
Team Blast

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 19:26, 28 January 2010 by Frozen Nitrogen (talk | contribs) (Team Chaotix: Chaotix Recital)

Team Blast is a move that was introduced and can only be used in Sonic Heroes. It can be activated by pressing the Z button once the gauge on the top right corner of the screen is full. It can be filled up by attacking enemies or collecting rings. The attack involves all three characters joining together and combining their powers.


There are four different Team Blasts. Although each have there own unique look and effect, they all do the same thing which is destroy all nearby enemies.

Team Sonic: Sonic Overdrive

Knuckles swings Tails by his feet who is also holding on to Sonic's feet. After a few spins, Knuckles let's go of Tails who kicks Sonic into the air. Sonic then yells "Blast Away!" and starts zooming around in the air and eventually comes in for a landing. Once he lands, all nearby enemies are destroyed. It is the only Team Blast that can destroy enemies before the final explosion happens. After the Team Blast is used, Sonic can preform Light Speed Attack by jumping in the air and pressing B for the amount of energy that is left in the gauge. Light Speed Attack is not limited to Speed formation. If the player uses Thundershoot or Fire Dunk while the energy in the gauge is still in effect, Sonic will use Light Speed Attack automatically.

Sonic Overdrive can also be used while Team Sonic is in their super state while fighting Metal Sonic. It has a different look to it. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles form a triangle with the Sonic Heroes symbols behind them. They all then fly towards Metal Sonic and attack him repeatedly. It is the only way to damage him. Sonic can also use Light Speed Attack while in his super state, but it sucks up his rings.

Sonic Overdrive is infamous for causing the game to freeze on occasion after it is used. Particularly when the team is in Power formation. The game isn't completely frozen but it is like Sonic "Blasts Away" and never comes back.

Team Dark: Chaos Inferno

Shadow activates Chaos Control while Rouge lifts Omega into the air. Omega then fires giant lasers from his arm cannons, destroying all nearby enemies. Time is frozen while the energy in the gauge is in effect. It is quite useful for getting good times on stages and Eggman Boss battles. However, it's considered a double-edge sword as it sometimes prevents the team from moving forward if there is an obstacle that cannot be overcome unless time is moving. Example: the barrier devices in the Power Plant. Luckily, pressing the Z button again will unfreeze time so that the player will not have to wait for time to unfreeze.

Team Rose: Flower Festival

Amy and Cream bounce around on Big's umbrella while he is twirling it. They all pose causing an explosion of flowers that destroy all nearby enemies. This particular Team Blast is a dream for novice players. Once activated, the player gains invincibility, a barrier, and all characters get leveled-up one level. It also has a larger attack radius when compared to the other Team Blasts. Unlike the other Team Blasts, the after effects are not limited to the energy left in the gauge after usage.

Team Chaotix: Chaotix Recital

Espio strums a shamisen (a Japanese guitar) while Charmy bangs on a drum. Then Vector "sings" into a microphone and all nearby enemies are destroyed. An audience can be heard cheering for them. Team Chaotix receives rings for every enemy that is destroyed during the blast. They also receive rings for every enemy that's destroyed for the amount of energy left in the gauge afterward. While pretty much like another Team Blast during Eggman boss battles, Chaotix Recital proves to be extremely useful in Robot Carnival and Robot Storm. The rings collected from destroying enemies allows the gauge to refill again quickly, resulting in an endless amount of Team Blasts.