
Early Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 12:35, 4 July 2009 by MathUser (talk | contribs)

In 1993 an article in Sonic the Comic (the British comic officially licensed by Sega of Europe), it announced two new television series starring Sonic the Hedgehog, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog. Within the four pages of plot synopsis and concept art, four of the screenshots are greatly different from the rest. These screen shots have circulated through the internet contributing to the theory of a cartoon series aborted before production which has been dubbed "The mystery cartoon" also "Pre-SatAM" by Sonic fans.

Concept Art

A Resistance is born/A Heroes Reward

Not much notable about these images other than they feature the Princess Acorn character.

Freedom Team

In this image several characters are shown Johnny Lightfoot (rabbit), Tux (penguin), Princess Acorn (probably a squirrel), Sonic, Joe Sushi (walrus), Chirps (chicken), Porker Lewis (pig), and Flicky (bird). Tails isn't shown, so the concept art may have been created before Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was even released.

The characters seem to be based on the animals rescued by Sonic in the first game.

The characters Sally, Bunnie, and Rotor have similarities to Princess Acorn, Johnny Lightfoot, and Joe Sushi as in they are based on the same animals. The Porker Lewis in the image is nothing like the the version used in Fleetway's Sonic the Comic.

Dr Robotnik's Reign of Terror...

Robotniks design is different from the cartoon somewhat. His head is the same but the suit is more similar to the game counterpart. Possibly due to the lighting he has black fingernails, a white mustache, and a green toungue.

This conveyor belt roboticizer is totally different from the cartoon version, which was a glass capsule.

One character is shown which doesn't have a corresponding animal in the games, a wolf. It's not clear if it was to be a supporting character or just a random character thrown in the picture. The wolf concept was used for the character Antoine in the cartoon.

Sales Card

External links

  • Article about the early promotional images for the cartoon.