
Egg Rocket Zone

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 02:43, 12 July 2010 by Stonerboy (talk | contribs) (grammar and spelling corrections)
Sonic Advance Zone Egg Rocket.png
Egg Rocket Zone
Sixth Zone, Sonic Advance
Number of Acts: 1

Egg rocket is the sixth zone in Sonic Advance. The level starts outside, in some kind of rocket-launching platform. Once you enter the rocket, it will take off and the time counter will be set to 4 minutes and 59 seconds and it will start counting down. You'll have to make it to the next goal where part of the rocket comes off and the rocket moves even higher up before the clock counts all the way down. If you make it in time, then the clock will be set back to 4 minutes 59 seconds. There's a total of four goals, making this level and act the longest in the entire game. The fourth goal is the entrance to the next level, Cosmic Angel Zone. Later parts of this level include the famous gravity reversal feature.


  • Oct - Octopus robot that fires energy shots straight downwards
  • Mirror - Pointy defesive robot that occasionally opens up to fire energy shots.
  • Mogu - Mole badnik that pops out of holes in the ground.

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