
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)/Magazine articles

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This page has a list of magazine articles for Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Full-length articles

Electronic Gaming Monthly

Sound test

This clip from "Electronic Gaming Monthly" mentions the unused Music Track, number 10 in the Sound Test, and Hidden Palace Zone.


Michael Jackson (April 1993)

This magazine clip reveals that Michael Jackson first played Sonic 2 on December 15th, 1992.

S2 ElectronicGamingMonthly Issue45 April1993 Page74.jpg

Games TM


This clip from Games TM magazine talks about the anticipation for the release for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and also explains the concept and usage of Blast Processing.



LamePro (April 1993)

This is from the April Fools section of GamePro called LamePro. It includes an "epic" cheat code.

Page 19

Special Feature (System Shopper)

This article talks about the pros and cons of purchasing the Genesis. It also posts about the Sonic 2 System package, the Genesis with Sonic 2 packed-in.

S2 GamePro Issue53 December1993 Page50.jpg


Top 100 (October 1992)

The original Sonic the Hedgehog is featured as one of the top 100 games for the Mega Drive. There is also a small blurb about Sonic 2. It also mentions Sonic CD and Sonic 3.

S1-2 MEGA 01 - Oct 1992 - Page76.jpg

Contest (October 1992)

This is a contest Mega held to give away free copies of Sonic 2.

S2 MEGA 01 - Oct 1992 - Page14.jpg


Cheat Page

This clip is from an issue of MegaTech magazine. It covers cheat codes of several Mega Drive Sonic games.


Sega Guide


These clips span different issues of Sega Guide magazine. In the letters section before the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 it uses screens from scrapped levels Sand Shower Zone and Hidden Palace Zone. After the release of the game they issue a response about the use of those images in the second clip.


Unknown Magazine

Clip #1

This article from an unkown German magazine contains concept art for Sonic. The text on the image translates to Mr. Hedgehog, or Mr. Needlemouse.

Translate: Sonic The Hedgehog has sold more than four million copies worldwide. the merchandising rights (i.e. those for other products with Sonic on them, such as t-shirts, mugs, bedding, etc.) in Japan alone bring in unimaginable sums for Sega every month. Everything from pajamas to chewing gum is printed with the Sonic logo, and soon the wave will spill over to Europe too...

Sonic 2 is expected to outsell its predecessor - Minoru Kanari is the head of the entire Sonic project, other key figures are known only by last name, if at all. It's totally impossible to get photos of the programmers lest they become famous and poached by the competition!! As cute as Sonic is, life in the icy business world of entertainment is just as tough. No gray Japanese mice, but steel-hard business is the basis of anonymity. It's a pity that people are completely pushed into the background!

The original developer of Sonic(meaning Yuji Naka or Naoto Ohshima), who, unbelievably, remains anonymous to this day, is very close to his blue friend. He thinks he has a kind of father-son relationship with little hedgehog, and that's probably how his relationship would be if he had a real son...

Clip #2

This small clip has a image of the Sonic 2 arcade cabinet used by Nick Arcade. The people in the image are the shows host and the worlds oldest contestant on the show.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)
Sonic2 title.png

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