
SCHG How-to

Correct Drowning Bugs in Sonic 1

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 08:05, 2 December 2017 by MarioMario456 (talk | contribs) (Hivebrain)

(Guide by redhotsonic)

These bugs are present in both Sonic's 1 & 2, but have been fixed in Sonic 3 (& Knuckles).

So, you're underwater, timer starts, can't find air, AND... you drown. But what happens if you get hurt as soon as you're about to drown? Watch this video and find out: [1]

Basically, what happens, is if you're hurt and you haven't landed yet, when you drown, Sonic will still be using the gravity from his falling back from hurt state. He will also be able to detect the floors and walls. Hence why in this video, I was able to move about after drowning. However, there is a timer present, and it will force you to the bottom of the screen and restart within seconds.

Also, in both 1 & 2, there is another bug, although, hard to pull off. If you drown around the 9:58 mark, then the timer hits 9:59 and you're still drowning, Sonic will all of a sudden zoom to the top of the screen then back down again, really fast, in his death animation. The Time over appears.

In Sonic 2, there is an extra bug. When you and Tails (sidekick) drowns (normally), when Sonic reaches to the bottom of the screen, if Tails hasn't yet, he will suddenly start flying and move closer to where you drowned, but will continue to fall downwards.

In Sonic 3 and Knuckles, all of these have been fixed. It doesn't matter if you're in the hurt state, Sonic will still fall normally and will ignore the floor. And unless Tails entered the water at the exact same time as you (like he does at the beginning of HCZ1), Tails will automatically start swimming to where you drowned but will not fall. If he did enter the water at the same time, he will drown with you, but won't have time to do that bug where he would start flying suddenly. Time over will still make an appearance if you drown near the 9:58 mark, but Sonic won't misbehave.

Now, I'm going to show you how to fix these bugs in Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, the way Sonic 3 and Knuckles did it. It's not that hard, I've done all the research for you. This guide will show you the fix for Sonic 1, for the SVN disassembly. If you are looking for the Sonic 2 fix, its here.


(Addition by Luigi Hero)

First, we need to make little edit to the drowning-routine.

Go to "Obj0A_ReduceAir:" and just after the "move.w #0,$14(a0)" command, insert this:

		move.b	#$A,$24(a0)		; Force the character to drown

And just after "move.b #1,($FFFFF744).w", insert this:

		move.b	#0,($FFFFFE1E).w	; Stop the timer immediately

So you have this:

		subq.w	#1,($FFFFFE14).w ; subtract 1 from air remaining
		bcc.w	Obj0A_GoMakeItem ; if air is above 0, branch
		bsr.w	ResumeMusic
		move.b	#$81,($FFFFF7C8).w ; lock controls
		move.w	#$B2,d0
		jsr	(PlaySound_Special).l ;	play drowning sound
		move.b	#$A,$34(a0)
		move.w	#1,$36(a0)
		move.w	#$78,$2C(a0)
		move.l	a0,-(sp)
		lea	($FFFFD000).w,a0
		bsr.w	Sonic_ResetOnFloor
		move.b	#$17,$1C(a0)	; use Sonic's drowning animation
		bset	#1,$22(a0)
		bset	#7,2(a0)
		move.w	#0,$12(a0)
		move.w	#0,$10(a0)
		move.w	#0,$14(a0)
		move.b	#$A,$24(a0)		; Force the character to drown
		move.b	#1,($FFFFF744).w
		move.b	#0,($FFFFFE1E).w	; Stop the timer immediately
		movea.l	(sp)+,a0

Next, go to "loc_13F86:" and change all this:

				subq.w	#1,$2C(a0)
				bne.s	loc_13F94
				move.b	#6,($FFFFD024).w
; ===========================================================================

				move.l	a0,-(sp)
				lea	($FFFFD000).w,a0
				jsr	SpeedToPos
				addi.w	#$10,$12(a0)
				movea.l	(sp)+,a0
				bra.s	loc_13FAC

To this:

                subq.w  #1,$2C(a0)
                bne.s   loc_13FAC                       ; Make it jump straight to this location
                move.b  #6,($FFFFD000+$24).w

Right, that's the drowning-routine finished. Now, we need to make Sonic apply to this. Open the main ASM file and go to "Obj01_Index:" and add this line at the end of the table:

                dc.w Sonic_Drowned-Obj01_Index

So you have:

				dc.w Obj01_Main-Obj01_Index
				dc.w Obj01_Control-Obj01_Index
				dc.w Obj01_Hurt-Obj01_Index
				dc.w Obj01_Death-Obj01_Index
				dc.w Obj01_ResetLevel-Obj01_Index
				dc.w Sonic_Drowned-Obj01_Index

Next, find "; End of function Sonic_Loops" and just below it, insert this:

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sonic when he's drowning
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
        bsr.w   SpeedToPos              ; Make Sonic able to move
        addi.w  #$10,$12(a0)          ; Apply gravity
        bsr.w   Sonic_RecordPos    ; Record position
        bsr.s   Sonic_Animate           ; Animate Sonic
        bsr.w   LoadSonicDynPLC           ; Load Sonic's DPLCs
        bra.w   DisplaySprite           ; And finally, display Sonic

There, all done. When you drown, everything will be normal. If you got hurt then drown, everything will still be normal and you won't be able to hit the floor, nor will you fall fast. Also, as soon as Sonic drowns, the timer will stop immediately, rather than continuing to countdown. Because of this, there is no way you can get Time Over when drowning.

BUT WAIT! There's just ONE MORE THING! You'll find that no bubbles come from Sonic's mouth when he is in his drowning animation. Bubbles come out of his mouth normally, and the countdown numbers work fine... but after he drowns, no bubbles come out. To fix this:

Go to label "loc_D362:" and between the label and it's first command, insert this:

                cmpi.b  #$A,($FFFFD000+$24).w      ; Has Sonic drowned?
                beq.s   loc_D348                        ; If so, run objects a little longer

So you have this:

                cmpi.b  #$A,($FFFFD000+$24).w      ; Has Sonic drowned?
                beq.s   loc_D348                        ; If so, run objects a little longer
                moveq   #$1F,d7
                bsr.s   loc_D348
                moveq   #$5F,d7

Done. This allows objects to run for a little bit longer than normal, allowing the bubbles to run out of Sonic's mouth like normal.


First, we need to make little edit to the drowning-routine. You need to open the "0A - Drowning Countdown.asm".

Go to "@reduceair:" and just after the "move.w #0,obInertia(a0)" command, insert this:

                move.b  #$A,obRoutine(a0)       ; Force the character to drown

And just after "move.b #1,(f_nobgscroll).w", insert this:

        move.b  #0,(f_timecount).w      ; Stop the timer immediately

So you have this:

                subq.w  #1,(v_air).w    ; subtract 1 from air remaining
                bcc.w   @gotomakenum    ; if air is above 0, branch

                ; Sonic drowns here
                bsr.w   ResumeMusic
                move.b  #$81,(f_lockmulti).w ; lock controls
                sfx     sfx_Drown       ; play drowning sound
                move.b  #$A,$34(a0)
                move.w  #1,$36(a0)
                move.w  #$78,$2C(a0)
                move.l  a0,-(sp)
                lea     (v_player).w,a0
                bsr.w   Sonic_ResetOnFloor
                move.b  #$17,obAnim(a0) ; use Sonic's drowning animation
                bset    #1,obStatus(a0)
                bset    #7,obGfx(a0)
                move.w  #0,obVelY(a0)
                move.w  #0,obVelX(a0)
                move.w  #0,obInertia(a0)
                move.b  #$A,obRoutine(a0)       ; Force the character to drown
                move.b  #1,(f_nobgscroll).w
                move.b  #0,(f_timecount).w      ; Stop the timer immediately
                movea.l (sp)+,a0

Next, go to "@loc_13F86:" and change all this:

                subq.w  #1,$2C(a0)
                bne.s   @loc_13F94
                move.b  #6,(v_player+obRoutine).w
; ===========================================================================

                move.l  a0,-(sp)
                lea     (v_player).w,a0
                jsr     SpeedToPos
                addi.w  #$10,obVelY(a0)
                movea.l (sp)+,a0
                bra.s   @nochange

To this:

                subq.w  #1,$2C(a0)
                bne.s   @nochange                       ; Make it jump straight to this location
                move.b  #6,(v_player+obRoutine).w

Right, that's the drowning-routine finished. Now, we need to make Sonic apply to this. Open the main ASM file and go to "Sonic_Index:" and add this line at the end of the table:

                dc.w Sonic_Drowned-Sonic_Index

So you have:

Sonic_Index:    dc.w Sonic_Main-Sonic_Index
                dc.w Sonic_Control-Sonic_Index
                dc.w Sonic_Hurt-Sonic_Index
                dc.w Sonic_Death-Sonic_Index
                dc.w Sonic_ResetLevel-Sonic_Index
                dc.w Sonic_Drowned-Sonic_Index

Next, find "include "_incObj\Sonic Loops.asm"" and just below it, insert this:

                include "_incObj\Sonic Drowns.asm"

Then, in the "_incObj" folder, make a new ASM file called "Sonic Drowns.asm" and insert this:

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sonic when he's drowning
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

        bsr.w   SpeedToPos              ; Make Sonic able to move
        addi.w  #$10,y_vel(a0)          ; Apply gravity
        bsr.w   Sonic_RecordPosition    ; Record position
        bsr.s   Sonic_Animate           ; Animate Sonic
        bsr.w   Sonic_LoadGfx           ; Load Sonic's DPLCs
        bra.w   DisplaySprite           ; And finally, display Sonic

There, all done. When you drown, everything will be normal. If you got hurt then drown, everything will still be normal and you won't be able to hit the floor, nor will you fall fast. Also, as soon as Sonic drowns, the timer will stop immediately, rather than continuing to countdown. Because of this, there is no way you can get Time Over when drowning.

BUT WAIT! There's just ONE MORE THING! You'll find that no bubbles come from Sonic's mouth when he is in his drowning animation. Bubbles come out of his mouth normally, and the countdown numbers work fine... but after he drowns, no bubbles come out. To fix this:

Go to label "loc_D362:" and between the label and it's first command, insert this:

                cmpi.b  #$A,(v_player+obRoutine).w      ; Has Sonic drowned?
                beq.s   loc_D348                        ; If so, run objects a little longer

So you have this:

                cmpi.b  #$A,(v_player+obRoutine).w      ; Has Sonic drowned?
                beq.s   loc_D348                        ; If so, run objects a little longer
                moveq   #$1F,d7
                bsr.s   loc_D348
                moveq   #$5F,d7

Done. This allows objects to run for a little bit longer than normal, allowing the bubbles to run out of Sonic's mouth like normal.

SCHG How-To Guide: Sonic the Hedgehog (16-bit)
Fixing Bugs
Fix Demo Playback | Fix a Race Condition with Pattern Load Cues | Fix the SEGA Sound | Display the Press Start Button Text | Fix the Level Select Menu | Fix the Hidden Points Bug | Fix Accidental Deletion of Scattered Rings | Fix Ring Timers | Fix the Walk-Jump Bug | Correct Drowning Bugs | Fix the Death Boundary Bug | Fix the Camera Follow Bug | Fix Song Restoration Bugs | Fix the HUD Blinking | Fix the Level Select Graphics Bug | Fix a remember sprite related bug
Changing Design Choices
Change Spike Behavior | Collide with Water After Being Hurt | Fix Special Stage Jumping Physics | Improve the Fade In\Fade Out Progression Routines | Fix Scattered Rings' Underwater Physics | Remove the Speed Cap | Port the REV01 Background Effects | Port Sonic 2's Level Art Loader | Retain Rings Between Acts | Add Sonic 2 (Simon Wai Prototype) Level Select | Improve ObjectMove Subroutines | Port Sonic 2 Level Select
Adding Features
Add Spin Dash ( Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 ) | Add Eggman Monitor | Add Super Sonic | Add the Air Roll
Sound Features
Expand the Sound Index | Play Different Songs Per Act | Port Sonic 2 Final Sound Driver | Port Sonic 3's Sound Driver | Port Flamewing's Sonic 3 & Knuckles Sound Driver | Change The SEGA Sound
Extending the Game
Load Chunks From ROM | Add Extra Characters | Make an Alternative Title Screen | Use Dynamic Tilesets | Make GHZ Load Alternate Art | Make Ending Load Alternate Art | Add a New Zone | Set Up the Goggle Monitor | Add New Moves | Add a Dynamic Collision System | Dynamic Special Stage Walls System | Extend Sprite Mappings and Art Limit | Enigma Credits | Use Dynamic Palettes
Convert the Hivebrain 2005 Disassembly to ASM68K
Split Disassembly Guides
Set Up a Split Disassembly | Basic Level Editing | Basic Art Editing | Basic ASM Editing (Spin Dash)