Fix the Walk-Jump Bug in Sonic 1
From Sonic Retro
(Original guide by Cinossu and Mercury)
In Sonic the Hedgehog there's a lovely bug where Sonic jumps into the air in his walking animation. It occurs in several places (to the right of the second purple rock with a yellow spring on top of it in Green Hill Zone Act 2 being a good place to see it, as well as near the lava in Marble Zone), but they all have one thing in common; they are near an object that calls the SolidObject routine.
Instead of changing how jumps are shown within Sonic's object code, you can fix this within the SolidObject routine itself (and if you look in Sonic 2, a variant of this is used as well).
Hivebrain's 2005 Disassembly
The first thing you'll want to find is loc_FB92. It starts off looking like this:
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s loc_FBAC
move.w #1,$1C(a1) ; use walking animation
bclr #5,$22(a0)
As the comment says, it sets the walking animation for use right here. Your first assumption may be to remove that instruction altogether, but you don't want to do that, as some little animation bugs can still occur this way. The way to fix it is to add a conditional branch, checking to see if Sonic's animation should be set to rolling, and skipping the changing of his animation if so. You should change the code to look something like this:
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s loc_FBAC
cmp.b #2,$1C(a1) ; check if in jumping/rolling animation
beq.s loc_FBA0
move.w #1,$1C(a1) ; use walking animation
bclr #5,$22(a0)
And that's it! A much simpler method of getting rid of this bug, and one that doesn't alter the original player object as well.
The above fix only works concerning solid objects other than Monitors, meaning there will still be a fair number of areas in which the walk-jump bug will occur unless you also modify the following code. Find the Obj26 label, and scroll down until you see this:
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s Obj26_Animate
move.w #1,$1C(a1)
bclr #5,$22(a0)
bclr #5,$22(a1)
and replace it with this:
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s Obj26_Animate
cmp.b #2,$1C(a1) ; check if in jumping/rolling animation
beq.s loc_A26A
move.w #1,$1C(a1)
bclr #5,$22(a0)
bclr #5,$22(a1)
There is also another related bug: if Sonic drowns while adjacent to a solid object or Monitor, he will fall off the screen in his walking animation, and not his drowning animation as he should. This can be fixed by adding a check for his drowning animation in addition to his jumping/rolling animation in the code described above.
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s loc_FBAC
cmp.b #2,$1C(a1) ; check if in jumping/rolling animation
beq.s loc_FBA0
cmp.b #$17,$1C(a1) ; check if in drowning animation
beq.s loc_FBA0
move.w #1,$1C(a1) ; use walking animation
bclr #5,$22(a0)
Obj26 (Monitor):
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s Obj26_Animate
cmp.b #2,$1C(a1) ; check if in jumping/rolling animation
beq.s loc_A26A
cmp.b #$17,$1C(a1) ; check if in drowning animation
beq.s loc_A26A
move.w #1,$1C(a1)
bclr #5,$22(a0)
bclr #5,$22(a1)
Hurt by spikes
There is yet another related bug: if Sonic walks or runs into sideways-pointing spikes, he will be hurt as usual, but bounce in his walking animation, and not his hurt animation. This can be fixed by adding a check for his hurt animation.
btst #5,$22(a0)
beq.s loc_FBAC
cmp.b #2,$1C(a1) ; check if in jumping/rolling animation
beq.s loc_FBA0
cmp.b #$17,$1C(a1) ; check if in drowning animation
beq.s loc_FBA0
cmp.b #$1A,$1C(a1) ; check if in hurt animation
beq.s loc_FBA0
move.w #1,$1C(a1) ; use walking animation
bclr #5,$22(a0)
GitHub Disassembly
The first thing you'll want to find is Solid_Ignore. Open _incObj\sub SolidObject.asm, it starts off looking like this:
btst #5,obStatus(a0) ; is Sonic pushing?
beq.s Solid_Debug ; if not, branch
move.w #id_Run,obAnim(a1) ; use running animation
bclr #5,obStatus(a0) ; clear pushing flag
As the comment says, it sets the walking animation for use right here. Your first assumption may be to remove that instruction altogether, but you don't want to do that, as some little animation bugs can still occur this way. The way to fix it is to add a conditional branch, checking to see if Sonic's animation should be set to rolling, and skipping the changing of his animation if so. You should change the code to look something like this:
btst #5,obStatus(a0) ; is Sonic pushing?
beq.s Solid_Debug ; if not, branch
cmpi.b #id_Roll,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his jumping/rolling animation?
beq.s Solid_NotPushing ; if so, branch
move.w #id_Run,obAnim(a1) ; use running animation
bclr #5,obStatus(a0) ; clear pushing flag
And that's it! A much simpler method of getting rid of this bug, and one that doesn't alter the original player object as well.
The above fix only works concerning solid objects other than Monitors, meaning there will still be a fair number of areas in which the walk-jump bug will occur unless you also modify the following code. Open _incObj\26 Monitor.asm and scroll down until you see this:
btst #5,obStatus(a0)
beq.s Mon_Animate
move.w #1,obAnim(a1) ; clear obAnim and set obNextAni to 1
bclr #5,obStatus(a0)
bclr #5,obStatus(a1)
and replace it with this:
btst #5,obStatus(a0)
beq.s Mon_Animate
cmpi.b #id_Roll,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his jumping/rolling animation?
beq.s loc_A26A ; if so, branch
move.w #1,obAnim(a1) ; clear obAnim and set obNextAni to 1, putting Sonic in his walking animation
bclr #5,obStatus(a0)
bclr #5,obStatus(a1)
There is also another related bug: if Sonic drowns while adjacent to a solid object or Monitor, he will fall off the screen in his walking animation, and not his drowning animation as he should. This can be fixed by adding a check for his drowning animation in addition to his jumping/rolling animation in the code described above.
btst #5,obStatus(a0) ; is Sonic pushing?
beq.s Solid_Debug ; if not, branch
cmpi.b #id_Roll,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his jumping/rolling animation?
beq.s Solid_NotPushing ; if so, branch
cmpi.b #id_Drown,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his drowning animation?
beq.s Solid_NotPushing ; if so, branch
move.w #id_Run,obAnim(a1) ; use running animation
bclr #5,obStatus(a0) ; clear pushing flag
btst #5,obStatus(a0)
beq.s Mon_Animate
cmpi.b #id_Roll,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his jumping/rolling animation?
beq.s loc_A26A ; if so, branch
cmpi.b #id_Drown,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his drowning animation?
beq.s loc_A26A ; if so, branch
move.w #1,obAnim(a1) ; clear obAnim and set obNextAni to 1, putting Sonic in his walking animation
bclr #5,obStatus(a0)
bclr #5,obStatus(a1)
Hurt by spikes
There is yet another related bug: if Sonic walks or runs into sideways-pointing spikes, he will be hurt as usual, but bounce in his walking animation, and not his hurt animation. This can be fixed by adding a check for his hurt animation.
btst #5,obStatus(a0) ; is Sonic pushing?
beq.s Solid_Debug ; if not, branch
cmpi.b #id_Roll,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his jumping/rolling animation?
beq.s Solid_NotPushing ; if so, branch
cmpi.b #id_Drown,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his drowning animation?
beq.s Solid_NotPushing ; if so, branch
cmpi.b #id_Hurt,obAnim(a1) ; is Sonic in his hurt animation?
beq.s Solid_NotPushing ; if so, branch
move.w #id_Run,obAnim(a1) ; use running animation
bclr #5,obStatus(a0) ; clear pushing flag
|Fix the Walk-Jump Bug in Sonic 1]]