
Rooftop Run (Sonic Generations)

From Sonic Retro

Sonic Retro emblem.svg Sonic Generations
Rooftop Run
  • Classic
  • Modern
Rooftop Run
Eighth stage, Sonic Generations
Number of Acts: 2
Level themes: urban, carnival/casino
Non-English names:
  • JP: オランジ ル-フ Oranji Ruufusu
Crisis City | Planet Wisp

Rooftop Run is the eighth stage in the console and PC versions of Sonic Generations, and the second stage representing the "Modern Era". It is an adaptation of Rooftop Run from Sonic Unleashed.


After finishing the stage, the Sonics free Vector the Crocodile, who has a hunch that something or someone is controlling the Time Eater. He will say this regardless of which Sonic rescues him.


This level gets reborn into a sort of carnival, with balloons, confetti, and various festive decorations throughout the city.

Modern Sonic runs through the city like last time, running on the orange-roofed buildings and along the ruins throughout the city. Along with the famous grinding down the clock tower, other familiar areas use Quick Steps and Drifts like the original level. At the end of the stage he will not only fight off Aero-Chasers, but he will also take on a flying battleship shooting huge lasers. Going Super Sonic should not be done in the Aero-Chaser part as when Super Sonic runs out Sonic will likely run into an Egg Lancer.

Classic Sonic takes a more platforming approach, traveling along rooftops as well but also traveling under the city, which has elements from the Werehog stages like the barrels. Near the end he ascends the clock tower through platforming and smashes the flying blimp with the clock face.


Challenge Acts

Act 1

Name Screenshot In-game description Overview Reward Rank requirements
Doppelganger Race!
Face off against Sonic's double and beat him in a race to the goal. The player must play through the full Act, racing against a faint-image "doppelganger" of Sonic who follows a pre-determined path through the Act. They must reach the goal before the doppelganger does to clear the Challenge Act.

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

High-Rise Balloon Climb
Use the Big Balloons to climb higher and higher and reach the goal in time.

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Dash Ring 1-2-3
Pass through all Dash Rings in order and reach the goal before time runs out.

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Charmy: Don't Bug Me!
Watch out for Charmy! Reach the goal in time while avoiding Charmy!

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

One Ring Challenge 2
Reach the goal in time with only one Ring!

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Act 2

Name Screenshot In-game description Overview Reward Rank requirements
Barrel Ring Bonus
Smash open barrels to get the Rings inside and grab a set number before time's up.

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Doppelganger Race!
Face off against Sonic's double and beat him in a race to the goal. The player must play through the full Act, racing against a faint-image "doppelganger" of Sonic who follows a pre-determined path through the Act. They must reach the goal before the doppelganger does to clear the Challenge Act.

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Rooftop Rail Grind
Go boarding across the rooftops and clear the stage in time!

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Endless Boost
Boost to the goal before time runs out to earn the Endless Boost Skill. Endless Boost is added to the Skill Shop

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Vector: Pick Up the Beat
Pass notes back and forth with Vector until the croc misses the beat. This Challenge Act is a game of musical tennis with Vector in which he sings a blue musical note that will fly towards Sonic's direction, with a glowing spot to show where it will land. The player must send the note back at Vector by striking it with a Spin Jump or Homing Attack before it reaches the ground, and Vector will send it back by blowing a bubblegum bubble. Should Sonic let the note touch the ground or be hit by it when not in a Spin Jump or Homing Attack, Vector wins. To win, Sonic must deflect the note a total of 30 times, with the note changing colour and moving faster every 10th hit (from blue to yellow to red).

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Special item locations

The following are the locations of the Red Star Rings and Chao in each Act. The Chao can only be found in the version of Sonic Generations that is featured in Sonic X Shadow Generations.

Red Star Rings

Act 1

Name Screenshot Location
Ring #1:
Ring #2:
Ring #3:
Ring #4:
Ring #5:

Act 2

Name Screenshot Location
Ring #1:
Ring #2:
Ring #3:
Ring #4:
Ring #5:


Act 1

Name Screenshot Location
Chao #1:
Chao #2:
Chao #3:

Act 2

Name Screenshot Location
Chao #1:
Chao #2:
Chao #3:


Sonic Generations / Sonic X Shadow Generations
SonicGenerations PCTitleScreen.png

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