
Green Hill Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 16-bit)

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 13:56, 3 August 2006 by Scarred Sun (talk | contribs)
Green Hill Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 16-bit)
First level, Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
Number of Acts: 3
Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Ball and Chain Machine
For other similarly named levels, see Green Hill Zone (disambiguation).

Green Hill Zone is the first zone in Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis). It is a picturesque paradise with green forests and beautiful blue lakes and has brown checkered soil. Green Hill Zone has many flowers in the foreground, as well as waterfalls and clouds in the backdrop. Hazards include crumbling platforms and spikes.

Green Hill Zone's beta is thought to have been set at night (though this is more likely due to poor contrast in the screenshots) and had a WELCOME SONIC sign and a rolling ball. This rolling ball was eventually sheltered as Robotnik's wrecking ball for the Act 3 boss.

This zone is so famous in the Sonic series that it reappears in later games such as Sonic Battle and Sonic Adventure 2. Even Sonic Advance 3's Sunset Hill Zone has a remix of Green Hill Zone music.

After completing the game, Sonic makes a brief return to Green Hill Zone for the ending sequence.

Instruction Manual Description

Go around the giant loop, tumble down tunnels, and jump over crumbling cliffs before you get a chance to blink. Bounce on Springboards but not on spikes. Ouch!



  • Chopper - A pirahna bot that jumps up from under bridges
  • Moto Bug - Insect bot that rides around
  • Crabmeat - Crab bot that shoots fireballs from its pincers
  • Buzz Bomber - Insect bot that shoots stinging fireballs
  • Newtron - Disappearing lizard bot


  • Boss: Dr. Robotnik's Ball-n-Chain Machine
  • Hits: 8

An easy first boss consisting of two ledges suspended over the ground. You will need to jump on one of these to reach Robotnik's ship. When he first appears, hit him 2-3 times before he brings out his weapon, a ball and chain. The easiest way to defeat him is to hit him when the ball is swinging to the opposite direction, then run under the ledge all the way to the edge of the screen, then when the ball is gone, jump up, hit him again, and repeat. His ship will explode after 8 solid hits.

Technical Information

23A8 GHZ level palette
6DDE GHZ dynamic screen resizing
1C054 GHZ animated pattern load cue
1D17C GHZ object debug list
3BCF2 GHZ 16x16 block mappings
3C692 GHZ Primary pattern block
3DCF2 GHZ secondary pattern block
3F09A GHZ 256x256 block mappings
64A00 GHZ 16x16 collision index
68C7E GHZ act 1 foreground
68D74 GHZ act 2 foreground
68E40 GHZ act 3 foreground
68F62 GHZ act 1/2/3/ending sequence background
6B096 GHZ act 1/4 sprite locations
6B5A0 GHZ act 2 sprite locations
6BB5E GHZ act 3 sprite locations

Technical Notes

Green Hill Zone is followed by Marble Zone, which uses some of Green Hill Zone's tiles.

There are some bizarre bumper-flower-things you can place in the ending with debug mode. There is also one pink flower. This bumper is actually one of the bumpers from Spring Yard Zone and the special stage, using art from Green Hill Zone to define itself.

Green Hill Zone is a very commonly hacked level, and is usually the level of choice for beginning hackers, since it uses relatively little tags and the tiles, for the most part, fit together.
