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For the scener see Shade (scener)

Template:CharacterSheet Shade is a new character in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. She is a Nocturnus Echinda and was kept relativly egnimatic until the games release, unlike most of the content for the game. Despite being discussed in press material so sparsingly, she actually turned out to play a major role in the game, partly due to the unknown fact that she was an echinda from a new clan. She can climb walls, much like Knuckles, but she can also rely on stealth and wits to sneak around, simmilar to Rouge. Lastly, she can also teleport through a warp belt, simmilar to Shadow when he uses Chaos Control.

Warning: The following sections contain spoilers.


Serveral thousand years ago, Shade and the Nocturnus clan of echindas, lead by Imperator Ix, were becoming a great civilazation of power, and saw the Knuckles clan, led by Pachacamac, as the only thing in their way. Over time, they developed advanced technologies and machines, including the Gizoid. With their army of invincible Gizoids, and their leaders and soilders strong powers and technology they were nearly undefeated. However, after Chaos had been sealed into the Master Emerald, the Nocturnus Clan was banished to an alternate demension called the Twilight Cage. Once there, they begun devising a way to escape from the Twilight Cage. Their technology advanced further, and they united under them the Kron, Zoah, Voxai and the Nn'rgal, using the Chaos Emeralds and brute force, if nessecary. Now that the Twilight Cage was theirs, they just needed a way out. Since Shade and several warriors discovered they could use their warp-belts to escape the Cage temporarily, Ix sent her to get the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emeralds he needed, so she was sent to grab them.

Sonic Chronicles

Sometime prior to the events of the game, Shade obtains six Chaos Emeralds and helps capture Eggman's base in Metropolis Zone to use as a temporary Nocturnus base.

Shade then moves out to get the last Chaos Emerald from Tails and Knuckles, whom are using it as bait for their trap. However, Shade disables the trap, and kidnaps Knuckles and the Emerald while Tails repairs it. The Party spends a long time trying to figure out who she is and where she stands in the Nocturnus heirchy.

Later in the Blue Ridge Zone, after Shadow and Dr. Eggman reluctantly join your party, Shade then appears, and reveals herself to be an echinda, which shocks Knuckles and displaces him both mentally and emotionally. After a quick battle, Shade then obstructs the normal path to Metropolis, forcing them to use Eggman's underground subway.

When they get to Angel Island, Shade and Ix are about to steal the Master Emerald when Sonic's half of the party arrives(Prior to this point, the gang splits up). They hold off Ix's soilders until Eggman and Tails can teleport up there and destroy them. After a fight with Ix, he reveals his true intentions to continue World Conquest after escaping the Twilight Cage. Shade had not wanted to continue the conquest, so she was tricked. Now that she knew, Ix had no purpose for her, so he tried to kill her, which provided him enough time to steal the Master Emerald and open a Worm Hole to the Twilight Cage.

After Angel Island plummets to Metropolis, Shade helps Sonic and friends put together the craft needed to chase Ix into the Cage. There, she helps Sonic and friends gather the Chaos Emeralds from the various Colonys and Clans, making allies with them. Eventually, they set out for an invasion of the Nocturnus Colony, which Ix is now moving towards the Worm Hole. Shade then helps Sonic defeat her old master, and escapes with the crew, only to find that in their absence, Dr. Eggman has taken over the world.

Spoilers end here

It is unknown weather SEGA will use her in any future titles besides a possible Chronicles Sequel. Due to her personality and back-story, she may conflict with what was for years established cannon, along with Blaze the Cat, whom has a simmilar personale and other worldly Knuckles Role.