final game. (Sega Saturn Magazine 1998-09-11)
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NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SS13.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SS14.png|Some buildings are missing.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SS15.png|Different in the final game. Re-appeared in SADX.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure 101.png|"E-102" is missing.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure EGG01.png
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NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure EGG03.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure EGG04.png
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NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure EGG06.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure TA02.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure TA03.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure TA04.png|Different in the final game. Re-appeared in SADX.
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN01.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN02.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN03.png
NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure KN04.png
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NurnbergerSpielwarenmesse1999 SonicAdventure SO03.png
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DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb5.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb6.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb7.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb8.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb9.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb10.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb11.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb12.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb13.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb14.png
DreamcastScreenshots SonicWeb sonicweb15.png
[[Category:Game Development|Sonic Adventure]]
<gallery widths="148px" heights="140px" >
SA End Pose Prototype.png|The main cast in random places. A [[Flicky]] is in Knuckles' shot, Amy is in the Jet Booster room, E-102 Gamma is in early Windy Valley 3, and Big is in an unknown area (Possibly early Twinkle Park).
SA1 LNProtoVid TitleScreen.jpg|A simpler looking title screen, from a demo at the Tokyo International event.
SA1 Proto 3CharacterSelect.jpg|The character select from the same demo. Only Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are selectable.
SonicAdventure ProtoPauseMenuScan1.jpg|A wider pause menu.
SonicAdventure ProtoCharSelectScan1.jpg|An early character select.
SonicAdventure ProtoFileSelectScan.jpg|File Select.
SonicAdventure ProtoStageSelectScan.jpg|Stage Select. Curiously, in order played, which wasn't seen until the 1999 releases. (The original release lists them by internal ID)
SonicAdventure ProtoTwinkleCircuitScan.jpg|Twinkle Circuit with an early HUD.
==Tester feedback database==
The "Sonic Adventure Bug Database" is a collection of reports made by game testers between 12/10/1998 to 8/12/1999.  Most the entries only report spelling problems and suggestions from the testers (Eg. "Twinkle Circuit should support multiplayer"), but a number also detail gameplay problems.  Due to the date of these reports, there was probably not enough time left in development to correct these problems.
| name=Sonic Adventure Bug Database
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==Release day photographs==
On December 23rd, in celebration of ''Sonic Adventure's'' release, Yuji Naka, along with four people dressed as Sonic, "Tails," Knuckles and Amy, joined to support shops in Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Akihabara. The first to arrive in Shinjuku, Naka stood in the line since 5 in the morning.
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==External links==
* [ ''Sonic Adventure'' Production Presentation (Tokyo International Forum)] - The public unveiling video of ''Sonic Adventure''. (Translation provided)
* [ ''Sonic Adventure'' - Trailers (1998, Launch, Plush)] - A collection of high quality Japanese trailers.
* [ ''Sonic Adventure'' Japanese Adverts] - More Japanese trailers, albeit lower quality. Includes trailers for each character.
* [ ''Sonic Adventure'' on GameWave] - a Japanese trailer.
* [ ''Sonic Adventure'' Promo] - Another Japanese promo trailer.
* [ ''Sonic Adventure'' on Games Chart] - a UK advertisement for the game that uses early footage despite the game already being finished by that point.

Revision as of 14:30, 9 December 2023

Back to: Sonic Adventure.
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The now iconic silhouette of Sonic, green eyes and grin foreshadowing his jump into a 3D world.

Sonic Adventure went through many ideas and changes during the development process. What follows is a collection of items related to the game's development.

Development process

Naka and Ohshima, together again.

With the completion of Sonic & Knuckles, the majority of the Japanese side of the Sega Technical Institute, including producer and programmer Yuji Naka, decided to return to their native land, leaving behind the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise in the hands of other creative teams in other countries. Once back in Japan, Naka finally reunited with the original creator of Sonic the Hedgehog, Naoto Ohshima. Resurrecting the Sonic Team name, a group of both veteran members and newcomers decided to begin work on a title completely separate from the Sonic concept, wanting to prove that the minds behind the biggest franchise in Sega's catalogue were able to create new and exciting ideas without completely relying on the most famous hedgehog in the world. With the Sega Saturn hardware well on its way to being released for the consumer market, the team began development on an idea Naka had conceived right after the completion of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - NiGHTS Into Dreams.

Knowing that the Sonic franchise was still a viable money-making tool, Sega was unwilling to let the series slumber, assigning the members of STI that remained to work on the next major installment of the series: Sonic X-treme. Though filled with people who had grand visions of what Sonic would be like in the third dimension, the project would be almost doomed from the start. With Naka viewing the very first conceptual ideas for the game, the man who would become the head of Sonic Team simply shook his head, saying "good luck" and moving on. Indeed, through numerous shifts and changes in both hardware and the director, the project ultimately would be canceled, leaving a hole in the Saturn lineup that would be felt across the board at Sega. While other titles such as the Traveller's Tales-produced Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island and the Sega 32X exclusive title Chaotix attempted to fill the void left by X-treme, it was clear that these titles would not be the heavy-hitters the company needed. To the outside world, it seemed clear that the only people who would be able to make Sonic work in the new generation of gaming would be the people responsible for helping launch the franchise in the first place - Sonic Team.

Takashi Iizuka, Director of Sonic Adventure.

Though it is possible Naka and Ohshima were quite aware that they would have to produce another Sonic title at some point, it was Takashi Iizuka, Senior Game Designer for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles who began pushing the idea of a "Sonic RPG" to be the development studio's next big game. Though work on Sonic Team's second non-Sonic property Burning Rangers was underway, it was decided that the group would indeed look into producing the next big Sonic game. Realizing that the majority of the team responsible for the classic games was still under Sega's employment, Iizuka made it a point to discuss with each person what made up Sonic, not just as a compelling character but as a compelling game series, not wanting to lose those essential elements in the jump to 3D.

Not wanting to strictly make an RPG, but knowing that 3D-capable systems offered both the space and graphical capability to expand on a story, it was decided that the game would have a much greater emphasis on plot, just as Sonic 3 & Knuckles had taken a narrative leap over its predecessor, Sonic the Hedgehog 2. However, before any work was to be done on such specific details, the team knew they first had to figure out how to take Sonic and make him work outside of a two-dimensional plane. Arguing over just how Sonic would work, eventually a group consensus was reached as to how a 3D Sonic level would operate. Working with the basic building blocks, a simple test level was put together to see if what they had on paper would work in practice.

When we built our first test level, we knew we had to test it out, just to make sure our ideas worked. It ended up only lasting about ten seconds, and we knew we couldn't build a game around this structure. We had to rebuild levels over and over again until we finally had a level length we were happy with.

— Takashi Iizuka, Director of Sonic Adventure

Ohshima, Uekawa, and a blue hedgehog.

The earliest builds of the game were originally programmed with the Saturn in mind, as it was the current console the company was pushing and the focus of the rest of Sonic Team's development. However, when it became painfully obvious that the life span of the Sega Saturn was going to be dramatically shorter than the Mega Drive, the team reached a crossroads - either continue working on what would become Sonic Adventure as a Saturn title, or to scrap what they had done and begin working anew using the proposed specs of Sega's next system, codenamed "Katana." Realizing the futility of continuing with the Saturn, and knowing the scope of the project might be better suited for more advanced hardware, what could be ported was done so, the team now working on a game that would be one of the premier titles for the Sega Dreamcast. Wanting to make sure the game would be the perfect demonstration of what the system would be capable of, Yuji Naka became involved in the hardware creation of the Dreamcast, offering suggestions and changes to the schematics of Sega's last great hope.

Not wanting to let the work that had been done for the Saturn version go to waste, the earliest builds of Sonic Adventure were transformed into the Sonic World portion of the compilation title Sonic Jam. Intended to simply be a collection of the main four Mega Drive titles and an assortment of bonus features, this early look into how a 3D Sonic title would work was included, becoming the portal to a wealth of knowledge involving the blue blur. Unknowingly, the gaming public was used as a test subject to see how people would react to such a title.

With production now in full gear for the Dreamcast, the production team wanted to take full advantage of the superior graphical capabilities they now had. Fueled with the desire to create worlds far more realistic than what had been possible beforehand, the core members of the Sonic Adventure development team, consisting of producer Yuji Naka, designer Hiroshi Nishiyama, programmer Tetsu Katano, director Takashi Iizuka, designer Nobuhiko Honda, and art director Kazuyuki Hoshino, went on a trip to Central and South America. Although ruins and jungles had been used before in previous Sonic titles, none of the team members had actually gone to any such locales in person before, instead taking their inspiration from movies, TV shows, and other popular media. With this in mind, it was decided the team would explore on their own, in the hopes that this change in scenery would provide a wealth of inspiration for the game. Starting out in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico, the group traveled through Chichen Itza, Tulum, San Gervasio, Tikal, and Uaxactun, then flew down to the South American country Peru, where they visited the Nazca lines, Cusco, Machu Picchu, and Pachacamac.

Confronted with sights and sounds they had never seen before, the team made sure to not let the environment overwhelm them, knowing the trip was not simply a pleasure cruise. Filming their trip and taking pictures of everything in sight, many of their images were then used in the creation of such locations as Emerald Coast, Lost World and the Mystic Ruins, not just as inspiration but in some cases literally. Many of the textures found in the more realistic areas of the game were lifted straight from the team's collected photographs. One idea for the game which hadn't been part of the original plan, but was directly inspired by their trip, was the Sand Hill level in Miles "Tails" Prower's version of the game:

Yuji Naka pretending to jam.
While we were in Peru...we noticed some people boarding on sand dunes. We were so impressed with this. We had no idea this kind of sport actually existed. It was so new and exciting for us to see this, we knew that we had to add this element to our game. And we figured that Tails, if anyone, was the most appropriate character to use.

— Takashi Iizuka, Director of Sonic Adventure

However, the trip was not all fun and games, the team having unexpected encounters with tarantulas, snakes, and reportedly Katano collapsing from an altitude sickness at one point. At the end of it all, the team returned to Japan in one piece, full of enthusiasm to create the game.

Though unique goals and playstyles were thought up by the team, Iizuka felt that perhaps there should be completely separate playstyles in the game represented by new characters, to not only change the pace of the game but to also broaden the appeal, and have people who would not normally be interested in a Sonic title look into purchasing the game. The first of these new characters was E-102 Gamma, a robotic creation built by Eggman, his story giving a look beyond Sonic and the gang. His playstyle, that of targeting and shooting, was in direct response to people who had written in to Sonic Team and asked for a shooting component to be added to their games. Feeling it not in Sonic or any other established playable's casts nature to wield a gun, a separate character was developed, designed in such a way that Gamma still felt perfectly natural within the Sonic universe. The second of these new characters, Big the Cat, went with the unusual choice of fishing. Wanting to create a character that "went at his own pace" and broke up the intense nature of the other five, Big was conceived, his gameplay decided upon based on the fact he was a cat.

A Japanese subway advertising the Sonic Adventure unveiling at the Tokyo International Forum.

One element that Iizuka wanted to have in the game was an enemy that was completely separate from Eggman, and also something which, up until then, was impossible to create in a game. Wanting something liquid and transparent, the character of Chaos was thought up. Presenting the original concept art and idea to Naka, Chaos was approved on the spot, his role in the game cemented. His ever-shifting nature and demeanor was something the team wanted to advertise, placing the character in the very first playable sequence in the game.

Another aspect of the game that was decided early on was resurrecting the "A-Life" technology originally developed for NiGHTS Into Dreams. Though simplistic in NiGHTS and only a passive goal within the main stages, the idea was completely retooled, fleshed out for Sonic Adventure. Creating characters called Chao that borrowed visual cues from both the Nightopians and the new character Chaos, a game-within-a-game was developed alongside. The Chao-raising experience was yet another element that was meant to attract people who were unfamiliar with Sonic, and was also meant to help people become better at playing the game. The more time spent with Chao raising, the better the player's skill at the Action Stages was meant to be, turning a casual gamer into a dedicated Sonic the Hedgehog player.

Yuji Naka and friends.

With each element slowly falling into place, it wouldn't take long before word got out that Sonic Team, hot off their critically acclaimed Saturn titles, was busily creating a new Sonic the Hedgehog title. Speculation ran wild, the early concept of a "Sonic RPG" leaking out and causing people to believe the next game would be called Sonic & Knuckles RPG. However, the full details of the game were able to stay guarded, one fuzzy screenshot being all that the public saw, many not even believing the shot to be from a Sonic game. The speculation train would soon go into overdrive when it was announced that on August 22nd, 1998, a public unveiling of the game would happen at the Tokyo International Forum. Accompanied with the now iconic green eyes and grin, the show was advertised on Japanese television and radio (info) (313 kB) stations (info) (313 kB), the initial two shows planned expanded into three based on the projected turnout. Though a handful of screenshots were leaked days prior on a French news site, the anticipation of the event unwaivered, people lining up along the streets hours ahead of time. When the doors opened, the crowd was treated to a wealth of information, hosted by none other than Yuji Naka, along with a pair of Japanese radio personalities Yūko Hamaya and Chris Peppler. Simultaneously streamed on the Internet and recorded on VHS for those who could not attend, live gameplay and prerecorded videos showcased the style of the game, along with the new characters and expanded storyline. Immediately, the game became one of the most requested, Sonic Team hastily finishing it up in time for its December release in Japan. Periodically offering new content up on their website, the game was finally released on December 23rd, 1998.

Jun Senoue posing with his limited edition guitar.

Knowing the game could use some much-needed polish for its western debut, a handful of Sonic Team members flew out to Sega of America, located in San Francisco. Dubbed "Sonic Team USA," the group's primary focus was on localizing the game. Unlike previous Sonic titles where entire storylines were discarded and art completely redrawn, for Sonic Adventure it was decided the arbitrary divide between the eastern and western versions of Sonic would be erased, the Japanese canon becoming the one, official story for Sonic. Months before its proper release, a deal was stuck with video rental chain Hollywood Video, in which Sega Dreamcasts, along with copies of Sonic Adventure, could be rented out to people who wished to try the system out before release. Starting July 15th, 1999, Sonic Adventure: Limited Edition contained only portions of the game, saving enough to bring people back to buy it come fall. Released on September 9th, 1999 (along with the launch of the Dreamcast in the U.S.) the game served to be both a commercial and critical success, high praise for the game also being heard in Japan, where Sonic had never been able to pick up steam. The cleaned-up version of Sonic Adventure was released in Japan under the title Sonic Adventure International, one of the "Play 4!" titles that Sonic Team announced after the initial release of Sonic Adventure (the other titles being Chu Chu Rocket, Samba De Amigo and Phantasy Star Online). With the team that remained back in Japan working on PSO, "Sonic Team USA" would soon begin their next project - Sonic Adventure 2.

Although a success for Sega, Sonic Adventure would also serve to be the final game worked on by the character's creator, Naoto Ohshima. Though never officially stated, rumors around his leaving the company proved similar to the rumors that surrounding the dissolving of Naka and Yasuhara's partnership - that Ohshima had run into disputes with Naka over the continued direction of the Sonic franchise. Though unsubstantiated, the result was the same, with Ohshima leaving the company, eventually going on to found his own development studio, Artoon. Curiously enough, when Sonic Adventure was eventually ported to the Nintendo GameCube, Ohshima's name was removed from the end credit list for reasons that have yet to be explained.

Character redesigns

Artwork for Sonic Jam by Satoshi Okano, which eventually inspired the character redesigns for Sonic Adventure.

While redesigns for Sonic Adventure weren't planned from the start,[1] a domino effect of prior events caused them to happen during development. In the midst of Sonic Jam's development, Kazuyuki Hoshino gave Satoshi Okano the task to create promotional Sonic Jam art for Sega Saturn Magazine. With the help of Hoshino's love for street culture insight and Okano's art style, a new design was created for the magazine.[2]

I wanted to give Sonic a timeless, cutting-edge image, I was raised on and inspired by American Sci-Fi movies, New York hip-hop, sneaker and street culture, and UK industrial rock music. My inspirations were George Lucas and Steven Spielburg movies, Nike basketball shoes, the Adidas tracksuits RUN DMC wore in their 1988 photoshoots, Flavor Flav’s clock and glasses, De la Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Jungle Brothers lyrics, Bjork, Underworld, and other music, music videos, and artwork like that.

— Satoshi Okano[3]

4 different concepts for Sonic's redesign, in order (by numbers) by Yuji Uekawa, Satoshi Okano, Naoto Ohshima and Takumi Miyake.

According to Satoshi Okano, Yuji Naka liked the promotional art[4] and it was also included in the files of Sonic Jam, although he later requested a revised version of the design which omitted detail on Sonic's shoes.[5] The revised version was used for free advertisement cards.[6] Naka and Hoshino later decided to create an internal design competition to see who could improve on this design, because the two of them thought that specific designers had the potential to do so,[7] and likely because of Naka's overall positive reception towards the Sega Saturn Magazine design. The winner of the competition would get their design adopted into Sonic Adventure. According to Okano, Naka decided to have Okano join the competition, so it's likely that Naka and perhaps Hoshino picked the contestants themselves.

Among the four who participated in the contest, there was classic Sonic’s father, Naoto Ohshima, Yuji Uekawa who drew characters like Ristar the Shining Star and Sonic, and Takumi Miyake who illustrated the 1996 Nights into Dreams storybook. Although I was a 3D field designer for SEGA, I was recommended because of my past work on Saturn Magazine.

— Satoshi Okano[3]

Yuji Uekawa, who had previously created the title character of Ristar and worked on Flickies' Island and Sonic R, was the competition winner and was recruited to redraw characters that had imprinted into the minds of numerous people in the 90's. Such a task was one Uekawa did not take lightly.

Our mission was to renew the character, so we had to ask ourselves "to what extent do we change Sonic? What are the reasons for changing the way it looks?" That's what I paid close attention to.

— Yuji Uekawa, Character Designer for Sonic Adventure

With Ohshima looking over his shoulder, Uekawa set to work on a stylized version of the main cast, inspired in part by graffiti art, which Kazuyuki Hoshino and Satoshi Okano had taken inspiration from for the Sonic Jam era promotional design. Uekawa's submitted redesign underwent additional adjustments. Uekawa added green irises around his pupils to make them stand out from other parts of Sonic's body and to reflect the green pastures around him. Proportions were also tweaked to make Sonic look more grown-up and to keep an overall color balance, and a new deeper shade of blue was picked to match Sega's then-new overseas logo. [8]

Giving "Tails" and Knuckles the Echidna similar overhauls, when it came time to tweak the designs of Dr. Eggman and Amy Rose, Uekawa decided to drastically redesign those characters. Concept art of Amy's redesign was revealed at Joypolis likely a week ahead of Sonic Adventure's August 22nd reveal event.[9][10][11] Aging Amy Rose and changing everything from her hairstyle to her dress, she visually became a character that fit in with the goals the story set out for her. Eggman, on the other hand, was originally meant to maintain his classic design, but at some point it was decided to alter his style as well, creating an Eggman in stark contrast to the simplistic design Ohshima had come up with years prior.

Sonic Team's travels

The following is a collection of photographs Sonic Team took while on their many travels across Central and South America in preparation for Sonic Adventure. The trip lasted from November 26th to December 9th, 1996.

Concept art

The following is a collection of concept art related to the production of Sonic Adventure. Many of the following images were included with a digital press kit Sega released during the promotion of the game, given to attendees at the 1999 Spielwarenmesse Nürnberges, also known as the Nürnberg International Toy Fair



Storyboards by Kazuyuki Hoshino.


Sonic Retro emblem.svg Main article: Sonic Adventure Stylebook


The images below are early renders of the final models for the various characters used in-game. Because of this, the joints for each character are visible.

Underground altar

Below is concept art drawn by Hiroshi Nishiyama depicting the emerald altar underground similarly to Sonic & Knuckles. It was shared by the US Sonic social media team "Sonic Pillar" on their 2020 ExtraLife Livestream and later posted to official social media channels.

Egg Carrier

Saturn-era concept art by Satoshi Okano

At the end of November 2023, Satoshi Okano shared a series of tweets posting drawings that he did for the then upcoming new Sonic the Hedgehog title. The drawings also feature, among others, the mysterious spider character that appears on some posters in the game's Speed Highway stage as well as a new character named Fly the Bat.


Promotional Screenshots

Sega Saturn Prototype

These are the only screenshots/concepts available of Sonic Adventure when it was still being developed on the Sega Saturn. They were shown at the Sonic Adventure Music Experience. A clean version of one of the shots was shared on Sonic Official's 2020 ExtraLife Livestream and later posted to social media.

Tokyo International Forum screenshots

This large batch of screenshots were released to the press at the Sonic Adventure unveiling (1998-08-22). Many were then widely circulated in magazines.

For the most part the screens show Sonic and Knuckles wandering around roughly half the stages in game. Screenshots of Tails, Amy, Big and E-102 appear in small numbers, not doing much, and often in places where they're not allowed to go in the final game.

Leaked screenshots

These first four screens were shown prior to the August 22nd unveiling.

Chaos 0

The battle with Chaos 0 was the only part of Station Square on display.

Egg Carrier

Windy Valley

Windy Valley was entirely remodelled in the final months of the game. At the conference, it still had its earlier design, though very little attention was given to the stage.

Ice Cap

Speed Highway

Red Mountain

Sky Chase

Lost World

Other screenshots

Other screenshots would surface in various publications leading up to the game's release. Note that the build of the game used doesn't necessarily match up to the date of the publication.

Chaos 0

Station Square

Later screenshots of Station Square showed large amounts of NPCs walking around and interacting with the environment, making the area look a lot more lively than the final game. However, since they can often be seen performing the same actions across multiple screenshots it can be deduced that none of them are actually functional and were just laid across the field in static poses for the sake of taking screenshots.

Egg Carrier

Mystic Ruins

Emerald Coast

Windy Valley (Pre-redesign)

Of all the levels shown before release, Windy Valley was the one that went through the biggest visual changes between the announcement of the game on August 22nd, 1998 and its release in December. Though still broken up into three parts, the layout and textures for each were completely redone. Amy and Big can be seen in this stage, despite the fact that neither of them go there in the final game.

Windy Valley (Post-redesign)

Even after its redesign, Windy Valley had changes made to its layout before the game's release. Some of the zone's rocky textures are photos of the Incan city of Cusco, also featured on the title screen background.


The NiGHTS pinball board at Casinopolis was overhauled at some point before the game's release, going from a large spiral to a more compact double boards layout. Many of the objects used in this original design are still unused in the final game, as well as a few leftover pieces of geometry (Tubes inside the central tower).

Ice Cap

Big's stage is set at night in the final game. However, most development screenshots (including the final game's credits) show his stage set in the day, using the same lighting as Sonic.

Twinkle Park

Speed Highway

The earliest versions of Speed Highway Act 1 lacked the blue "night" lighting, using a brighter and more generic palette. Act 3 was redesigned sometime during the game's development. The original version (which can also be found in the AutoDemo) was full of bizarre elements such as clocks in pits, and paths of glass platforms on the sides of buildings.

Red Mountain

Sky Deck

Lost World

Sky Chase

Final Egg

Hot Shelter

Sand Hill

Egg Hornet

Chao Garden

The Station Square garden seen in these screenshots can be found in the AutoDemo.

CG movies



Tester feedback database

The "Sonic Adventure Bug Database" is a collection of reports made by game testers between 12/10/1998 to 8/12/1999. Most the entries only report spelling problems and suggestions from the testers (Eg. "Twinkle Circuit should support multiplayer"), but a number also detail gameplay problems. Due to the date of these reports, there was probably not enough time left in development to correct these problems.


Download Sonic Adventure Bug Database
Multiple downloads available

Release day photographs

On December 23rd, in celebration of Sonic Adventure's release, Yuji Naka, along with four people dressed as Sonic, "Tails," Knuckles and Amy, joined to support shops in Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Akihabara. The first to arrive in Shinjuku, Naka stood in the line since 5 in the morning.

External links


  1. @okanotion on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2023-09-24 11:05)
  2. @okanotion on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2021-12-31 03:18)
  3. 3.0 3.1 (Wayback Machine: 2023-09-23 04:19)
  4. @okanotion on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2022-07-10 15:34)
  5. @okanotion on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2020-04-14 00:20)
  6. @okanotion on Twitter (
  7. @okanotion on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2022-01-02 01:10)
  8. (Wayback Machine: 2023-09-24 15:25)
  9. @MainJPW on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2023-09-25 09:35)
  10. @MainJPW on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2023-09-25 09:43)
  11. @MainJPW on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2023-09-25 09:47)

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