Port Sonic 2's Level Art Loader to Sonic 1
From Sonic Retro
(Original guide by Clownacy)
Fancy giving your loading screens a speed boost? Sonic 1's Nemesis-compressed art adds quite the chunk to the loading times, and you'll find yourself staring at that blue oval more than you would Sonic 2's blue screen. Porting Sonic 2's level art loading process cuts down on a significant amount of waiting time. So how do we do that?
Sonic 1's level art is loaded as part of the Zone-specific PLCs, forcing it to be Nemesis-compressed. Because of this, we'll need to remove this feature and then introduce Sonic 2's equivalent, which is separate, and by default uses a faster compression.
Grab yourself a compression tool. Some examples are KENS and FW-KENSC. Get familiar with them. If you use Windows, you could also use the KENSSharp or FW-KENSC shell extensions. Also, you'll want to have ported QueueDMATransfer.Contents
First, we'll want to recompress our art from Nemesis to Kosinski, Sonic 2's standard level art compression.
Inside your 'artnem' folder, make a copy of '8x8ghz1.bin', and rename it to "8x8title.bin". We're doing this because GHZ's tiles are split into two, and the title screen only uses the first half, but Sonic 2's art loader doesn't support this.
After that, take the following files and place them in a separate folder:
- 8x8ghz1.bin
- 8x8ghz2.bin
- 8x8lz.bin
- 8x8mz.bin
- 8x8sbz.bin
- 8x8slz.bin
- 8x8syz.bin
Inside the new folder, decompress all of these files, then delete them, leaving only the uncompressed files.
Now we need to combine GHZ's files into one, so it will work with Sonic 2's art loader. Open both '8x8ghz1' and '8x8ghz2' in a hex editor, and copy '8x8ghz2' to the end of '8x8ghz1'. After that, save the result as "8x8ghz", and delete '8x8ghz1' and '8x8ghz2'.
Now compress all of the files in the Kosinski format and move them to the 'artkos' folder. Make sure the files still use the '.bin' extension - rename them if they're not.
Changing the pointers
Inside sonic1.asm, change this...
Nem_GHZ_1st: incbin "artnem\8x8ghz1.bin" ; GHZ primary patterns
Nem_GHZ_2nd: incbin "artnem\8x8ghz2.bin" ; GHZ secondary patterns
...to this
Nem_Title: incbin "artnem\8x8title.bin" ; Title patterns
Kos_GHZ: incbin "artkos\8x8ghz.bin" ; GHZ primary patterns
Follow this pattern with the rest of the level art incbins: change the "Nem_" prefix to "Kos_", and change "artnem" to "artkos".
Now find this...
lea (Nem_GHZ_1st).l,a0 ; load GHZ patterns
bsr.w NemDec
...and change it to this:
lea (Nem_Title).l,a0 ; load Title patterns
bsr.w NemDec
This is simply correcting the title screen's pointer. Like in Sonic 2, the title art is still Nemesis.
Inside the "_inc" folder, find and open Pattern Load Cues.asm and Main level load blocks.asm.
In Main level load blocks.asm, you can see entries for the level art, but, like the music entries, they are unused. As seen above, the level art is actually chosen by the pattern load cues. Sonic 2 would go on to actually use these entries, and, after the completion of this guide, your hack will too. But first, let's correct them to match our new labels.
- Nem_GHZ_2nd → Kos_GHZ
- Nem_LZ → Kos_LZ
- Nem_MZ → Kos_MZ
- Nem_SLZ → Kos_SLZ
- Nem_SYZ → Kos_SYZ
- Nem_SBZ → Kos_SBZ
Go to Pattern Load Cues.asm and delete the entries for the level art. GHZ and the ending have two, the other levels have only the one.
Porting the level art loading process
Back in sonic1.asm, above MainLoadBlockLoad, paste this:
moveq #0,d0 ; Clear d0
move.b ($FFFFFE10).w,d0 ; Load number of current zone to d0
lsl.w #4,d0 ; Multiply by $10, converting the zone ID into an offset
lea (MainLoadBlocks).l,a2 ; Load LevelHeaders's address into a2
lea (a2,d0.w),a2 ; Offset LevelHeaders by the zone-offset, and load the resultant address to a2
move.l (a2)+,d0 ; Move the first longword of data that a2 points to to d0, this contains the zone's first PLC ID and its art's address.
; The auto increment is pointless as a2 is overwritten later, and nothing reads from a2 before then
andi.l #$FFFFFF,d0 ; Filter out the first byte, which contains the first PLC ID, leaving the address of the zone's art in d0
movea.l d0,a0 ; Load the address of the zone's art into a0 (source)
lea ($FF0000).l,a1 ; Load v_256x256/StartOfRAM (in this context, an art buffer) into a1 (destination)
bsr.w KosDec ; Decompress a0 to a1 (Kosinski compression)
move.w a1,d3 ; Move a word of a1 to d3, note that a1 doesn't exactly contain the address of v_256x256/StartOfRAM anymore, after KosDec, a1 now contains v_256x256/StartOfRAM + the size of the file decompressed to it, d3 now contains the length of the file that was decompressed
move.w d3,d7 ; Move d3 to d7, for use in seperate calculations
andi.w #$FFF,d3 ; Remove the high nibble of the high byte of the length of decompressed file, this nibble is how many $1000 bytes the decompressed art is
lsr.w #1,d3 ; Half the value of 'length of decompressed file', d3 becomes the 'DMA transfer length'
rol.w #4,d7 ; Rotate (left) length of decompressed file by one nibble
andi.w #$F,d7 ; Only keep the low nibble of low byte (the same one filtered out of d3 above), this nibble is how many $1000 bytes the decompressed art is
@loop: move.w d7,d2 ; Move d7 to d2, note that the ahead dbf removes 1 byte from d7 each time it loops, meaning that the following calculations will have different results each time
lsl.w #7,d2
lsl.w #5,d2 ; Shift (left) d2 by $C, making it high nibble of the high byte, d2 is now the size of the decompressed file rounded down to the nearest $1000 bytes, d2 becomes the 'destination address'
move.l #$FFFFFF,d1 ; Fill d1 with $FF
move.w d2,d1 ; Move d2 to d1, overwriting the last word of $FF's with d2, this turns d1 into 'StartOfRAM'+'However many $1000 bytes the decompressed art is', d1 becomes the 'source address'
jsr (QueueDMATransfer).l ; Use d1, d2, and d3 to locate the decompressed art and ready for transfer to VRAM
move.w d7,-(sp) ; Store d7 in the Stack
move.b #$C,($FFFFF62A).w
bsr.w DelayProgram
bsr.w RunPLC_RAM
move.w (sp)+,d7 ; Restore d7 from the Stack
move.w #$800,d3 ; Force the DMA transfer length to be $1000/2 (the first cycle is dynamic because the art's DMA'd backwards)
dbf d7,@loop ; Loop for each $1000 bytes the decompressed art is
; End of function LoadZoneTiles
This is Sonic 2's LoadZoneTiles, modified to match Sonic 1's Main level load blocks block size ($10 over Sonic 2's $12).
Now to add some branches to this code.
Go to loc_3946 and, above this:
bsr.w Main level load blocks ; load block mappings and palettes
Add this:
bsr.w LoadZoneTiles ; load level art
Do the same at End_LoadData.
And with that, we're done, a short guide for shorter loading times! Save and build.
Updated by Player03Knux. First, we'll want to recompress our art from Nemesis to Kosinski, Sonic 2's standard level art compression.
Inside your 'artnem' folder, make a copy of '8x8 - GHZ1.nem', and rename it to "8x8 - Title.nem". We're doing this because GHZ's tiles are split into two, and the title screen only uses the first half, but Sonic 2's art loader doesn't support this.
After that, take the following files and place them in a separate folder:
- 8x8 - GHZ1.nem
- 8x8 - GHZ2.nem
- 8x8 - LZ.nem
- 8x8 - MZ.nem
- 8x8 - SBZ.nem
- 8x8 - SLZ.nem
- 8x8 - SYZ.nem
Inside the new folder, decompress all of these files, then delete them, leaving only the uncompressed files.
Now we need to combine GHZ's files into one, so it will work with Sonic 2's art loader. Open both '8x8 - GHZ1' and '8x8 - GHZ2' in a hex editor, and copy '8x8 - GHZ2' to the end of '8x8 - GHZ1'. After that, save the result as "8x8 - GHZ", and delete '8x8 - GHZ1' and '8x8 - GHZ2'.
Now compress all of the files in the Kosinski format and move them to the 'artkos' folder. Make sure the files still use the '.kos' extension - rename them if they're not.
Changing the pointers
Inside sonic.asm, change this...
Nem_GHZ_1st: binclude "artnem\8x8 - GHZ1.nem" ; GHZ primary patterns
Nem_GHZ_2nd: binclude "artnem\8x8 - GHZ2.nem" ; GHZ secondary patterns
...to this
Nem_Title: binclude "artnem\8x8 - Title.nem" ; Title patterns
Kos_GHZ: binclude "artkos\8x8 - GHZ.kos" ; GHZ primary patterns
Follow this pattern with the rest of the level art bincludes: change the "Nem_" prefix to "Kos_", and change "artnem" to "artkos".
Now find this...
lea (Nem_GHZ_1st).l,a0 ; load GHZ patterns
bsr.w NemDec
...and change it to this:
lea (Nem_Title).l,a0 ; load Title patterns
bsr.w NemDec
This is simply correcting the title screen's pointer. Like in Sonic 2, the title art is still Nemesis.
Inside the "_inc" folder, find and open Pattern Load Cues.asm and LevelHeaders.asm.
In LevelHeaders.asm, you can see entries for the level art, but, like the music entries, they are unused. As seen above, the level art is actually chosen by the pattern load cues. Sonic 2 would go on to actually use these entries, and, after the completion of this guide, your hack will too. But first, let's correct them to match our new labels.
- Nem_GHZ_2nd → Kos_GHZ
- Nem_LZ → Kos_LZ
- Nem_MZ → Kos_MZ
- Nem_SLZ → Kos_SLZ
- Nem_SYZ → Kos_SYZ
- Nem_SBZ → Kos_SBZ
Go to Pattern Load Cues.asm and comment out the entries for the level art. GHZ and the ending have two, the other levels have only the one.
Porting the level art loading process
Back in sonic.asm, above LevelDataLoad, paste this:
moveq #0,d0 ; Clear d0
move.b (v_zone).w,d0 ; Load number of current zone to d0
lsl.w #4,d0 ; Multiply by $10, converting the zone ID into an offset
lea (LevelHeaders).l,a2 ; Load LevelHeaders's address into a2
lea (a2,d0.w),a2 ; Offset LevelHeaders by the zone-offset, and load the resultant address to a2
move.l (a2)+,d0 ; Move the first longword of data that a2 points to to d0, this contains the zone's first PLC ID and its art's address.
; The auto increment is pointless as a2 is overwritten later, and nothing reads from a2 before then
andi.l #$FFFFFF,d0 ; Filter out the first byte, which contains the first PLC ID, leaving the address of the zone's art in d0
movea.l d0,a0 ; Load the address of the zone's art into a0 (source)
lea ($FF0000).l,a1 ; Load v_256x256/StartOfRAM (in this context, an art buffer) into a1 (destination)
bsr.w KosDec ; Decompress a0 to a1 (Kosinski compression)
move.w a1,d3 ; Move a word of a1 to d3, note that a1 doesn't exactly contain the address of v_256x256/StartOfRAM anymore, after KosDec, a1 now contains v_256x256/StartOfRAM + the size of the file decompressed to it, d3 now contains the length of the file that was decompressed
move.w d3,d7 ; Move d3 to d7, for use in seperate calculations
andi.w #$FFF,d3 ; Remove the high nibble of the high byte of the length of decompressed file, this nibble is how many $1000 bytes the decompressed art is
lsr.w #1,d3 ; Half the value of 'length of decompressed file', d3 becomes the 'DMA transfer length'
rol.w #4,d7 ; Rotate (left) length of decompressed file by one nibble
andi.w #$F,d7 ; Only keep the low nibble of low byte (the same one filtered out of d3 above), this nibble is how many $1000 bytes the decompressed art is
.loop: move.w d7,d2 ; Move d7 to d2, note that the ahead dbf removes 1 byte from d7 each time it loops, meaning that the following calculations will have different results each time
lsl.w #7,d2
lsl.w #5,d2 ; Shift (left) d2 by $C, making it high nibble of the high byte, d2 is now the size of the decompressed file rounded down to the nearest $1000 bytes, d2 becomes the 'destination address'
move.l #$FFFFFF,d1 ; Fill d1 with $FF
move.w d2,d1 ; Move d2 to d1, overwriting the last word of $FF's with d2, this turns d1 into 'StartOfRAM'+'However many $1000 bytes the decompressed art is', d1 becomes the 'source address'
jsr (DMA_68KtoVRAM).l ; Use d1, d2, and d3 to locate the decompressed art and ready for transfer to VRAM
move.w d7,-(sp) ; Store d7 in the Stack
move.b #$C,(v_vbla_routine).w
bsr.w WaitForVBla
bsr.w RunPLC
move.w (sp)+,d7 ; Restore d7 from the Stack
move.w #$800,d3 ; Force the DMA transfer length to be $1000/2 (the first cycle is dynamic because the art's DMA'd backwards)
dbf d7,.loop ; Loop for each $1000 bytes the decompressed art is
; End of function LoadZoneTiles
This is Sonic 2's LoadZoneTiles, modified to match Sonic 1's LevelHeaders block size ($10 over Sonic 2's $12).
Now to add some branches to this code.
Go to Level_SkipTtlCard and, above this:
bsr.w LevelDataLoad ; load block mappings and palettes
Add this:
bsr.w LoadZoneTiles ; load level art
Do the same at End_LoadData.
And with that, we're done, a short guide for shorter loading times! Save and build.
(Optional) Improvements
As mentioned before, this can be taken even further:
Go grab the improved KosDec and NemDec, along with CompDec. By using the improved KosDec, or switching to Comper compression, you can achieve even faster load times.If you wish to stick with Kosinski, then simply replacing KosDec will do. If, however, you want to switch to Comper...
Use a FW-KENSC compressor to recompress your art to Comper, then add CompDec to your disassembly. Lastly, go to LoadZoneTiles and replace this:
bsr.w KosDec
with this
bsr.w CompDec
That's all. Enjoy your faster loading times!
|Port Sonic 2's Level Art Loader to Sonic 1]]