Fix the SEGA Sound
From Sonic Retro
(Original guide by Puto)
Let's fix a problem that causes a great deal of pain to anyone adding code to Sonic 1: The SEGA sound.
The bug
The bug is when sometimes when you build the ROM, at the very end of the "SEGA" sound is a static noise (probably the bat sound) so it sounds like, "SEGA-TS" . There is also another one, which sounds like "THOUGNGH-THOUGNGH" .So anyway, lets fix this!
Fixing the bug
Go to "segapcm:" and you should see:
SegaPCM: incbin sound\segapcm.bin
now change it to this
SegaPCM: incbin sound\segapcm.bin
SegaPCM_end: even
Then go to Sound_E1, and replace all of this code:
Sound_E1: ; XREF: Sound_ExIndex
move.b #$88,($A01FFF).l
move.w #0,($A11100).l ; start the Z80
move.w #$11,d1
move.w #-1,d0
dbf d0,loc_71FC4
dbf d1,loc_71FC0
addq.w #4,sp
With this:
lea (SegaPCM).l,a2 ; Load the SEGA PCM sample into a2. It's important that we use a2 since a0 and a1 are going to be used up ahead when reading the joypad ports
move.l #(SegaPCM_End-SegaPCM),d3 ; Load the size of the SEGA PCM sample into d3
move.b #$2A,($A04000).l ; $A04000 = $2A -> Write to DAC channel
move.b (a2)+,($A04001).l ; Write the PCM data (contained in a2) to $A04001 (YM2612 register D0)
move.w #$14,d0 ; Write the pitch ($14 in this case) to d0
dbf d0,* ; Decrement d0; jump to itself if not 0. (for pitch control, avoids playing the sample too fast)
sub.l #1,d3 ; Subtract 1 from the PCM sample size
beq.s return_PlayPCM ; If d3 = 0, we finished playing the PCM sample, so stop playing, leave this loop, and unfreeze the 68K
lea ($FFFFF604).w,a0 ; address where JoyPad states are written
lea ($A10003).l,a1 ; address where JoyPad states are read from
jsr (Joypad_Read).w ; Read only the first joypad port. It's important that we do NOT do the two ports, we don't have the cycles for that
btst #7,($FFFFF604).w ; Check for Start button
bne.s return_PlayPCM ; If start is pressed, stop playing, leave this loop, and unfreeze the 68K
bra.s PlayPCM_Loop ; Otherwise, continue playing PCM sample
addq.w #4,sp
move.w #$14,d0
GitHub disassembly continuation
If you are using the latest version of the GitHub community disassembly, the Sega PCM will always work and you don't need to apply the above fix.
If, however, you want the ability to stop the Sega sound by pressing start, then you will need to perform the steps on the previous section. You may skip the first part (defining SegaPCM_end) as it is already done; on the remainder, search for PlaySega instead of Sound_E1. At this point, the Sonic 1 z80 sound driver does not allow interrupting the Sega PCM, which is why that is needed. In addition, you will have to go to the ReadJoypads function and change this:
ReadJoypads: ; XREF: VBlank, HBlank
lea (v_jpadhold1).w,a0 ; address where joypad states are written
lea ($A10003).l,a1 ; first joypad port
bsr.s @read ; do the first joypad
addq.w #2,a1 ; do the second joypad
to this:
ReadJoypads: ; XREF: VBlank, HBlank
lea (v_jpadhold1).w,a0 ; address where joypad states are written
lea ($A10003).l,a1 ; first joypad port
bsr.s Joypad_Read ; do the first joypad
addq.w #2,a1 ; do the second joypad
or else you'll get an error when building.
|Fix the SEGA Sound]]