

Sonic Adventure 2/Sound Editing/Voices/6

From Sonic Retro

SCHG: Sonic Adventure 2


The following is a listing of the voice files in Sonic Adventure 2.

The English voice files are located in the EVENT_ADX_E.AFS archive, while the Japanese voices are stored in the EVENT_ADX.AFS archive. Both files are in all versions of the game, and the voice files are saved in the .ahx format. They can be played back in any media player that supports the VGMStream codec or CRI ADX tools.
On the Dreamcast version, these archives are stored in the SONIC2 folder.
The GameCube version places these files in the root of the disc.
The PC version stores the files in the resource\gd_PC folder.
The GameCube and 2012 re-releases contain the same voice data, while the Dreamcast version lacks many of the multiplayer sounds.

This page contains voice samples starting from 2000 to 2399.

Sonic Adventure 2/Sound Editing/Voices/6
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# Character Contents Notes
2000 Omochao The emerald may be buried underground. Did you find a digging tool? Pumpkin Hill Hint
2001 Omochao This rocket will take you to Ghost Train Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2002 Omochao This rocket will take you to Church Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2003 Omochao This rocket will take you to Pumpkin Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2004 Omochao This is Ghost Train Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2005 Omochao This is Church Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2006 Omochao This is Pumpkin Mountain. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2007 Omochao This is Pumpkin Field. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2008 Omochao This is the ghost train turntable. Move the switch in the direction you want the train to go. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2009 Omochao Use this rocket to get to the top of the mountain fast. Pumpkin Hill Hint
2010 Omochao Using this rocket makes scaling mountains a breeze! Pumpkin Hill Hint
2011 Knuckles I can sense a piece of the emerald is nearby. Pumpkin Hill Idle Quote 1
2012 Knuckles What a weird place. Pumpkin Hill Idle Quote 2
2013 N/A *beep*
2014 Omochao If the prison doors are shut, don't worry. Defeat all enemies around here and the doors open automatically. Prison Lane Hint
2015 Omochao This is the mini-lift. Jump on it to go up. Prison Lane Hint
2016 Omochao The prison door is shut because there are some enemies to defeat. Find them all! Prison Lane Hint
2017 Tails I've got to find Sonic. He's in jail! Prison Lane Idle Quote 1
2018 Tails This place is huge. Prison Lane Idle Quote 2
2019 Eggman Rouge! Get the Chaos Emeralds before the military finds you! Security Hall Coms
2020 Eggman Hurry up, Rouge! The island is set to blow up! Security Hall Coms
2021 Eggman What are you doing? Get going! Bring me the Chaos Emeralds NOW. Security Hall Coms
2022 Eggman What in the world are you doing? You took longer than you were supposed to! Security Hall Coms
2023 Eggman Rouge! It's going to explode! Hurry up! Get going! Security Hall Coms
2024 Eggman No! That's no good! You've spoiled my plans! Security Hall Coms
2025 Omochao Look out for the red laser! It's really hot, so don't touch it! Security Hall Hint
2026 Omochao To open the safe, grab hold of the wall and dig into the center. Security Hall Hint
2027 Omochao All safes are locked! There may be a switch to unlock them in the room upstairs. Security Hall Hint
2028 Omochao Check every floor to unlock each safe. Each floor has a color-coded switch that matches the safe you want to unlock. Find them all! Security Hall Hint
2029 Omochao Do you remember which floor the safes are on that you want to open? Security Hall Hint
2030 Omochao First floor is red, second floor is yellow, and the third floor is blue. Security Hall Hint
2031 Omochao This is A Block. Security Hall Hint
2032 Omochao This is B Block. Security Hall Hint
2033 Omochao This is C Block. Security Hall Hint
2034 Omochao Get to the upstairs room from here. Security Hall Hint
2035 Omochao Watch the laser patterns. It's hot, so don't let it hit you! Security Hall Hint
2036 Omochao You can't dig through the floor or walls because they are too strong! Security Hall Hint
2037 Rouge I'll check on that data on Shadow later. Security Hall Idle Quote 1
2038 Rouge You must be kidding. The security here is a joke! Security Hall Idle Quote 2
2039 Omochao The more you jump on this gizmo, the higher it will take you. Keep jumping until you reach the top! Sky Rail Hint
2040 Omochao Press A button and use the analogue thumbpad while grinding to jump from rail to rail. Sky Rail Hint
2041 Shadow The last Chaos Emerald will be within my reach soon. Sky Rail Idle Quote 1
2042 Shadow That rail sure came in handy. Sky Rail Idle Quote 2
2043 Omochao Watch out for the quicksand below! If you fall in, there's no way out! Hidden Base Hint
2044 Omochao You can knock over the pillar by using the dynamite packs below. Be careful not to get squashed! Hidden Base Hint
2045 Eggman Now I've got to start over from the base! Sand Ocean Idle Quote 1
2046 Eggman My machines hate the sand! I've got to get out of here. Sand Ocean Idle Quote 2
2047 Omochao The weak point is the head. Find a way to the top!
2048 Omochao Try to stay behind it. That's the way to get on top!
2049 Omochao Try using your Bounce Attack. It's the easiest way up!
2050 Omochao His weak point is in his body! First, break the outside.
2051 Omochao Keep shooting the cannon! His weak point will appear.
2052 Omochao Attack his weak point. It's underneath his exterior!
2053 N/A *beep*
2054 N/A *beep*
2055 N/A *beep*
2056 N/A *beep*
2057 N/A *beep*
2058 N/A *beep*
2059 N/A *beep*
2060 N/A *beep*
2061 Omochao The gravity is very weak, so try to go up by hovering. Get to high places with ease!
2062 Eggman Sonic, this time I can't lose! Cosmic Wall Idle Quote 1
2063 Eggman Boy! This walker design is perfectly suited for space. Cosmic Wall Idle Quote 2
2064 Omochao Did you find the cannon? Use it on the steel containers.
2065 Eggman Let's see if I can have some fun now! Weapons Bed Idle Quote 1
2066 Eggman Those fools are no match for me! Weapons Bed Idle Quote 2
2067 Eggman Hahaha! You're just a kid! You couldn't beat me in a hundred years! Stupid little fox. vs Tails 1 Intro
2068 Eggman What? vs Tails 1 Hurt 1
2069 Eggman Ouch! That's it! I'm going to destroy you! vs Tails 1 Hurt 2
2070 Eggman Take this! vs Tails 1
2071 Eggman You won't escape me this time! vs Tails 1
2072 Eggman Whoa! Now you've made me mad. vs Tails 1
2073 Eggman Darn! I let my guard down... vs Tails 1 Defeated
2074 Eggman Hahaha! What's wrong? Ready to surrender? vs Tails 1
2075 Omochao Watch out for Eggman's Vulcan Cannon. Lock-on to defeat him!
2076 Omochao Lock-on to Eggman when you get next to him or behind him.
2077 Omochao You will slowly recover your health by collecting rings.
2078 Omochao Don't just run around! Stay alert and keep shooting.
2079 Eggman You're no match for me, you weak little fox!
2080 Eggman Ah! Don't think you've won yet!
2081 Eggman Whoa! Now you've done it, Tails!
2082 Eggman No! I can't lose to Tails...!
2083 Eggman All right! No more games, Tails!
2084 Eggman Take this!
2085 Eggman Hahaha! Now, give me the emerald.
2086 Omochao Beware of the homing missile! Take cover behind the wall or use lock-on to destroy it.
2087 Omochao Watch out for Eggman's special attack! It's strong and inflicts lots of damage. Learn his moves, then dodge him!
2088 Omochao Beware of the homing missile! Hide behind the wall to avoid damage.
2089 Omochao Beware of the homing missile! When it gets close, use something to smash it.
2090 Omochao Watch out for Eggman's special attack! It's very painful. Move quickly to avoid it!
2091 Soldier Spider Troop Big Foot reporting to headquarters. Intruder has been located. City Escape Boss 1
2092 Radio Copy that. City Escape Boss 1 Responder
2093 Soldier This is Spider Troop Big Foot. Big Foot to headquarters, over! We've engaged the enemy and request backup! City Escape Boss 2
2094 Soldier What?! For just one hedgehog?! City Escape Boss 3
2095 Omochao Aim for the cockpit! That's its weak point.
2096 Omochao You won't be able to attack it while it's airborne. Wait until it lands, then attack the fighter's cockpit.
2097 Omochao Use your rings wisely. Pick up one at a time as needed.
2098 Soldier This is Flying Dog to headquarters. Intruder found entering Security Hall. Preparing to attack. Security Hall Boss 1
2099 Soldier This is Flying Dog to headquarters. We're taking heavy damage! Close the Security Hall. Security Hall Boss 2
2100 Soldier It's just not possible! This Flying Dog can't be destroyed...! Security Hall Boss 3
2101 Omochao This fighter never lands! Climb to the top and then use your glide attack.
2102 Omochao Attack when it stops! You can also attack it when it's charging up or firing a missile.
2103 Soldier This is Scorpion Troop's Hot Shot. Enemy movement has been detected. En route to intercept and destroy. Iron Gate Shadow Boss 1
2104 Soldier This is Scorpion Troop's Hot Shot. The enemy is stronger than expected. Request additional support! Iron Gate Shadow Boss 2
2105 Soldier He is too strong! Iron Gate Shadow Boss 3
2106 Omochao Try to attack using a wooden container while flying.
2107 Knuckles Hand over those Master Emeralds. Give them to me!
2108 Knuckles Oo
2109 Knuckles *grunt* I have no choice but to fight now!
2110 Knuckles *grunt* You're no ordinary thief.
2111 Knuckles I must... protect... the Master Emerald...
2112 Knuckles Don't make me do this!
2113 Knuckles Now witness my powers!
2114 Knuckles *grunt*
2115 Knuckles Wha?
2116 Knuckles Ow!
2117 Knuckles Hand 'em over now!
2118 Omochao Knock Knuckles off by hitting the pillar. When he's on the ground, attack!
2119 Omochao Beware of Knuckles' special attack! Make sure you're in midair when he lands after throwing the Hammer Punch.
2120 Omochao Beware of Knuckles' special attack! Be sure to get out of the way when he uses his Thunder Arrow attack.
2121 Omochao Memorize Knuckles' patterns. When he stops, that's the time to attack.
2122 Shadow I'll show you the power of the real Ultimate Life Form!
2123 Omochao The surfaces are designed to absorb attacks. It's invincible! As long as he's equipped with that red life-support system, he's invincible!
2124 Omochao Chain Homing Attack. Use his attack to ascend!
2125 Omochao You may be able to grind on that pipe coming out of his mouth.
2126 Omochao To avoid his energy attack, use the Somersault or jump.
2127 Omochao Remember to use the Jump Dash when approaching the pipe coming out of his mouth.
2128 Omochao Did you see the egg-like attack? You might want to ascend!
2129 Omochao You can't attack when you get blown upwards. Attack when you land.
2130 Shadow He's still very powerful. What kind of monster is this? How are you doing, Sonic?
2131 Sonic Where does he get all that power? Is this the power of the Chaos Emeralds? Shadow, are you okay?
2132 Shadow The red swelling may be a weak spot. Sonic, aim for it!
2133 Sonic Shadow, how's your ring energy? Before you're depleted, make sure to change places with me to collect more rings!
2134 Rouge Can you hear me? Sonic, Shadow? Everyone here is rooting for you. Good luck, and give him trouble!
2135 N/A *beep*
2136 Amy Can you both hear me? The ARK is close to the Earth! Please hurry up!
2137 Shadow *grunt* I don't have enough energy to change into my super form!
2138 Sonic Shadow, your power is getting weaker! Hey, are you okay?
2139 Shadow Maria, watch me! I will fulfill your wish!
2140 Sonic Shadow, at this rate, your super form won't last! Get back to the colony!
2141 Knuckles Sonic, we're in danger! The colony will enter the atmosphere in about 4 minutes!
2142 Eggman Can both of you hear me? Atmosphere entry in about 4 minutes! Hurry!
2143 Shadow *panting* Sonic... I can't keep this up... hurry!
2144 Sonic Shadow! Continuous use of your super form will cause you to disappear. Get back to the colony!
2145 Shadow *panting* Sonic, I think I've discovered what the Ultimate Life Form is. It might be you!
2146 Sonic Shadow, I understand. You're unstoppable! Let's destroy this creature now! Everyone is waiting for us back on Earth!
2147 Tails Sonic, watch out! The colony is entering the atmosphere! Get out of there!!
2148 Amy There's no way to stop it now! You're out of time! Get out of there!!
2149 Amy You're out of time! Get out of there!
2150 Rouge There's no time left! Get out!
2151 Sonic Shadow, switch places with me. You're out of rings!
2152 Sonic Shadow, you're almost out of rings! You'll lose your super form!
2153 Shadow Sonic, what are you doing? You're almost out of rings. Switch places with me!
2154 Shadow Sonic, you're out of rings! You will lose your super form!
2155 Sonic Shadow, let me collect rings. Keep him busy for a while!
2156 Sonic It's up to you, Shadow.
2157 Sonic Yeah, take that, you creep! Shadow, are you okay?
2158 Shadow I'll collect the rings. Now it's up to you, Sonic!
2159 Shadow It's up to you, Sonic.
2160 Shadow All right. This is working! Sonic, how are you doing?
2161 Sonic Shadow, you need rest. Let me give it a try!
2162 Sonic We've almost got him!
2163 Shadow Sonic, leave it to me. I'll destroy him!
2164 Shadow Here I come, you creep!
2165 Eggman Can you hear me, Sonic? Shadow? He's very weak without his life-support system. Aim for the red swelling area to damage him. You're our last hope!
2166 Amy Sonic, Shadow? Can you hear me? You need rings to stay supercharged. Before your rings are depleted, remember to change places with each other.
2167 Tails When you change places, make sure to fly in front of him to get to the other side. Good luck to both of you!
2168 Knuckles Sonic, can you hear me? When you take a hit, you won't be able to move. When you don't have many rings left, make sure to change places with Shadow as soon as you can.
2169 Rouge Hang in there, the both of you!
2170 Eggman Sonic, Shadow! You two are the only ones who can stop him now!
2171 Rouge Give it your best shot!
2172 Tails Sonic, Shadow!
2173 Knuckles You can do it!
2174 Amy Please!
2175 King Boom Boo *roar* Receding into the ground
2176 King Boom Boo *grunt* Throwing a fireball
2177 King Boom Boo *roar*
2178 King Boom Boo *roar* Emerging from the ground
2179 King Boom Boo *roar* Giving chase
2180 King Boom Boo *roar* Forced out of the shadow
2181 King Boom Boo *roar* Taking damage
2182 King Boom Boo *roar* Defeated
2183 King Boom Boo *roar* Turning around
2184 King Boom Boo *roar, cackle* Turning around
2185 King Boom Boo *yell* Turning around when hourglass is flipped
2186 King Boom Boo *roar* Giving chase after touch damage is dealt to Knuckles
2187 King Boom Boo *cackle* Touch damage is dealt to Knuckles
2188 King Boom Boo *inhale* Preparing flame breath
2189 King Boom Boo BWAAAAA Flame breath
2190 King Boom Boo *roar* Intro roar
2191 Omochao The ghosts hate the sunlight! There must be a way to get some sunlight in here.
2192 Omochao Look! It's an hourglass. You've got to use the hourglass that the baby ghost is holding.
2193 Omochao The ghost has become a shadow! Try digging to pull him out. Keep trying!
2194 Rouge Very well. If that's how you want to play, I will take it from you!
2195 Rouge Ack!
2196 Rouge *grunt* Now you've made me mad!
2197 Rouge *yell* Now I mean business!
2198 Rouge This can't be true... I never lose...
2199 Rouge Here I come! Just watch me!
2200 Rouge Here I come! Get ready!
2201 Rouge *grunt*
2202 Rouge WAH
2203 Rouge *grunt*
2204 Rouge Now it's my turn to take what's mine!
2205 Omochao Try knocking Rouge off the pillar. Once she's on the ground, attack.
2206 Omochao Beware of Rouge's special attack! Be ready to be in midair when she does her Hip Drop attack.
2207 N/A *beep*
2208 Omochao Beware of Rouge's special attack! Be sure to get out of the way when she does her Black Wing attack.
2209 N/A *beep*
2210 Omochao Memorize Rouge's attack patterns. When she stops, that's the time to attack.
2211 Omochao Use your rings wisely. Pick up one ring at a time or else!
2212 Shadow There's no time to play games. You won't even get the chance!
2213 Shadow What?
2214 Shadow *grunt* I'm the coolest!
2215 Shadow Oh. I see. So you're not just a hedgehog.
2216 Shadow Time to put this to rest!
2217 Shadow That's no good!
2218 Shadow Darn... not bad for an imposter...
2219 Shadow *grunt* Not even close!
2220 Omochao Jump to avoid Shadow's spin attack.
2221 Omochao You can't attack him from the front. Try maneuvering and attack from the rear.
2222 Omochao When Shadow stops, that's your chance to attack him!
2223 Omochao You won't be able to just attack him. Try something to lower his defenses!
2224 Shadow Before this is over, I'll show you the true power of Chaos Control!
2225 Shadow *grunt* Hm, that hurt.
2226 Shadow *grunt* You're better than I thought.
2227 Shadow Impossible... I am the Ultimate Life...
2228 Shadow Hm. Is that all you got?
2229 Sonic Ah, my emerald! Give it back!
2230 Shadow This is the ultimate power!
2231 Omochao When he tries to use Chaos Control, then attack!
2232 Omochao Be aware of your surroundings while trying to avoid him.
2233 Omochao Beware of Shadow's special attack! Use the Somersault to avoid the Chaos Spear.
2234 Omochao Attack Shadow when he reappears using Chaos Control.
2235 Omochao Repeatedly attack Shadow to drop his defenses, then attack.
2236 Sonic You can't get away this time! There's only one real Sonic! vs Sonic 1 Intro
2237 Sonic Oo
2238 Sonic Kh! Bring it on! Hurt 1
2239 Sonic *groan* Who are you? Hurt 2
2240 Sonic Let me see your true power!
2241 Sonic It's no use!
2242 Sonic *groan* That hurt... Defeat Sonic 1
2243 Sonic Heh. Is that all you got?
2244 Omochao Jump to avoid Sonic's spin attack.
2245 Omochao You can't attack Sonic from the front. Try attacking him from behind!
2246 Omochao When Sonic stops, that's your chance to attack him!
2247 Sonic All right, Shadow. Time for me to finish this!
2248 Sonic Kh! Well done, faker.
2249 Sonic Ugh! No time to waste... take this!
2250 Sonic I'm not done with you yet!
2251 Sonic Heh! Too bad!
2252 Sonic Shoot... I failed...
2253 Sonic What's up? Ready to surrender?
2254 Sonic I'll use your technique!
2255 Sonic Chaos Control!
2256 Omochao Beware of Sonic's special attack! To avoid the Sonic Wind, use the Somersault.
2257 Omochao Be careful of the traps that are around here!
2258 Omochao Attack Sonic when he is trapped and weakened.
2259 Tails Eggman! You won't get away with this!
2260 Tails Ow.
2261 Tails Owie! Darn it, Eggman!
2262 Tails YA
2263 Tails Vulcan Cannon, fire!
2264 Tails Ow! I'm mad now!
2265 Tails Shoot! I was so close...
2266 Tails Take that, Eggman! You ready to give up!
2267 Omochao Beware of Tails' Vulcan Cannon. Use lock-on to defeat him!
2268 Omochao Get ready to lock-on when Tails comes close or when you're behind him.
2269 Omochao Collecting the rings will help you slowly recover health.
2270 Tails What have you done to Sonic? I'll never forgive you for this!
2271 Tails Ow! Now I'm serious!
2272 Tails Oo! There's no way I'm going to lose!
2273 Tails Forgive me, Sonic...
2274 Tails I'll show you how powerful my Cyclone is!
2275 Tails Fire!
2276 Tails It's not over yet, Eggman!
2277 Omochao Tails' homing missile. It scatters when it explodes! Try attacking it from afar.
2278 Omochao Tails' special attack is very strong, so be very careful! Memorize his patterns to avoid him.
2279 Omochao Beware of Tails' homing missile! It scatters when it explodes, so stay as far away as possible.
2280 Omochao To avoid the missile, hide behind the wall!
2281 Omochao Watch how he moves and when he stops, then attack!
2282 Eggman You guys are funny-looking!
2283 Knuckles Aw, how cute.
2284 Rouge This isn't too bad. 2P Alternate Intro
2285 Shadow Hah.
2286 Sonic Hey kids, what's up?
2287 Tails Hey, everyone!
2288 Omochao It's a nice day.
2289 Omochao Chao are so cute!
2290 Omochao Hey, that hurt.
2291 Omochao It's not easy to give you a hint!
2292 Omochao Don't play a TV-Game over 1 hour!
2293 Omochao Did you know the doctor's mustache is fake?
2294 Omochao I want to wind a spring.
2295 Omochao I wonder how Big is doing...
2296 Omochao Made in the USA for our fans!
2297 Omochao My allowance is all gone!
2298 Omochao I have a stomachache...
2299 Omochao Don't make fun of me!
2300 Omochao Chao, Chao, Cha!
2301 Omochao I want to go outside.
2302 Omochao *yawn* I'm tired.
2303 Omochao I lost my contact lenses.
2304 Omochao I'm late again.
2305 Omochao Am I annoying you?
2306 Omochao Omochao knows everything.
2307 Omochao Omochao wants to be Chao.
2308 Omochao I'm resting now.
2309 Omochao Hi! I'm Omochao.
2310 Omochao This is the Chao Garden.
2311 Omochao Chao are adorable creatures. Everyone loves them! Raise your own Chao here.
2312 Omochao To enter the Chao Garden, you have to find the Chao Key first. Come back when you find it!
2313 Omochao I'll give you the Chao Garden tour. Listen carefully!
2314 Omochao Ready for the Chao Garden tour?
2315 Omochao I'm ready to start the Chao Garden tour!
2316 Omochao Sure you don't want to learn about the garden?
2317 Omochao Okay!
2318 Omochao This is a Chao Egg. It will hatch over time, but it is wise to care for it until it hatches.
2319 Omochao How you take care of your Chao will affect its personality.
2320 Omochao What? You need advice on how to raise your newborn Chao?
2321 Omochao I guess I can tell you about it.
2322 Omochao Baby Chao love to eat nuts.
2323 Omochao This is their favorite snack! Feeding Chao these will make them strong and healthy.
2324 Omochao Nuts grow on trees. If you shake the trees, they will fall off!
2325 Omochao There are many kinds of nuts. Find out which is best for your Chao.
2326 Omochao Here's the next thing you need to know.
2327 Omochao This machine lets you to take your Chao out for a walk, using your memory card.
2328 Omochao More about that later.
2329 Omochao This way to the Chao Stadium! This is where the Chao Races are held. We love to race!
2330 Omochao Your Chao gets prizes for races they win.
2331 Omochao These are the small animals.
2332 Omochao And this is the Chaos Drive.
2333 Omochao Hand over either one to Chao and watch it change. Try using combinations.
2334 Omochao This is the end of the Chao Garden tutorial.
2335 Omochao Do you want to go through the tour one more time?
2336 Omochao Don't forget that you can use the Hint Boxes to get information.
2337 Omochao Be good to your Chao!
2338 Omochao Aren't Chao cute? You can visit the Chao Garden anytime.
2339 Omochao Bye-bye!
2340 Omochao Listen to me carefully.
2341 Omochao Here's how to get the nuts.
2342 Omochao Find a tree, press B button to grab it, then use the analogue thumbpad to shake it!
2343 Omochao Keep shaking it until the nuts fall!
2344 Omochao Here's how to use the Chao Transporter.
2345 Omochao Grab your Chao and step on the red button. Doing this will let you to take your Chao for a walk using your memory card.
2346 Omochao To remove Chao from the memory card, just stand on the red button. That's all you have to do!
2347 Omochao Now, let me tell you how to care for your Chao.
2348 Omochao Chao love to be held and petted all the time.
2349 Omochao Use Y button to select "Pet", then press B button for action.
2350 Omochao To hold your Chao, pick them up with B button and hold it down. They love to be snuggled!
2351 Omochao This is a tree seed. Plant it in the garden and watch it grow to bear nuts.
2352 Omochao The trees only live for a while, so collect as many seeds as you can.
2353 Omochao Chao hate crowded gardens. Try to limit 8 Chao to a garden. Some Chao may move to another garden on their own if it gets too crowded.
2354 N/A *beep*
2355 Omochao If flowers start to bloom around Chao, that means it's the mating season.
2356 Omochao When they mate, they may lay new eggs for you to raise.
2357 Omochao Look, look! Flowers are blooming around that Chao.
2358 Omochao Watch Chao closely and you may see them lay eggs.
2359 Omochao Congratulations! Your Chao has become a Hero Chao!
2360 Omochao Now you have access to the Hero Garden. Use the lobby to get there.
2361 Omochao Congratulations! Your Chao has become a Dark Chao!
2362 Omochao You now have access to the Dark Garden. Use the lobby to get there.
2363 Omochao Use the D-Pad to change the camera angle. This will let you watch your Chao from all angles!
2364 Omochao The Chao Kindergarten is fun! Take your favorite Chao there.
2365 Omochao Feeding your Chao nuts increases their energy to win races.
2366 Omochao Your Chao will transform depending on what animals and Chaos Drives you feed them. Try different combos.
2367 Omochao During the race, encourage your Chao based on how much stamina they have. Also, remember that encouragement works best if your Chao is specially bred for each type of race.
2368 Omochao Your Chao is hungry! Feed your Chao some seeds.
2369 Omochao There aren't many trees in this garden. Make sure you collect seeds on your walks.
2370 Omochao Your Chao may learn something if you encounter an adventure on your walk.
2371 Omochao If you neglect your Chao, it will become very lonely and might eventually run away!
2372 Omochao This is a letter from your Chao.
2373 Omochao Your Chao is very lonely!
2374 Omochao Chao!
2375 Omochao You can find either one in the Action Stage.
2376 Omochao They may be hiding in various spots. Try to find them!
2377 Omochao Your Chao will plant the seeds. If you find them, give them to your Chao.
2378 Omochao Let's go to the lobby.
2379 Omochao Uh oh! Your Chao has become a Dark Chao. I don't know what to do!
2380 Omochao Now you can access the Dark Garden using the lobby.
2381 Omochao It's scary, but you have to check the lobby.
2382 Omochao A new gate has opened.
2383 Omochao Do you have any questions?
2384 Omochao Do you have any other questions?
2385 Omochao What do you need?
2386 Omochao Did you understand that?
2387 Omochao Do you know about Chao?
2388 Omochao Chao are adorable creatures. Everyone in the world loves them!
2389 Omochao Chao live in the Chao Garden.
2390 Omochao You can raise your own Chao in the Chao Garden. They are so cute!
2391 Omochao There are a lot of things in the Chao Garden.
2392 Omochao Welcome to Chao World!
2393 Omochao Get to the Chao Garden from here.
2394 Omochao This is the Chao World exit.
2395 Omochao Go to the Hero Garden from here.
2396 Omochao Go to the Dark Garden from here.
2397 Omochao Go to the Chao Kindergarten from here.
2398 Omochao There are Chao from all over the world here in the Kindergarten.
2399 Omochao If you go to the Teacher's Room, you can get advice on how to raise your Chao.
Sonic Adventure 2/Sound Editing/Voices/6
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Sonic Community Hacking Guide
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Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
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ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
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Number Systems (or scrap) | Assembly Hacking Guide | 68000 Instruction Set | 68000 ASM-to-Hex Code Reference | SMPS Music Hacking Guide | Mega Drive technical information