
Green Hill (Sonic Generations)

From Sonic Retro

Sonic Retro emblem.svg Sonic Generations
Green Hill
  • Classic
  • Modern
Sonic generations 5.jpg
Sonic generations 10.jpg
Green Hill
First stage, Sonic Generations
Number of Acts: 2
Level theme: tropical island
Non-English names:
  • JP: グリーンヒル Gurīnhiru
Chemical Plant

Green Hill is the first stage in the console and PC versions of Sonic Generations, and the first stage representing the "Classic Era". It is an adaptation of Green Hill Zone from the original Sonic the Hedgehog.

Green Hill is the only stage in both the console and handheld versions of the game, and unlike its handheld counterpart Classic Sonic has a completely new layout for his Act. As well as being the first Zone to be announced, it is the only playable level within both Sonic Generations demos.


The game opens straight into Act 1, where Classic Sonic is enjoying a jog through the tropical Zone. He notices the Time Eater which unleashes a spell over his world. Fast forward into the present, and Modern Sonic gets his birthday party rather rudely trashed by Time Eater, and is cast into a strange white void. The bleached entrance to Green Hill Act 2 is in front of Sonic when he wakes up, and after speeding through the stage, a frozen Tails is returned to life. The fox mentions that, unlike Sonic, he doesn't remember having been here before - a reference to his absence from Sonic the Hedgehog.


Classic and Modern Sonic revisit the original chequered fields of the Zone. Act 1 starts as a scrupulously faithful remake of the Mega Drive level, right down to the positioning of platforms and hidden springs, but variety is soon introduced (with the helical strips from Emerald Hill Zone, for example). In Act 2, meanwhile, Modern Sonic faces a thoroughly updated version, with Quick Step routes, grindrails, and Dash Panels.


Chopper Generations.png Chopper — Leap out from under log bridges as in the original. However, now they spend some of their time in the background, so can't always be hit. Found only in Act 1.
MegaChopper.jpg Mega Chopper — Supersized version of the original, with a taste for underground grindrails.
Buzz Bomber Generations.png Buzzbomber — Flying hornet-bots that scroll through the air firing shots at you. As well as the standard versions, Generations introduces purple buzzbombers which just hover to serve as Homing Attack fodder. Also, one of the Green Hill missions is to race Knuckles through a stage filled with motionless giant badniks, of which a giant purple buzzbomber is one variety.
Motobug Generations.png Motobug — A mechanised ladybird which remains the scourge of slow-moving, non-jumping hedgehogs. In 2D, they'll make a dash towards Sonic if he's spotted, but they're completely static in 3D. Has a giant version in the Knuckles mission.
Crabmeat Generations.png Crabmeat — Now fires missiles instead of energy balls, but otherwise behaves as always. Laughs at Sonic if he is damaged by it.

Challenge Acts

Act 1

Name Screenshot In-game description Overview Reward Rank requirements
Doppelganger Race!
Face off against Sonic's double and beat him in a race to the goal. The player must play through the full Act, racing against a faint-image "doppelganger" of Sonic who follows a pre-determined path through the Act. They must reach the goal before the doppelganger does to clear the Challenge Act. Artwork 041

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

The Buzz Bombers' Revenge!
Beware of Buzz Bombers! Reach the goal before time runs out. Splash Hill Zone Act 1 Music

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Knuckles: Horde of Enemies
A horde of giant enemies will try to interfere in your race with Knuckles. Classic Sonic must race Knuckles to the goal during sunset. Placed throughout the Act are giant Badniks that cannot be destroyed, however Sonic can bounce off of them with a Spin Attack in order to progress through the Act. When a giant Badnik has been bounced off of, it will be stunned and cannot be bounced off of again until it recovers. Artwork 042

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Swingset Circus
Use the swings to go up and up and reach the goal in the allotted time. Toxic Caves Music

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

High Speed Challenge
Collect Power Sneakers to reach the goal before time runs out. Artwork 043

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Act 2

Name Screenshot In-game description Overview Reward Rank requirements
Look Out Below!
Reach the goal before time runs out, but watch out for the crumbling course! Sonic Boom (song)

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Tails: Way Past Fast
Race to the goal against Tails in his airplane. Artwork 045

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Doppelganger Race!
Face off against Sonic's double and beat him in a race to the goal. The player must play through the full Act, racing against a faint-image "doppelganger" of Sonic who follows a pre-determined path through the Act. They must reach the goal before the doppelganger does to clear the Challenge Act. Sweet Mountain Music

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Jump Rush
Master the Jump Panels as you bounce your way to the goal within the time limit. Artwork 044

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

300% Boost Gauge Challenge
Your Boost Gauge is tripled. Reach the goal to earn the Boost Gauge Up Skill! Palm Tree Panic (Present)
Boost Gauge Up is added to the Skill Shop

S xx:xx.xx
A xx:xx.xx
B xx:xx.xx
C xx:xx.xx
D Finish the level

Special item locations

The following are the locations of the Red Star Rings and Chao in each Act. The Chao can only be found in the version of Sonic Generations that is featured in Sonic X Shadow Generations.

Red Star Rings

Act 1

Name Screenshot Location
Ring #1:
Ring #2:
Ring #3:
Ring #4:
Ring #5:

Act 2

Name Screenshot Location
Ring #1:
Ring #2:
Ring #3:
Ring #4:
Ring #5:


Act 1

Name Screenshot Location
Chao #1:
SonicXShadowGenerations PC GreenHill Act1 Chao1.png
Found around the enemy at the beginning of Green Hill ACT 1.
Chao #2:
SonicXShadowGenerations PC GreenHill Act1 Chao2.png
Found around the giant totem pole in Green Hill ACT 1.
Chao #3:
SonicXShadowGenerations PC GreenHill Act1 Chao3.png
Found after destroying the rock in Green Hill ACT 1.

Act 2

Name Screenshot Location
Chao #1:
SonicXShadowGenerations PC GreenHill Act2 Chao1.png
Found after destroying the rock in Green Hill ACT 2.
Chao #2:
SonicXShadowGenerations PC GreenHill Act2 Chao2.png
Found on the platforms deep in the valleys of Green Hill ACT 2.
Chao #3:
SonicXShadowGenerations PC GreenHill Act2 Chao3.png
Found after destroying the long bridge in Green Hill ACT 2.


Sonic Generations / Sonic X Shadow Generations
SonicGenerations PCTitleScreen.png

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