
Chaotix (prototype 1227)

From Sonic Retro

Chaotix1227 32X Title.png
Chaotix (prototype 1227)
Prerelease of: Chaotix
System: Sega 32X
Build date: 1994-12-27
ROM size: 4 MB
Source: Sega ROM Archive CD-R disc
Found by: drx

Chaotix prototype 1227 is a prototype build of Chaotix for the Sega 32X. It was released by drx during the February 23rd, 2008 proto release. The compile date on this proto is December 27, 1994.


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Various differences

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  • Sonic and Tails 1-up monitors are in this build.
  • The sprite for Bomb's 1-up monitor is the design of the Bomb badnik from Sonic 1.
  • Player Select still has a empty slot.
  • There is no sound while in rocket car, and after falling out of the building you get the Combi (NPC) select screen, with the usual 3 question marks.
  • Heavy is still called Heaby.
  • Cheat menus are accessible by Highlighting OPTION, then Pressing A + Start for Color Test, Pressing C + Start for Sound Test (with preliminary graphics), Pressing B + Start for Jam Out mode, which acts similar to Toejam & Earl. In Jam out mode press A, B, C, or Start to play the many different DAC samples. Up, Down, Left, or Right can be held to change between sound banks. A + B + C + Start will Exit the Jamout menu.

Gameplay and Graphics

  • Knuckles features different climbing sprites in this build. Also worth noting that the control is sightly different. You have to keep B pressed to climb, otherwise Knuckles falls off.
  • It's still called Knuckles Ring Star on the level title cards.
  • Apparently, the only way to reach maximum "Ring Power" is by taking small steps after reaching the supposed maximum. Maybe this was made to test different hold distances?
  • End signpost looks COMPLETELY different from final, much flatter (the other side is an eggman picture, remains the same in 1229).
  • After 10 minutes, the minute counter becomes a ´, at least in Isolated Island.


  • If gliding into the Metal Sonic meetup, Espio will get stuck falling (and turns huge) unless the character moves left.


NOTE: To play the prototype in Kega Fusion v3.6 and up, the "Fast 32X Timing" option in the 32X configuration tab must be enabled. For older versions of Kega Fusion, a special release, which can play the prototype, was made available here (info) (268 kB).

Download.svg Download Chaotix (prototype 1227)
File: Knuckles'_Chaotix_(32X)_(Prototype_1227_-_Dec_27,_1994,_10.28)_( (1.54 MB) (info)

External links


Chaotix (prototype 1227), prototype version of Chaotix
Chaotix1227 32X Title.png

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Part of Chaotix development

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