
Sonic Chaos/Hidden content

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Zone select

SonicChaos SMS LevelSelect.png
SonicChaos GG LevelSelect.png

On the main title screen, press Up Up Down Down Right Left Right Left, then either 1 or 2 for the Master System version, and Start for the Game Gear version. An Extra Life sound will confirm correct entry. This is a variant of the Konami Code.

On the Game Gear Micro version the code is simplified to Up Up Down Down.[1]

Sound test

SonicChaos SMS SoundTest.png
SonicChaos GG SoundTest.png

On the main title screen, press Down Down Up Up Left Right Left Right, then either 1 or 2 for the Master System version, and Start for the Game Gear version. Like the level select code, this is a variant of the Konami Code.

On the Game Gear Micro version the code is simplified to Down Down Up Up.[1]



Activate the sound test, and press Down DownRight Right, then 1 or 2. This will make Sonic shoot a fireball from his hands, similar to Ryu from the Street Fighter series.

Free Chaos Emerald

On the character select screen of the Game Gear version, press: Up Down Up Down 1 2 1 2 1 2. You'll kick your adventure off with one Chaos Emerald.

Sonic & Tails Kattobi Saisoku Technique

SonicChaos GG KattobiSaisokuTechnique.png

The December 1993 editions of Japanese magazines Shogaku Sannensei, Shogaku Yonensei and Shogaku Rokunensei ran a "Sonic & Tails Kattobi Saisoku Technique" (ソニック&ティルスかっとび最速テクニック) contest - essentially a time trial of Turquoise Hill Zone.[2]

Four categories existed for Acts 1 and 2 as either Sonic or Tails - to enter, contestants had to finish the level with a speed rating greater than 700km/h, pause the game when said rating was on-screen and hold UpLeft+1+2 for a six-digit hexadecimal code. The player would then send this in and the magazine would determine the winner.

This feature only exists in the Japanese Game Gear version of Sonic & Tails. International releases of Sonic Chaos have it removed.

Unused content


Art Description
Diagonal spring with blue background for Turquoise Hill Zone.
Springs with backgrounds for Gigalopolis Zone.
Spikes with backgrounds, also for Gigalopolis Zone.
A left-facing quarter pipe for Gigalopolis zone. This was used in the 1993-04-17 prototype of Sonic Chaos but the collision was wrong.
Diagonal spring with background for Sleeping Egg Zone.
Spikes for Sleeping Egg Zone.
A 45-degree slope.
left-facing quarter-pipe.
Diagonal springs with backgrounds for Mecha Green Hill Zone.
Spikes with backgrounds for Mecha Green Hill Zone.
Mecha Green Hill Zone block. There are lots of similar pieces used, but not this one.
Springs for Aqua Planet Zone.
Background pieces for Aqua Planet Zone.
Another spring, this time for Electric Egg Zone.
Another left-facing quarter pipe, also for Electric Egg Zone.
Springs for the first type of Special Stage.
Diagonal tile for the first type of Special Stage.
Quarter pipes.
Scenery for the second type of special stage.
Ramps and a quarter pipe.

Extra tiles in opening cutscene


In the opening cutscene, a sprite of Tails running can be found in the VRAM. However, when Tails is eventually revealed, he's walking, not running. Could it be possible that he was meant to run along with Sonic rather than walk after him when he goes off-screen?


Audio ID Description
08EH A short jingle that is not used in either version.
09BH One of the tracks added in the Game Gear version that goes unused. This was later recycled for Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble as the Sunset Park Zone Act 3 song, albeit in a lower key.

Build date

Similar to other games developed by Aspect, the game's build date can be located at ROM address $C0:

Sega Master System
MS SONIC¥CHAOS    < Ver1.20 >   1993/08/03 @SEGA/Aspect Co.,Ltd
Sega Game Gear
Japanese version
GG SONIC & TAILS  < Ver1.01 >   1993/09/07 @SEGA/Aspect Co.,Ltd
Sega Game Gear
Western versions
GG SONIC¥CHAOS    < Ver1.00 >   1993/09/01 @SEGA/Aspect Co.,Ltd

Cheat device codes

These are cheat codes that can only be used with game enhancer devices. Support for these codes is available in most emulators.

Game Genie

Official codes, Game Gear version

Code Effect Reference
008-3BD-E6E Infinite time.
022-1EC-E6E Each ring worth 2.
042-1EC-E6E Each ring worth 4.
062-1EC-E6E Each ring worth 6.
082-1EC-E6E Each ring worth 8.
0A2-1EC-E6E Each ring worth 10.
3A9-DCB-2A2 Never lose rings.
22A-91D-2A2 Start with some rings most of the time.
3A6-24E-2A2 Infinite lives.
016-93C-E66 Sonic starts with 1 life (Don't combine any of these lives altering codes with the "Start on Level" codes).
096-93C-E66 Sonic starts with 9 lives.
506-93C-E66 Sonic starts with 50 lives.
996-93C-E66 Sonic starts with 99 lives.
014-23E-E66 Sonic continues with 1 life.
094-23E-E66 Sonic continues with 9 lives.
504-23E-E66 Sonic continues with 50 lives.
994-23E-E66 Sonic continues with 99 lives.
016-99C-F7E Tails starts with 1 life.
096-99C-F7E Tails starts with 9 lives.
506-99C-F7E Tails starts with 50 lives.
996-99C-F7E Tails starts with 99 lives.
014-28E-F7E Tails continues with 1 life.
094-28E-F7E Tails continues with 9 lives.
504-28E-F7E Tails continues with 50 lives.
994-28E-F7E Tails continues with 99 lives.
1F6-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Sonic starts on Gigalopolis Zone (Don't combine any of these level altering codes with the "Start with Lives" codes).
3D6-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Sonic starts on Sleeping Egg Zone.
006-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Sonic starts on Mecha Green Hill Zone.
3C6-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Sonic starts on Aqua Planet Zone.
056-93C-E66 + 006-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Sonic starts on Electric Egg Zone with 5 lives.
016-99C-F7E + 1F6-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Tails starts on Gigalopolis Zone with 1 life.
1F6-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Tails starts on Sleeping Egg Zone.
036-99C-F7E + 006-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Tails starts on Mecha Green Hill Zone with 3 lives.
3D6-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Tails starts on Aqua Planet Zone.
006-9EC-08F + 996-A0C-F7D Tails starts on Electric Egg Zone.

Pro Action Replay

Unofficial codes, Game Gear version

Code Effect Reference
00D3B1:01 Invincible After Being Hit Once.
00D29B:09 Infinite Lives.
00D29C:99 Infinite Rings (Change 99 to a lower value to avoid the Bonus Stage).
00D2C1:99 Infinite Time.
00D2CA:0? Character Modifier (1: Sonic, 2: Tails).
00D2D0:0? Cheat Enable Modifier (1: Zone Select, 2: Sound Test).
00D50C:95 High Jump (Enable during level).
00D299:0? Level Select. (Enable after intro)
  • 0: Turquoise Hill
  • 1: Gigalopolis
  • 2: Sleeping Egg
  • 3: Mecha Green Hill
  • 4: Aqua Planet
  • 5: Electric Egg
00D740:00 No Enemies.

Unofficial codes, Master System version

Code Effect Reference
00D3B1:01 Invincible After Being Hit Once.
00D299:09 Infinite Lives.
00D29A:99 Infinite Rings (Change 99 to a lower value to avoid the Bonus Stage).
00D50C:95 High Jump (Enable during level).
00D297:0? Level Select. (Enable after intro.)
  • 0: Turquoise Hill
  • 1: Gigalopolis
  • 2: Sleeping Egg
  • 3: Mecha Green Hill
  • 4: Aqua Planet
  • 5: Electric Egg


Sonic Chaos
Sonic Chaos title.png

Main page

Promotional material
Magazine articles

Hidden content