

Sonic Adventure/Level Data Formats

From Sonic Retro

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SCHG: Sonic Adventure
2004 PC
2010 PC


Each level in Sonic Adventure is a compiled C++ file with embedded model data. They are usually similar in structure, but there is technically the possibility that some things may be in different locations for different levels.

LandTable header format

This struct defines the number of models and animations in the level, the location of the corresponding lists, and the texture list used. The name comes from the label in the DLL Export table of various DLLs in the PC version.

Offset Type Description
0 Short COL Count
2 Short Anim Count
4 Int Flags
Bit Value (hex) Description
0 1 Has animations
1 2 Has texture list
4 8 Has texture name
8 Float Unknown, usually 3000
C Pointer COL List
10 Pointer Anim List
14 Pointer Texture file name. Optional.

If not null, a PVM with this name will be loaded to the address pointed to by the texture list pointer.

18 Pointer Texture List
1C Int Unknown
20 Int Unknown

COL Format

The name COL is an antiquated misnomer, but for lack of a better name, it stuck. This data struct is a reference for loading a level model. It's 0x24 bytes long and works as follows:

Offset Type Description
0 Float[3] Center of collision sphere
C Float Radius of collision sphere
10 8 Bytes Padding?
18 Pointer Model (OBJECT Struct)
1C Int Unknown
20 Int Surface Flags (see below)

Surface Flags

These flags are not entirely figured out yet, but here's what is known for sure:
0x00000001 = Solid
0x00000002 = Water (overrides solid flag, makes surface transparent)
0x00000004 = No Friction
0x00000008 = No Acceleration
0x00000080 = Increased Acceleration
0x00000100 = Diggable
0x00001000 = Unclimbable
0x00010000 = Hurt
0x00100000 = Footprints
0x80000000 = Visible

Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
Move to Sega Retro
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