

Sonic Adventure DX: PC/Level Data Locations

From Sonic Retro

SCHG: Sonic Adventure
2004 PC
2010 PC

Listing of LandTable locations

If you wish to use Dude's level rippers with this data, you will have to enter the COL Address in decimal and the COL Count.

Name File Address COL Count COL Address Anim Count Anim Address
Hedgehog Hammer sonic.exe 23C7BCC 71 23C71D0 0 0
Emerald Coast 1 sonic.exe A99CB8 480 A95938 0 0
Emerald Coast 2 sonic.exe C39E9C 169 C386D8 0 0
Emerald Coast 3 sonic.exe C386B4 199 C36AB8 0 0
Windy Valley 1 sonic.exe 8051E0 78 8046E8 0 0
Windy Valley 2 sonic.exe 8046C0 24 804360 0 0
Windy Valley 3 sonic.exe 80433C 167 802BC0 0 0
Twinkle Park 1 sonic.exe 22B975C 119 22B86A0 0 0
Twinkle Park 2 sonic.exe 22B867C 193 22B6B58 0 0
Twinkle Park 3 sonic.exe 22B6B34 87 22B5EF8 0 0
Speed Highway 1 sonic.exe 22B1E98 474 22ADBF0 0 0
Speed Highway 2 sonic.exe 22ADBC8 88 22ACF68 0 0
Speed Highway 3 sonic.exe 22ACF40 202 22AB2D8 0 0
Red Mountain 1 sonic.exe 1E405E0 582 1E3B408 0 0
Red Mountain 2 sonic.exe 20C8B58 200 20C6F38 0 0
Red Mountain 3 sonic.exe 20C6F14 381 20C3980 0 0
Sky Deck 1 sonic.exe 1E39ADC 349 1E369C8 0 0
Sky Deck 2 sonic.exe 1E369A0 238 1E34828 0 0
Sky Deck 3 sonic.exe 1E34800 328 1E319E0 0 0
Lost World 1 sonic.exe 1C38B60 104 1C37CC0 0 0
Lost World 2 sonic.exe 1C37C9C 337 1C34D38 0 0
Lost World 3 sonic.exe 1C34D14 17 1C34AB0 0 0
Icecap 1 sonic.exe A41D2C 59 A414E0 0 0
Icecap 2 sonic.exe A414BC 77 A409E8 0 0
Icecap 3 sonic.exe A409C4 295 A3E048 0 0
Icecap 4 sonic.exe A3E024 171 A3C818 0 0
Casinopolis 1 sonic.exe 198A9D0 240 1988810 0 0
Casinopolis 2 sonic.exe 19887EC 211 1986A40 0 0
Casinopolis 3 sonic.exe 1986A1C 99 1985C30 0 0
Casinopolis 4 sonic.exe 1985C08 118 1984AF8 5 1985B90
Final Egg 1 sonic.exe 16600D0 287 165CFD0 92 165F830
Final Egg 2 sonic.exe 15C8ED0 122 15C7D60 3 15C8E88
Final Egg 3 sonic.exe 165CFA8 538 1657EF0 54 165CA98
Hot Shelter 1 sonic.exe 13D09C0 164 13CF2B0 0 0
Hot Shelter 2 sonic.exe 13CF288 614 13C9B70 8 13CF1C8
Hot Shelter 3 sonic.exe 13C9B48 394 13C6350 6 13C9AB8
Chaos 0 BOSSCHAOS0MODELS.DLL 69C20 64 69320 0 0
Chaos 2 sonic.exe D2136C 51 D20C40 0 0
Chaos 4 sonic.exe D90930 72 D8FF10 0 0
Chaos 6 (Sonic) sonic.exe DEDE38 50 DED718 1 DEDE20
Chaos 6 (Knuckles) sonic.exe DED6F0 70 DECD18 0 0
Perfect Chaos sonic.exe 102478C 209 1022A28 0 0
Egg Hornet sonic.exe 1170B1C 135 116F808 1 1170B04
Egg Walker sonic.exe 11EC454 301 11E9A00 0 0
Egg Viper sonic.exe 125E990 125 125D600 21 125E798
ZERO sonic.exe 12B4D38 50 12B4618 1 12B4D20
E-101 Beta sonic.exe 10FCEE8 105 10FBFC0 4 10FCE88
E-101mkII sonic.exe 1122578 50 1121E58 1 1122560
Station Square City Hall ADV00MODELS.DLL 1D0DA8 266 1CE840 0 0
Station Square Casino ADV00MODELS.DLL 1D494C 423 1D0DD0 0 0
Station Square Sewer ADV00MODELS.DLL 1D5ABC 123 1D4970 0 0
Station Square Station ADV00MODELS.DLL 1D82AC 283 1D5AE0 0 0
Station Square Hotel ADV00MODELS.DLL 1D9170 104 1D82D0 0 0
Station Square Twinkle Park ADV00MODELS.DLL 1D948C 21 1D9198 0 0
Egg Carrier Deck ADV01MODELS.DLL 1ECEE4 311 1EA310 1 1ECECC
Egg Carrier Deck (Front) ADV01MODELS.DLL 1EDF4C 115 1ECF08 1 1EDF34
Egg Carrier Deck (Back) ADV01MODELS.DLL 1EE9B4 73 1EDF70 0 0
Egg Carrier Captain's Room ADV01MODELS.DLL 1EFD50 129 1EE9D8 14 1EFC00
Egg Carrier Private Room ADV01MODELS.DLL 1F04E0 52 1EFD78 1 1F04C8
Egg Carrier Pool ADV01MODELS.DLL 1F15C4 119 1F0508 0 0
Egg Carrier Ammunition Room ADV01CMODELS.DLL E86D0 112 E7680 6 E8640
Egg Carrier Main Hall ADV01CMODELS.DLL E9934 129 E86F8 1 E991C
Egg Carrier Hedgehog Hammer ADV01CMODELS.DLL EA354 71 E9958 0 0
Egg Carrier Prison ADV01CMODELS.DLL EAF84 85 EA378 1 EAF6C
Egg Carrier Reservoir ADV01CMODELS.DLL EB998 68 EAFA8 4 EB938
Egg Carrier Teleporter ADV01CMODELS.DLL EC038 46 EB9C0 0 0
Mystic Ruins Main Area ADV02MODELS.DLL 2903B0 228 28E388 1 290398
Mystic Ruins Angel Island ADV02MODELS.DLL 2914DC 121 2903D8 0 0
Mystic Ruins Jungle ADV02MODELS.DLL 2930D8 198 291500 0 0
Mystic Ruins Final Egg ADV02MODELS.DLL 293FE8 102 293100 6 293F58
Past Village ADV03MODELS.DLL FFC24 315 FCFD8 0 0
Past Shrine ADV03MODELS.DLL 101B5C 221 FFC48 0 0
Past Flaming Shrine ADV03MODELS.DLL 103974 213 101B80 0 0
Twinkle Circuit sonic.exe 5C99A4 171 5C8198 0 0
Twinkle Circuit 1 sonic.exe 5C8170 150 5C6C58 0 0
Twinkle Circuit 2 sonic.exe 5C6C30 140 5C5880 0 0
Twinkle Circuit 3 sonic.exe 5C585C 135 5C4560 0 0
Twinkle Circuit 4 sonic.exe 5C453C 113 5C3558 0 0
Twinkle Circuit 5 sonic.exe 5C3534 129 5C2310 0 0
Sand Hill sonic.exe 133EB64 315 133BF18 0 0
Station Square Chao Garden sonic.exe 300E738 88 300DAD8 0 0
Egg Carrier Chao Garden sonic.exe 3005E54 83 3005290 1 3005E3C
MR Chao Garden Day CHAOSTGGARDEN02MR_DAYTIME.DLL 35780 104 348E0 0 0
MR Chao Garden Evening CHAOSTGGARDEN02MR_EVENING.DLL 35780 104 348E0 0 0
MR Chao Garden Night CHAOSTGGARDEN02MR_NIGHT.DLL 35928 104 34A88 0 0
Chao Race Entry sonic.exe 3023700 28 3023310 0 0
Chao Race sonic.exe 3024C58 148 3023740 3 3024C10
Black Market sonic.exe 2FCAC58 18 2FCA9D0 0 0


Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information