Sonic the Hedgehog Presents: Princess Sally 3
From Sonic Retro
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Sonic the Hedgehog Presents: Princess Sally #3 "Deadliest of the Species" | ||||||||||
Cover date: June 1995 | ||||||||||
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Sonic the Hedgehog Presents: Princess Sally #3 is the final issue in the limited series published by Archie Comics. The issue would be reprinted in Sonic Select Book Seven.
Official solicitation
Deadliest of the Species - Part 3
- Continued from Princess Sally #2.
- With Robotnik's forces growing constantly, Princess Sally Acorn of the Freedom Fighters has realized she must do the same with her forces...
The remaining Freedom Fighters, under command of the robotic duplicate Sally Acorn, have begun to storm Robotropolis. Inside a factory, the group are easily able to take out numerous Swatbots from a catwalk. As more Swatbots arrive on the catwalk, the three fighters hide behind a pipe to prepare their next plan. Dylan is becoming sceptical about their assault, with their group only at half strength, and with the absense of Geoffrey St. John. Still angry about him, Hamlin believes they still don't need them as they continue forth to take out more Swatbots on the catwalk. From below, two Swatbots take aim at the catwalk and fire near Hamlin, destroying his section of the platform, sending him plummeting to the ground. Sally runs over quickly and grabs his arm in the knick-of-time, but the Swatbots on the ground still have their targets sighted on Hamlin. She pulls him up just as they fire, thus missing.
The fake Sally takes out NICOLE and locates their objective behind a door on the catwalk. The three of them run at the door, crashing through it...arriving in Robotnik's lair. They look on as Robotnik stands in the middle of the room, looking at his watch and timing how long it took them to arrive. He introduces himself, and then Geoffrey, who is standing beside the real Sally in a stasis tube. Hamlin is quick to call out Geoffrey as a traitor and jumps at him, starting a brawl. The fake Sally takes out her slingshot and tells Hamlin to back off, as they are on the same side. Confused, Hamlin gets up, as Robotnik reveals Sally as a robotic duplicate. He continues on, stating that there was no defensive weakness to Robotropolis. The substations were merely set up for field tests for his auto-automaton, a perfect robotic duplicate. With the test a success, he has already started to make robotic duplicates of Tails and Sonic, among others.
The time to deal with the real Sally has begun, as Robotnik plugs the roboticizer into Sally's stasis tube. The roboticization process begins, but suddenly malfunctions, causing the tube to explode. Robotnik looks into the tube, where Sally is no where to be seen. Robotnik takes a closer look at the unit, realizing that a feedback loop had occurred. He realizes that the only way it could occur is if the subject was really a robot. He looks back to see that the Sally standing before them is actually the real Sally, aiming her slingshot at Robotnik. Sally had known about Robotnik's plans from the beginning, and demands that he follow her orders. Although surprised by her cunning, Robotnik always has a back-up plan. Large humanoid robots, Stealth Bots, come out of the wall and confront the Freedom Fighters. They pick them up, minus Geoffrey, who brandishes a controller behind his back, pressing a button on it. As Robotnik gloats, the ground beneath him starts to shake violently. Geoffrey reveals that he is truly a leader of a rebel underground as a drill vehicle breaks through the ground of the lair.
Numerous rebel underground soldiers come out of the vehicle and surround the area...including Penelope and Arlo. While the other Freedom Fighters react in shock to seeing their friends back, the rebel underground take out the Stealth Bots, while Sally kicks a surprised Robotnik to the ground. Two of the rebels, Lieutenant Smiley and Commander Fleming give Geoffrey his rebel gear, confusing Dylan and Hamlin as to what side he is actually on. Sally walks over, and quickly explains that Geoffrey is on their side, but that a full explanation would take some time. Robotnik, however, has another plan up his sleeve as he reaches for a control panel. He opens it up, and presses the button on the panel, as an auto-destruct sequence starts up. He gloats about his victory as he leaves the group alone, falling into a pipe to escape the facility.
With only 30 seconds to escape, Geoffrey recommends taking their vehicle out. Suddenly, one of the remaining Stealth Bots smashes the drill vehicle easily. The group run away from the lair, as Sally finds a room labelled 'vehicle maintenance'. They run into a hangar, taking out Swatbots on the way, as the Stealth Bots continue to pursue them. The hangar is full of UFO-like hovercars, which Sally orders everybody to use. They board them and escape Robotropolis, just as the building explodes. Robotnik's robotic duplication plant has been destroyed, which Sally declares as an accomplished mission.
The fighters land in a field, while Sally's fighters are confused as to what has happened. Before she explains everything, she takes out a box from her vest, revealing many badges in it. She awards her Freedom Fighters battlefield commissions, making them official Freedom Fighters.
At night, around a camp fire, Sally tells everybody what exactly has transpired. Geoffrey never had any ill thoughts, with his true loyalties with king and country. He had sent Sally to his bunker earlier, activating the robotic Sally prematurely, prior to any of the attacks on the substations. Geoffrey and Sally released the robotic Sally early on to handle the Freedom Fighters during their assaults on the substations. If there were any complications, Geoffrey had his rebel underground for backup, which came in handy when Arlo and Penelope needed help. After the attack on the third substation, Geoffrey took the robotic Sally and put it in a stasis tube infront of Robotnik's monitor. He then released the real Sally, with Robotnik thinking it was the robotic one. Dylan puts in his two cents, can't believing that the robotic duplicate was so perfect in design. Sally thanks Geoffrey for his help, for if it wasn't for him, Robotnik's plans could've succeeded.
The next morning, Geoffrey prepares to leave with his troops. Sally offers him an invitation to come to Knothole Village, but Geoffrey must maintain his leadership of the rebel underground. He gives her a kiss goodbye, after saying that they'll likely meet again.
With Robotnik's plans deterred, Sally and her new Freedom Fighters head back to Knothole. She also realizes that she put her obligations as a Freedom Fighter over her personal obligations...and that now she has two men interested in her.
Other features
Production credits
- Script: Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders
- Pencils: Art Mawhinney
- Inks: Rich Koslowski
- Letters: Mindy Eisman
- Colors: Barry Grossman
- Cover art: Art Mawhinney & Jon D'Agostino
- Editor: Scott Fulop
- Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick
- Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater
- Source: Page xx
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Sonic the Hedgehog Presents: Princess Sally | |
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