

Prototype Zones

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Sonic 2 Beta Zones

The nearly completed zones can be played by simply pressing Start at the title screen. The rest you'll need the level select code plus debug.

Nick Arcade Prototype Simon Wai Prototype Final
ID No. Zone Music ID
03 01 Z ghz.png Starlight 84
00 - Z noicon.png Green Hill 81
02 - Z cpz.png Marble 83
04 - Z hpz.png Spring Yard 85
01 - Z noicon.png Labyrinth 82
05 - Z htz.png Scrap Brain 86
ID No. Zone Music ID
0F 01 Z arz.png Neo Green Hill 87
0D 02 Z cpz.png Chemical Plant 8D
07 03 Z htz.png Hill Top 96, 97
00 04 Z ghz.png Green Hill 82
02 - Z noicon.png Wood 83
04, 05 - Z mz.png Metropolis 83
08 - Z hpz.png Hidden Palace 86
0A - Z ooz.png Oil Ocean 81
0B - Z dhz.png Dust Hill 85
0C - Z cnz.png Casino Night 84
0E - Z noicon.png Genocide City 8D
10 - Z dez.png Death Egg -
ID No. Zone Music ID
00 01 Z ghz.png Emerald Hill 02
0D 02 Z cpz.png Chemical Plant 0E
0F 03 Z arz.png Aquatic Ruin 07
0C 04 Z cnz.png Casino Night 09
07 05 Z htz.png Hill Top 06
0B 06 Z dhz.png Mystic Cave 0B
0A 07 Z ooz.png Oil Ocean 04
04, 05 08 Z mz.png Metropolis 05
10 09 Z scz.png Sky Chase 0D
06 10 Z wfz.png Wing Fortress 0F
0E 11 Z dez.png Death Egg 0A
08 - Z hpz.png Hidden Palace 10


  • Level ID is the value the game refers to the level. Note that Metropolis Zone Act 3 has a separate level ID, 05.
  • A "-" in gameplay order means the zone is not accessible at all in normal gameplay.
  • A "-" in music ID means the music does not exist in the game.