

Sonic Colours (Wii)

From Sonic Retro


I'll say it before someone else does - should this page be at Sonic Colors or Sonic Colours, seeing as it's only going to be the former in the US market? Hell, even the Canadians spell with the u, meaning that the US doesn't have their support this time. Overlord 16:57, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

Generally the idea is to go with the name that's most widely used, hence Mega Drive instead of Genesis and so on.

For that reason I would vote that "Sonic Colours" should be the name, but also on the basis it was intially announced in an Italian press release, which might suggest Sega of Europe are behind it. -Black Squirrel 17:25, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

US loses due to the fact that they're literally the only people who use colors. It's colours. Sorry. - Scarred Sun 18:30, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

Righty-doo, making the changes now. Overlord 18:31, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

Chiming in on this--the Japanese website and trailer also appear to use Colors instead of Colours in the title. That makes two against one for the removal of the u in the title. Pending any details on the developers and going by majority rule, shouldn't we use the American spelling? It seems to make sense given past trends. --Tweaker 13:04, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

Well, it depends on how you look at it - I mean you could argue that the NA region is split (USA uses it, Canada doesn't), Europe all uses Colours, Oz uses Colours and Japan's gone for the US romanisation due to SoJ not being likely to translate themselves (Karaazu would look tacky, we can all agree) - and the fact they have the name written in Japanese underneath means they'll likely be using that as the main name when referring to it anyway; I'd be inclined to leave it how it is, seeing as it's been moved now already once. The fact that the name is consistent amongst languages that don't even have the word has to say SOMETHING. I mean look at say Sonic and the Secret Rings or Sonic and the Black Knight, the last 2 Wii games - both had a ton of translations done for various countries, but not this time around. If you want to go by whichever name is used by the most countries, Colours still comes out top. Overlord 14:07, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

Overlord, you are a britfag, therefore you are biased and you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. That said, Colours ftw :3 Nineko 17:38, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

Shouldn't be allowed? Go and surrender to something. XP Overlord 17:48, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

Europe's going for Colours, USA uses Colors and Japan uses a moonspeak version of Colors. A majority would usually go here, but we're still talking about the same game here. It's like renaming Sonic Unleashed to Sonic World Adventure just because Japan uses it. Colours is fine. SOTI 18:10, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

The analogy for Unleashed doesn't really work due to the name being completely different. In this case, it's a spelling/localisation issue - as I noted above, Sonic and the Secret Rings or Sonic and the Black Knight are more apt analogies in that it's the same name but with spelling (OK, and language) changes. In this regard, the one that gets the widest universal use IS Colours - Colors is used by the USA and as a dual name with Japan - call it 1 and a half points. Japan has its own spelling for Karaazu - that's half a point there. Then you have Canada, the UK, Australia - that's 3 points and we haven't even touched the mainland EU countries who are using the non-US spelling when the word isn't spelt like that in their native tongues - this is why it should stay as Colours, not because of an Unleashed analogy. One thing I will note is that I believe this is a first for a naming issue in this series where we've had to decide on a conflicting spelling rather than a conflicting name. =P Overlord 18:34, 27 May 2010 (UTC)


Are we going to have to split this page in two? Given that, to all intents and purposes, it seems that the Wii and the DS versions share only a name and a plot, much like the very first outing with Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) vs Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit). I think we should be making the distinction sooner rather than later, before we get a whole load of screenshots all dumped in a single category that will then have to be disentangled. Frozen Nitrogen (Talk) 01:25, 17 June 2010 (UTC)