
Route 99

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 13:53, 28 November 2009 by Aquaslash (talk | contribs) (moved Route 99 Zone to Route 99 over redirect: None of the Advance 3 levels tack on the "Zone" suffix in game.)
Route 99
First Zone, Sonic Advance 3
Number of Acts: 3
Boss: Route 99 Zone Boss
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Route 99 Zone is a the first zone of Sonic Advance 3. This mess of highway features a lot of straight-aways to allow you to become accostumed to the game's high speeds, as well as some simple platforming, switch puzzles and rails. Gimmicks include moving boxes, poles which launch you upwards, corkscrew bridges, and wheels that, when spindashed, open up optional platforming segments. Dangers included badniks, spike pits, death by crushing, and a brief bottomless pit near the end of Act I.

The boss stage features two fights. First, you're pitted against Gemerl. He simply moves left to right and back again acrossed the screen, and can be trashed by attacking him a mere 4 times (or an even more pitiful 2 times on the game's Easy setting).

After Gemerl's first humiliating defeat, you'll face Dr. Eggman's third hammer-based contraption of the Advance series (the first being the Egghammertank of Neo Green Hill, the Egghammertank II of Leaf Forest being the second). Eggman attempts to whack you with an alternating series of left and right hammer strikes. Stand on the base on his machine, and he'll crush you. Defeat Eggman by tempting him with a close-range thwack and move to the outside of the arena before he connects. Now Eggman's cockpit will be in easy reach of an attack. Repeat this 7 more times (5 if you're playing the underwhelming Easy game). Eggman will flee and you'll be spirited away to the orange landscape that is Sunset Hill.
