

Sonic the Hedgehog CD/Art Editing/Metallic Madness MMDs

From Sonic Retro

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SCHG: Sonic the Hedgehog CD
Main Article
File Locations
File Locations
Art Editing
Editing Art
Nemesis Format Art
Palmtree Panic MMDs
Collision Chaos MMDs
Tidal Tempest MMDs
Quartz Quadrant MMDs
Wacky Workbench MMDs
Stardust Speedway MMDs
Metallic Madness MMDs
MMD Tweaking
Tweaking MMDs
Maximum rings allowed
Minimum rings for Giant Ring
Rings given by ring
Rings given by Ring Monitor
Invincibility duration
Super Sneakers duration
Regular speed stats
Super Sneakers speed stats
RAM Editing
RAM Editing

R81A__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 1 Present

Offset Description
$00A572 Giant ring flash
$01E414 4x4 block (SSZ BF) (Unused)
$01E524 Foreground lamp post (SSZ BF) (Unused)
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Seed pod
$02FE6A Giant ring
$030274 Goal post
$030434 End sign
$030A10 Clear screen
$03171A Main title card patterns
$0327A6 Diagonal spring
$032AB2 Vertical and horizontal springs
$032CD4 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$0332D8 Explosions
$0337C0 Rings
$033E34 HUD
$033F60 Continue post
$0340E0 Flower
$034366 Shrinker/expander lasers
$034482 Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$038A30 16x16 mappings
$039426 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03BD58 Doors
$03BE2A Spikes
$03BEC4 Large piston
$03C154 Collapsing platforms
$03C1BC Appearing/disappearing platforms
$03C228 Moving slicer poles
$03C554 Diagonal buzzsaws
$03C798 Diagonal buzzsaws (Good Future)
$03C9F4 Unused platform
$03CAE8 Sphere platforms
$03CB9E Large seesaw and spike ball
$03D1CA Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03D810 Revolving platforms
$03DA02 Button
$03DA54 Wheel
$03DB0A Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03DD4E Booby/Hornet enemy
$03E068 Grabber enemy
$03E3E8 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E578 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03E6C4 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R81B__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 1 Past

Offset Description
$00A514 Giant ring flash
$01E414 4x4 block (SSZ BF) (Unused)
$01E524 Foreground lamp post (SSZ BF) (Unused)
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Seed pod
$02FE6A Giant ring
$030274 Goal post
$030434 End sign
$030A10 Clear screen
$03171A Main title card patterns
$0327A6 Diagonal spring
$032AB2 Vertical and horizontal springs
$032CD4 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$0332D8 Explosions
$0337C0 Rings
$033E34 HUD
$033F60 Continue post
$0340E0 Flower
$034366 Shrinker/expander lasers
$034482 Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$038A30 16x16 mappings
$03942A Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03BBAE Doors
$03BC80 Spikes
$03BD1A Large piston
$03BFAA Collapsing platforms
$03C012 Appearing/disappearing platforms
$03C07E Moving slicer poles
$03C3AA Diagonal buzzsaws
$03C5EE Diagonal buzzsaws (Good Future)
$03C84A Unused platform
$03C93E Sphere platforms
$03C9F4 Large seesaw and spike ball
$03D020 Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03D666 Revolving platforms
$03D858 Button
$03D8AA Wheel
$03D960 Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03DBA4 Booby/Hornet enemy
$03DEBE Grabber enemy
$03E23E Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E3CE Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03E51A Active and destroyed teleporter
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R81C__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 1 Good Future

Offset Description
$00A62C Giant ring flash
$01E414 4x4 block (SSZ BF) (Unused)
$01E524 Foreground lamp post (SSZ BF) (Unused)
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Seed pod
$02FE6A Giant ring
$030274 Goal post
$030434 End sign
$030A10 Clear screen
$03171A Main title card patterns
$0327A6 Diagonal spring
$032AB2 Vertical and horizontal springs
$032CD4 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$0332D8 Explosions
$0337C0 Rings
$033E34 HUD
$033F60 Continue post
$0340E0 Flower
$034366 Shrinker/expander lasers
$034482 Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$037F78 16x16 mappings
$038AEE Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03B7EA Doors
$03B8BC Spikes
$03B956 Large piston
$03BBE6 Collapsing platforms
$03BC4E Appearing/disappearing platforms
$03BCBA Moving slicer poles
$03BFE6 Diagonal buzzsaws (Present/Past/BF)
$03C22A Diagonal buzzsaws
$03C486 Unused platform
$03C57A Sphere platforms
$03C630 Large seesaw and spike ball (Present/Past/BF)
$03CC5C Large seesaw and spike ball
$03D2A2 Revolving platforms
$03D494 Button
$03D4E6 Wheel
$03D59C Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03D7E0 Booby/Hornet enemy
$03DAFA Grabber enemy
$03DE7A Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E00A Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03E156 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R81D__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 1 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00A774 Giant ring flash
$01DEAC Flower
$01E132 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01E24E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Seed pod
$02FE6A Giant ring
$030274 Goal post
$030434 End sign
$030A10 Clear screen
$03171A Main title card patterns
$0327A6 Diagonal spring
$032AB2 Vertical and horizontal springs
$032CD4 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$0332D8 Explosions
$0337C0 Rings
$033E34 HUD
$033F60 Continue post
$03677E 16x16 mappings
$0371B0 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$039E08 Doors
$039EDA Spikes
$039F74 Large piston
$03A204 Collapsing platforms
$03A26C Appearing/disappearing platforms
$03A2D8 Moving slicer poles
$03A604 Diagonal buzzsaws
$03A848 Diagonal buzzsaws (Good Future)
$03AAA4 Unused platform
$03AB98 Sphere platforms
$03AC4E Large seesaw and spike ball
$03B27A Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03B8C0 Revolving platforms
$03BAB2 Button
$03BB04 Wheel
$03BBBA Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03BDFE Booby/Hornet enemy
$03C118 Grabber enemy
$03C498 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03C628 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03C774 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03D59C Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03D7E0 Booby/Hornet enemy
$03DAFA Grabber enemy
$03DE7A Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E00A Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03E156 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R82A__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 2 Present

Offset Description
$00B1A0 Giant ring flash
$01DAAC Flower
$01DD32 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01DE4E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Giant ring
$02FBCC Goal post
$02FD8C End sign
$030368 Clear screen
$031072 Main title card patterns
$0320FE Diagonal spring
$03240A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03262C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032C30 Explosions
$033118 Rings
$03378C HUD
$0338B8 Continue post
$035E24 16x16 mappings
$036A62 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$039558 Doors
$03962A Spikes
$0396C4 Large piston
$039954 Collapsing platforms
$0399BC Large walking bomb
$039EEC Unused platform
$039FE0 Large seesaw and spike ball
$03A60C Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03AC52 Falling spiked platforms
$03AE02 Walking platform
$03AF72 Button
$03AFC4 Wheel
$03B07A Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03B2BE Transport tube door
$03B320 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03B4B0 Armoured rolling enemy
$03B8A4 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03B9F0 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03C660 Revolving (plane switching) platform
$03C76C Unused
$03C826 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$03CEA4 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$03D838 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$03D9EE Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$03F014 Amy Rose
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R82B__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 2 Past

Offset Description
$00B430 Giant ring flash
$01DCAC Flower
$01DF32 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01E04E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Giant ring
$02FBCC Goal post
$02FD8C End sign
$030368 Clear screen
$031072 Main title card patterns
$0320FE Diagonal spring
$03240A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03262C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032C30 Explosions
$033118 Rings
$03378C HUD
$0338B8 Continue post
$03398C Revolving (plane switching) platform
$033A98 Unused
$033B52 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$0341D0 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$034B64 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$034D1A Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$036340 Amy Rose
$039354 16x16 mappings
$039EB6 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03C694 Doors
$03C766 Spikes
$03C800 Large piston
$03CA90 Collapsing platforms
$03CAF8 Large walking bomb
$03D028 Unused platform
$03D11C Large seesaw and spike ball
$03D748 Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03DD8E Falling spiked platforms
$03DF3E Walking platform
$03E0AE Button
$03E100 Wheel
$03E1B6 Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03E3FA Transport tube door
$03E45C Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E5EC Armoured rolling enemy
$03E9E0 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03EB2C Active and destroyed teleporter
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R82C__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 2 Good Future

Offset Description
$00B4F6 Giant ring flash
$01DAAC Flower
$01DD32 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01DE4E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Giant ring
$02FBCC Goal post
$02FD8C End sign
$030368 Clear screen
$031072 Main title card patterns
$0320FE Diagonal spring
$03240A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03262C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032C30 Explosions
$033118 Rings
$03378C HUD
$0338B8 Continue post
$03398C Revolving (plane switching) platform
$033A98 Unused
$033B52 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$0341D0 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$034B64 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$034D1A Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$036340 Amy Rose
$0393B8 16x16 mappings
$03A0E0 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03C880 Doors
$03C952 Spikes
$03C9EC Large piston
$03CC7C Collapsing platforms
$03CCE4 Large walking bomb
$03D214 Unused platform
$03D308 Large seesaw and spike ball (Present/Past/BF)
$03D934 Large seesaw and spike ball
$03DF7A Falling spiked platforms
$03E12A Walking platform
$03E29A Button
$03E2EC Wheel
$03E3A2 Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03E5E6 Transport tube door
$03E648 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E7D8 Armoured rolling enemy
$03EBCC Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03ED18 Active and destroyed teleporter
$03FB0C Spikes
$03FC4C Arena doors and electrical dischargers (WWZ GF) (Unused)

R82D__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 2 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00B3C8 Giant ring flash
$01DAAC Flower
$01DD32 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01DE4E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Giant ring
$02FBCC Goal post
$02FD8C End sign
$030368 Clear screen
$031072 Main title card patterns
$0320FE Diagonal spring
$03240A Vertical and horizontal springs
$03262C Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032C30 Explosions
$033118 Rings
$03378C HUD
$0338B8 Continue post
$03398C Revolving (plane switching) platform
$033A98 Unused
$033B52 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$0341D0 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$034B64 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$034D1A Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$036340 Amy Rose
$0393B8 16x16 mappings
$039FE2 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03CC6C Doors
$03CD3E Spikes
$03CDD8 Large piston
$03D068 Collapsing platforms
$03D0D0 Large walking bomb
$03D600 Unused platform
$03D6F4 Large seesaw and spike ball
$03DD20 Large seesaw and spike ball (Good Future)
$03E366 Falling spiked platforms
$03E516 Walking platform
$03E686 Button
$03E6D8 Wheel
$03E78E Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03E9D2 Transport tube door
$03EA34 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03EBC4 Armoured rolling enemy
$03EFB8 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03F014 Active and destroyed teleporter

R83C__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 3 Good Future

Offset Description
$00A5F6 Giant ring flash
$01DEAC Flower
$01E132 Shrinker/expander lasers
$01E24E Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$02F75E Points
$02F7C2 Seed pod
$02FE6A Giant ring
$030274 Goal post
$030434 End sign
$030A10 Clear screen
$03171A Main title card patterns
$0327A6 Diagonal spring
$032AB2 Vertical and horizontal springs
$032CD4 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$0332D8 Explosions
$0337C0 Rings
$033E34 HUD
$033F60 Continue post
$034034 Revolving (plane switching) platform
$034140 Unused
$0341FA Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$034878 Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$03520C Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$0353C2 Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$0369E8 Amy Rose
$03997A 16x16 mappings
$03A2A8 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03CA8C Doors
$03CB5E Spikes
$03CBF8 Large piston
$03CE88 Collapsing platforms
$03CEF0 Button
$03CF42 Tall thin vertical spiked pole
$03D058 Bouncers
$03D26C 4x4 block (Unused)
$03D348 Revolving platforms
$03D53A Diagonal buzzsaws (Present/Past/BF)
$03D77E Diagonal buzzsaws
$03D9DA Falling spiked platforms
$03DB8A Wheel
$03DC40 Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03DE84 Lightbulb enemy
$03E13E Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03E9D2 Transport tube door
$03EA34 Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)
$03EBC4 Armoured rolling enemy
$03EFB8 Aged and destroyed teleporter
$03F104 Active and destroyed teleporter

R83D__.mmd - Metallic Madness Zone 3 Bad Future

Offset Description
$00A67E Giant ring flash
$02F1B0 Points
$02F214 Seed pod
$02F8BC Giant ring
$02FCC6 Goal post
$02FE86 End sign
$030462 Clear screen
$03116C Main title card patterns
$0321F8 Diagonal spring
$032504 Vertical and horizontal springs
$032726 Monitors & contents, and time frame posts
$032D2A Explosions
$033212 Rings
$033886 HUD
$0339B2 Continue post
$033A86 Revolving (plane switching) platform
$033B92 Unused
$033C4C Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 1
$0342CA Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 2
$034C5E Rotating panels from Robotnik's ship 3
$034E14 Robotnik's ship and Robotnik in ship
$03643A Amy Rose
$0393CC 16x16 mappings
$039D72 Main patterns (8x8 tiles)
$03BD90 Flower
$03C016 Shrinker/expander lasers
$03C132 Metallic Madness title card font patterns
$03DFFA Doors
$03E0CC Spikes
$03E166 Large piston
$03E3F6 Collapsing platforms
$03E45E Button
$03E4B0 Tall thin vertical spiked pole
$03E5C6 Bouncers
$03E7DA 4x4 block (Unused)
$03E8B6 Revolving platforms
$03EAA8 Diagonal buzzsaws
$03ECEC Diagonal buzzsaws (Good Future)
$03EF48 Falling spiked platforms
$03F0F8 Wheel
$03F1AE Mekabu/Buzzsaw enemy
$03F3F2 Lightbulb enemy
$03F6AC Animals (Whitebird and Sheep)


Sonic Community Hacking Guide
SonED2 Manual | Subroutine Equivalency List
Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit) | Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit) | Sonic CD (prototype 510) | Sonic CD | Sonic CD (PC) | Sonic CD (2011) | Sonic 2 (Simon Wai prototype) | Sonic 2 (16-bit) | Sonic 2 (Master System) | Sonic 3 | Sonic 3 & Knuckles | Chaotix | Sonic Jam | Sonic Jam 6 | Sonic Adventure | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | Sonic Adventure DX: PC | Sonic Adventure (2010) | Sonic Adventure 2 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle | Sonic Adventure 2 (PC) | Sonic Heroes | Sonic Riders | Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) | Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing | Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360/PS3) | Sonic Colours | Sonic Generations | Sonic Forces
Technical information
Sonic Eraser | Sonic 2 (Nick Arcade prototype) | Sonic CD (prototype; 1992-12-04) | Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine | Sonic Triple Trouble | Tails Adventures | Sonic Crackers | Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island | Sonic & Knuckles Collection | Sonic R | Sonic Shuffle | Sonic Advance | Sonic Advance 3 | Sonic Battle | Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic Rush | Sonic Classic Collection | Sonic Free Riders | Sonic Lost World
Legacy Guides
The Nemesis Hacking Guides The Esrael Hacking Guides
ROM: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 2 Beta | Sonic 3

Savestate: Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 Beta/Final | Sonic 3

Sonic 1 (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 Beta (English / Portuguese) | Sonic 2 and Knuckles (English / Portuguese)
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