
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Nick Arcade prototype)/Hidden content

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 16:47, 5 April 2023 by BSonirachi (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by SonicPlaysYoutuber (talk) to last revision by BSonirachi)
Back to: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Nick Arcade prototype).
This list is incomplete.
The following list has been marked as incomplete. If you can, please complete it.

Level select


Press Up Down Down Down Down Up Start on the title screen.

Edit mode


Press C C Up Down Down Down Down Up then A+Start on the title screen.

2-Player VS mode

Sonic2NA Comparison EHZ 2P 1.png

Highlight a Zone in the stage select and press B+Start to play the level in 2-player split-screen mode. Other than having a second screen to watch Tails, gameplay remains unchanged from 1-player mode.

Adjust the water level

Sonic2NA MD WaterLevel.png

Pressing Up and Down on the second Control Pad will adjust the water level in stages which have water (although in this build, this means only Hidden Palace Zone (Spring Yard Zone)).

Unused content


Art Description
An 8bpp image of a tiled map whose purpose is unknown (located from 1C324-1FFFF, must be viewed in "two-dimensional" mode in Tile Molester). The bottom row has been overwritten with other data.
Sonic2NickArcade MD Sprite ASCIIFont.png
A JIS X 0201 character set, minus katakana characters, located at offset 00030000. Its purpose is unclear.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRotate.png
Sonic turning or rotating sprites.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFast1.png

Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFast2.png

Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFast3.png

Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFast4.png
Animation for Sonic running faster than normal.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFaster1.png

Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFaster2.png

Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFaster3.png

Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicRunFaster4.png
Animation for Sonic running even faster than normal.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicPull.png
Sonic pulling animation.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SonicBalance2.png
Spr ledge.gif
Sonic balancing animation, likely for when the player is mere pixels away from falling.
A standard switch. The object hasn't been coded at this stage yet.
Spr fireball.gif
Fire. Possibly a flaming log, as Buzzer was planned to burn bridges according to concept art.[1]
Animated tiles, possibly for the Chemical Plant Zone boss.
Spr ball.gif
Ball. Though seen in concept art, coding for this object never seems to have been started.
Spr 3eyefish.png
Bubbler's Mother graphics.
Spr bubble.gif
Bubbler graphics.
Spr bouncer.gif
Prototype Crawl graphics.
Dirt, possibly associated with Crawl.
16x16 block, possibly for Hill Top Zone
Fire for Hill Top Zone. Different to what is seen in the final game.
Door for Hill Top Zone. It's identical to the one in the final game, it just hasn't been coded yet.
Spr hpzbg.png
Hidden Palace Zone background piece. It can be lined up with the background seen in a mockup screenshot, but not in any real (known) prototype.
Hidden Palace Zone object.


Placeable in edit mode

Art Description
Sonic2 MD Sprite Monitors.png
Blank monitor, similar to the one in the original Sonic the Hedgehog. Does nothing.
Sonic2 MD Sprite OldStarPost.png
Spr lamppost.gif
The prototype Star Post seen in earlier versions of the game still exists. When deactivated, it is yellow, rapidly flashing white and red once Sonic has passed by.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite GHZ Seasaw.png
The seesaw from Hill Top Zone (Scrap Brain Zone) can be placed in Emerald Hill Zone (Star Light Zone), complete with different colour scheme.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite MZ FlippingPlatform.png
Flipping platforms for Chemical Plant Zone (Marble Zone). They don't have the correct art, but seem to work fine.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite MZ SwingingPlatform.png
The Sonic 1 swinging platform still exists in Marble Zone, albeit with broken graphics.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SYZ BrokenBadniks.png
BFish in Hidden Palace Zone (Spring Yard Zone).
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SYZ BrokenBadniks.png
Aquis in Hidden Palace Zone (Spring Yard Zone).
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SYZ BrokenBadniks.png
Another variant of Aquis in Hidden Palace Zone. This one fires a projectile.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SYZ BrokenBadniks.png
Stego with broken graphics in Hidden Palace Zone.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SYZ BrokenBadniks.png
Gator with broken graphics in Hidden Palace Zone.
Sonic2NA MD Sprite SYZ BrokenBadniks.png
This seems to be the prototype Octus from Oil Ocean Zone, hovering, firing a projectile then moving off-screen to the left or right. Again, found in Hidden Palace Zone.


Art Description
Sonic2 MD Sprite Monitors.png
Eggman Mark. Does nothing.
Sonic2 MD Sprite Monitors.png
? monitor. Does nothing.
Sonic2 MD Sprite Monitors.png
Spring monitor. Does nothing.
Octus with correct graphics.
Stego with correct graphics.
Gator with correct graphics.
Aquis with correct graphics (and loads of variants).

Sonic 1 leftovers

Title cards

Sonic2NA MD Sonic1Leftover TitleCard.png

Title cards are disabled during normal play, but can be re-enabled by removing RTS lines in the prototype's code.

Source code

Raw source code can be found within the ROM which appears to relate to edit mode. Just opening the file in a text editor is enough to see it:

	include	"equ.lib"
	include	"macro.lib"

	xref	colichgpat
	xref	ringpat,itempat,butapat,kanipat,hachipat,togepat
	xref	fishpat,fish2pat,mogurapat,shimapat2,jyamapat
	xref	musipat,sjumppat,kamerepat,arumapat,kagebpat,ballpat
	xref	firepat,fblockpat,signalpat,bobinpat,yoganpat,yogan2pat
	xref	usapat,yadopat,boxpat,bryukapat,daipat,break2pat,yogancpat
	xref	batpat,z5daipat,dai2pat,switch2pat,z4daipat
	xref	elevpat,pedalpat,steppat,funpat,sisoopat,hassyapat
	xref	brobopat,unipat,yaripat,udaipat,dai3pat,kazaripat,kassyapat
	xref	awapat,mizupat,boupat,benpat,fetamapat,mawarupat,hagurumapat
	xref	patapat,yukafpat,nokopat,dai4pat,doorpat,yukaepat,fire6pat
	xref	elepat,yukaipat,scolipat,imopat,savepat,bigringpat,btenpat
	xref	actionsub,actwkchk,frameout,playpat,dualmodesub
	xref	flicpat,usagipat,pengpat,azarpat,fbutapat,niwapat,risupat

	xref	kaitenpat,prodaipat,buranko0dpat
	xref	frntlitpat,gempat,wfallpat,pltfrmpat
	xref	takipat,banepat,dai00pat

	xref	redzpat,bfishpat,seahorsepat,horsepat
	xref	stegopat,wasppat,gatorpat,bbatpat,octpat,wfish2pat,snailpat

	xdef	edit

	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	editmode,d0
	move.w	edit_move_tbl(pc,d0.w),d1
	jmp	edit_move_tbl(pc,d1.w)
	dc.w	editinit-edit_move_tbl
	dc.w	editmove-edit_move_tbl
	addq.b	#word,editmode
	move.w	scralim_up,editstack
	move.w	scralim_n_down,editstack2
	move.w	#$0000,scralim_up
	move.w	#$0720,scralim_n_down
	andi.w	#$07ff,playerwk+yposi
	andi.w	#$07ff,scra_v_posit
	andi.w	#$03ff,scrb_v_posit
	move.b	#0,patno(a0)
	move.b	#0,mstno(a0)
	cmpi.b	#spgamemd,gmmode
	bne.b	.jump0
*	move.b	#7-1,stageno
*	move.w	#$000,rotspd
*	move.w	#$000,rotdir
	moveq	#7-1,d0
	bra.b	.jump1
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	stageno,d0
	lea	edittbl,a2
	add.w	d0,d0
	adda.w	(a2,d0.w),a2
	move.w	(a2)+,d6
	cmp.b	editno,d6
	bhi.b	.jump
	move.b	#0,editno
	bsr.w	editpatchg
	move.b	#12,edittimer
	move.b	#1,edittimer+1
	moveq	#7-1,d0
	cmpi.b	#spgamemd,gmmode
	beq.b	.jump
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	stageno,d0
	lea	edittbl,a2
	add.w	d0,d0
	adda.w	(a2,d0.w),a2
	move.w	(a2)+,d6
	bsr.w	editwalk
*	bsr.w	dirsprset
	jmp	actionsub
	moveq	#0,d4
	move.w	#1,d1
	move.b	swdata1+1,d4
	andi.w	#$0f,d4
	bne.b	.jump0
	move.b	swdata1,d0
	andi.w	#$0f,d0
	bne.b	.jump
	move.b	#12,edittimer
	move.b	#$0f,edittimer+1
	bra.w	.lend
	subq.b	#1,edittimer
	bne.b	.jump1
	move.b	#1,edittimer
	addq.b	#1,edittimer+1
*	cmpi.b	#255,edittimer+1
	bne.b	.jump0
	move.b	#255,edittimer+1
	move.b	swdata1,d4
	moveq	#0,d1
	move.b	edittimer+1,d1
	addq.w	#1,d1
	swap	d1
	asr.l	#4,d1
	move.l	yposi(a0),d2
	move.l	xposi(a0),d3
	btst.l	#0,d4			*swdata+0
	beq.b	.jump2
	sub.l	d1,d2			*yposi
	bcc.b	.jump2
	moveq	#0,d2
	btst.l	#1,d4			*swdata+0
	beq.b	.jump3
	add.l	d1,d2			*yposi
	cmpi.l	#$7ff0000,d2
	bcs.b	.jump3
	move.l	#$7ff0000,d2
	btst.l	#2,d4			*swdata+0
	beq.b	.jump4
	sub.l	d1,d3			*xposi
	bcc.b	.jump4
	moveq	#0,d3
	btst.l	#3,d4			*swdata+0
	beq.b	.jump5
	add.l	d1,d3			*xposi
	move.l	d2,yposi(a0)
	move.l	d3,xposi(a0)
	btst.b	#6,swdata1+0
	beq.b	.jump7
	btst.b	#5,swdata1+1		* c button check
	beq.b	.jump77
	subq.b	#1,editno
	bcc.b	.jump6
	add.b	d6,editno
	bra.b	.jump6
	btst.b	#6,swdata1+1
	beq.b	.jump7
	addq.b	#1,editno
	cmp.b	editno,d6
	bhi.b	.jump6
	move.b	#0,editno
	bra.w	editpatchg
	btst.b	#5,swdata1+1		* c button check
	beq.b	.jump8
	jsr	actwkchk
	bne.b	.worknai		;z=0:ok	z=1:no
	move.w	xposi(a0),xposi(a1)
	move.w	yposi(a0),yposi(a1)
	move.b	patbase(a0),actno(a1)
	move.b	actflg(a0),actflg(a1)
	move.b	actflg(a0),cddat(a1)
	andi.b	#$7f,cddat(a1)
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	editno,d0
	lsl.w	#3,d0
	move.b	4(a2,d0.w),userflag(a1)
	btst.b	#4,swdata1+1		* b button check
	beq.b	.jump9
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.w	d0,editmode
	move.l	#playpat,playerwk+patbase
	move.w	#$0780,playerwk+sproffset
	tst.w	dualmode		; dual mode check
	beq.b	.end
	move.w	#$0780/2,playerwk+sproffset
	move.b	d0,playerwk+mstno
	move.w	d0,xposi+2(a0)
	move.w	d0,yposi+2(a0)
	move.w	editstack,scralim_up
	move.w	editstack2,scralim_n_down
	cmpi.b	#spgamemd,gmmode
	bne.b	.jump9
*	clr.w	rotdir
*	move.w	#$040,rotspd
*	move.l	#playpat,playerwk+patbase
*	move.w	#$0780,playerwk+sproffset
	move.b	#02,playerwk+mstno
	bset.b	#cd_ball,playerwk+cddat
	bset.b	#cd_jump,playerwk+cddat
	moveq	#0,d0
	move.b	editno,d0
	lsl.w	#3,d0
	move.l	0(a2,d0.w),patbase(a0)
	move.w	6(a2,d0.w),sproffset(a0)
	move.b	5(a2,d0.w),patno(a0)
*	move.b	4(a2,d0.w),userflag(a0)
	bsr.w	dualmodesub

dcblw	macro	\1,\2,\3,\4,\5
	dc.l	(\1)*$1000000+(\2)
	dc.w	(\4)+(\5)*$100
	dc.w	(\3)

	dc.w	edit1tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	edit2tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	edit3tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	edit4tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	edit5tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	edit6tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	edit7tbl-edittbl
	dc.w	14
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	kani_act,kanipat,$0400,0,$00		;3:
	dcblw	hachi_act,hachipat,$0444,0,$00		;4:
	dcblw	fish_act,fishpat,$0470,0,$00		;5:
	dcblw	toge_act,togepat,$04a0,0,$00		;6:
	dcblw	shima_act,shimapat2,$4000,0,$00		;7:
	dcblw	jyama_act,jyamapat,$66c0,0,$00		;8:
	dcblw	musi_act,musipat,$04e0,0,$00		;9:
	dcblw	sjump_act,sjumppat,$04a8,0,$00		;10:
	dcblw	kamere_act,kamerepat,$249b,0,$00	;11:
	dcblw	kageb_act,kagebpat,$434c,0,$00		;12:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$26bc,0,$01		;13:
	dcblw	colichg_act,colichgpat,$26bc,0,$00	;14:

	dc.w	07
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;01:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;02:
	dcblw	sjump_act,sjumppat,$04a8,0,$00		;03:
	dcblw	colichg_act,colichgpat,$07bc,0,$00	;04:
	dcblw	kaiten_act,kaitenpat,$e000,0,$00	;05:
	dcblw	prodai_act,prodaipat,$e418,0,$00	;06:
	dcblw	buranko_act,buranko0dpat,$2418,0,$08	;07:

	dc.w	18
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$047c,0,$01		;3:

	dcblw	colichg_act,colichgpat,$26bc,0,$00	;6:
	dcblw	taki_act,takipat,$23ae,0,$00		;7:
	dcblw	taki_act,takipat,$23ae,3,$02		;7:
	dcblw	shima_act,dai00pat,$4000,0,$01		;8:
	dcblw	shima_act,dai00pat,$4000,1,$0a		;8:
	dcblw	toge_act,togepat,$2434,0,$00		;10:
	dcblw	sisoo_act,sisoopat,$03ce,0,$00		;9:

	dcblw	sjump_act,banepat,$045c,0,$80		;3: banev
	dcblw	sjump_act,banepat,$0470,3,$90		;3: baneh
	dcblw	sjump_act,banepat,$045c,6,$a0		;3: banevr
	dcblw	sjump_act,banepat,$043c,7,$30		;3: bane45
	dcblw	sjump_act,banepat,$043c,10,$40		;3: bane45r

	dcblw	wasp_act,wasppat,$03e6,0,$00		;25   ""    ""
	dcblw	snail_act,snailpat,$0402,0,$00		;25   ""    ""
	dcblw	wfish2_act,wfish2pat,$041c,0,$00	;21   ""    ""

	dcblw	redz_act,redzpat,$0500,0,$00		;20: will change
	dcblw	bfish_act,bfishpat,$2530,0,$00		;21   ""    ""
	dcblw	seahorse_act,horsepat,$2570,0,$00	;22   ""    ""
	dcblw	skyhorse_act,horsepat,$2570,0,$00	;23   ""    ""
	dcblw	stego_act,stegopat,$23c4,0,$00		;24   ""    ""
	dcblw	wasp_act,wasppat,$032c,0,$00		;25   ""    ""
	dcblw	gator_act,gatorpat,$2300,0,$00		;26   ""    ""
	dcblw	bbat_act,bbatpat,$2350,0,$00		;27   ""    ""
	dcblw	oct_act,octpat,$238a,0,$00		;28   ""    ""

	dc.w	15
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:

	dcblw	bgspr_act,frntlitpat,$e485,3,$21	;3:
	dcblw	wfall_act,wfallpat,$e415,4,$04		;4:
	dcblw	break_act,pltfrmpat,$4475,0,$00		;5:
	dcblw	colichg_act,colichgpat,$26bc,0,$00	;6:

	dcblw	redz_act,redzpat,$0500,0,$00		;20: will change
	dcblw	bfish_act,bfishpat,$2530,0,$00		;21   ""    ""
	dcblw	seahorse_act,horsepat,$2570,0,$00	;22   ""    ""
	dcblw	skyhorse_act,horsepat,$2570,0,$00	;23   ""    ""
	dcblw	stego_act,stegopat,$23c4,0,$00		;24   ""    ""
	dcblw	wasp_act,wasppat,$032c,0,$00		;25   ""    ""
	dcblw	gator_act,gatorpat,$2300,0,$00		;26   ""    ""
	dcblw	bbat_act,bbatpat,$2350,0,$00		;27   ""    ""
	dcblw	oct_act,octpat,$238a,0,$00		;28   ""    ""


	dc.w	25
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	sjump_act,sjumppat,$0523,0,$00		;3:
	dcblw	fish2_act,fish2pat,$2486,0,$08		;4:
	dcblw	mogura_act,mogurapat,$84a6,2,$00	;5:
	dcblw	yari_act,yaripat,$03cc,0,$00		;6:
	dcblw	yari_act,yaripat,$03cc,3,$02		;7:
	dcblw	box_act,boxpat,$43de,0,$00		;8:
	dcblw	switch2_act,switch2pat,$0513,0,$00	;9:
	dcblw	toge_act,togepat,$051b,0,$00		;10:
	dcblw	dai_act,udaipat,$43bc,0,$04		;11:
	dcblw	dai3_act,dai3pat,$43e6,0,$01		;12:
	dcblw	dai3_act,dai3pat,$43e6,1,$13		;13:
	dcblw	dai3_act,dai3pat,$43e6,0,$05		;14:
	dcblw	kazari_act,kazaripat,$443e,0,$00	;15:
	dcblw	dai3_act,dai3pat,$43e6,2,$27		;16:
	dcblw	dai3_act,dai3pat,$43e6,3,$30		;17:
	dcblw	kassya_act,kassyapat,$03f6,0,$7f	;18:
	dcblw	uni_act,unipat,$0467,0,$00		;19:
	dcblw	awa_act,awapat,$8348,19,$84		;20:
	dcblw	mizu_act,mizupat,$c259,2,$02		;21:
	dcblw	mizu_act,mizupat,$c259,9,$09		;22:
	dcblw	bou_act,boupat,$43de,0,$00		;23:
	dcblw	ben_act,benpat,$4328,0,$02		;24:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$26bc,0,$01		;25:

*	dcblw	dai4_act,dai4pat,$41f0,4,$80		;25:
	dc.w	18
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	hachi_act,hachipat,$0444,0,$00		;3:
	dcblw	toge_act,togepat,$051b,0,$00		;4:
	dcblw	sjump_act,sjumppat,$0523,0,$00		;5:
	dcblw	mfire_act,firepat,$0345,0,$00		;6:
	dcblw	fblock_act,fblockpat,$4000,0,$00	;7:
	dcblw	myogan_act,yoganpat,$63a8,0,$00		;8:
	dcblw	yogan2_act,yogan2pat,$63a8,0,$00	;9:
	dcblw	box_act,boxpat,$42b8,0,$00		;10:
	dcblw	yado_act,yadopat,$247b,0,$00		;11:
	dcblw	bryuka_act,bryukapat,$42b8,0,$00	;12:
	dcblw	dai_act,daipat,$02b8,0,$00		;13:
	dcblw	break2_act,break2pat,$62b8,0,$00	;14:
	dcblw	yoganc_act,yogancpat,$8680,0,$00	;15:
	dcblw	bat_act,batpat,$04b8,0,$00		;16:
	dcblw	imo_act,imopat,$24ff,0,$00		;17:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$26bc,0,$01		;18:
	dc.w	15
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	elev_act,elevpat,$4000,0,$00		;3:
	dcblw	break2_act,break2pat,$44e0,2,$00	;4:
	dcblw	shima_act,z4daipat,$4000,0,$00		;5:
	dcblw	pedal_act,pedalpat,$4000,0,$00		;6:
	dcblw	step_act,steppat,$4000,0,$00		;7:
	dcblw	fun_act,funpat,$43a0,0,$00		;8:
	dcblw	sisoo_act,sisoopat,$0374,0,$00		;9:
	dcblw	sjump_act,sjumppat,$0523,0,$00		;10:
	dcblw	mfire_act,firepat,$0480,0,$00		;11:
	dcblw	bgspr_act,hassyapat,$44d8,0,$00		;12:
	dcblw	brobo_act,brobopat,$0400,0,$00		;13:
	dcblw	uni_act,unipat,$2429,0,$00		;14:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$26bc,0,$01		;15:
	dc.w	15
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	toge_act,togepat,$051b,0,$00		;3:
	dcblw	sjump_act,sjumppat,$0523,0,$00		;4:
	dcblw	aruma_act,arumapat,$04b8,0,$00		;5:
	dcblw	signal_act,signalpat,$0000,0,$00	;6:
	dcblw	bobin_act,bobinpat,$0380,0,$00		;7:
	dcblw	kani_act,kanipat,$0400,0,$00		;8:
	dcblw	hachi_act,hachipat,$0444,0,$00		;9:
	dcblw	yado_act,yadopat,$247b,0,$00		;10:
	dcblw	shima_act,z5daipat,$4000,0,$00		;11:
	dcblw	dai2_act,dai2pat,$4000,0,$00		;12:
	dcblw	switch2_act,switch2pat,$0513,0,$00	;13:
	dcblw	imo_act,imopat,$24ff,0,$00		;14:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$26bc,0,$01		;15:
	dc.w	29
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	item_act,itempat,$0680,0,$00		;2:
	dcblw	brobo_act,brobopat,$0400,0,$00		;3:
	dcblw	uni_act,unipat,$0429,0,$00		;4:
	dcblw	imo_act,imopat,$22b0,0,$00		;5:
	dcblw	buranko_act,fetamapat,$4391,2,$07	;6:
	dcblw	haguruma_act,hagurumapat,$c344,00,$e0	;7:
	dcblw	dai_act,daipat,$22c0,2,$28		;8:
	dcblw	switch2_act,switch2pat,$0513,0,$00	;9:
	dcblw	pata_act,patapat,$4492,0,$03		;10:
	dcblw	pata_act,yukafpat,$04df,0,$83		;11:
	dcblw	noko_act,nokopat,$43b5,0,$02		;12:
	dcblw	break2_act,break2pat,$43f5,0,$00	;13:
	dcblw	dai_act,daipat,$4460,3,$39		;14:
	dcblw	dai4_act,dai4pat,$22c0,0,$00		;15:
	dcblw	door_act,doorpat,$42e8,0,$00		;16:
	dcblw	dai4_act,dai4pat,$22c0,1,$13		;17:
	dcblw	noko_act,nokopat,$43b5,0,$01		;18:
	dcblw	dai4_act,dai4pat,$22c0,1,$24		;19:
	dcblw	noko_act,nokopat,$43b5,2,$04		;20:
	dcblw	dai4_act,dai4pat,$22c0,1,$34		;21:
	dcblw	yukae_act,yukaepat,$44c3,0,$00		;22:
	dcblw	fire6_act,fire6pat,$83d9,0,$64		;23:
	dcblw	fire6_act,fire6pat,$83d9,11,$64		;24:
	dcblw	ele_act,elepat,$047e,0,$04		;25:
	dcblw	yukai_act,yukaipat,$42f0,0,$00		;26:
	dcblw	scoli_act,scolipat,$8680,0,$11		;27:
	dcblw	buta_act,butapat,$2302,0,$04		;28:
	dcblw	save_act,savepat,$26bc,0,$01		;29:

*	dcblw	ring_act,playpat,$0780,50,$00		;28:
*	dcblw	usa_act,usapat,$0448,0,$00		;5:
*	dcblw	mawaru_act,mawarupat,$4348,16,$00	;7:

	dc.w	02	*13
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,0,$00		;1:
	dcblw	ring_act,ringpat,$26bc,8,$00		;2:
*	dcblw	bobin_act,bobinpat,$0380,0,$00		;2:
*	dcblw	usagi_act,flicpat,$05a0,0,$0a		;3
*	dcblw	usagi_act,flicpat,$05a0,0,$0b		;4
*	dcblw	usagi_act,flicpat,$05a0,0,$0c		;5
*	dcblw	usagi_act,usagipat,$0553,0,$0d		;6
*	dcblw	usagi_act,usagipat,$0553,0,$0e		;7
*	dcblw	usagi_act,pengpat,$0573,0,$0f		;8
*	dcblw	usagi_act,pengpat,$0573,0,$10		;9
*	dcblw	usagi_act,azarpat,$0585,0,$11		;10
*	dcblw	usagi_act,fbutapat,$0593,0,$12		;11
*	dcblw	usagi_act,niwapat,$0565,0,$13		;12
*	dcblw	usagi_act,risupat,$05b3,0,$14		;13

Notably among the listed objects are names of several scrapped enemies, including Redz, BFish, Stego, Gator and BBat. The two versions of Aquis are known as "Seahorse" and "Skyhorse", respectively.

Had these enemies made it into the final product, they would have likely been given official names, however without further documentation, this is as close as we can get.


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Nick Arcade prototype), prototype version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)
S2b title.png

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Part of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit) development