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Uncle Chuck: ''Robotnik is mining this energy crystal to replace his dwindling oil supply. They're hoisting it outta here today, we have to stop it!''
Uncle Chuck: ''Robotnik is mining this energy crystal to replace his dwindling oil supply. They're hoisting it outta here today, we have to stop it!''
Bunnie: ''What'll happen if they do get it out?''
Uncle Chuck: ''Removing that much active crystal will destroy the whole ecosystem.''
Sally: ''You're right, we do have to stop Robotnik, but how?''
Uncle Chuck: ''Only one way, we shut him down here and at the control center. Sal, that's where you come in.''
Sally: ''Okay. Let's do it!''
[The group are hiding behind a small partition on a walkway high in the mine, with a Swatbot guarding a door to a tall building nearby.]
Uncle Chuck: ''That's it, Sal.''
Sally: ''The control center?''
Uncle Chuck: ''Right, that's where you gotta cut the main power circuits. Soni, after you get them, come on back here.''
Sonic: ''You got it!''
[Uncle Chuck suddenly holds his head and squints in pain.]
Sonic: ''Uncle Chuck, you feeling okay?''
Uncle Chuck: ''Fine, don't worry about me. We don't have much time.''
Sonic: ''I'm on it!''
[Sonic runs away along the walkway to near the Swatbot. He throws a muffin at the Swatbot, getting its attention.]
Sonic: ''Hey, leadhead.''
[The Swatbot fires a laser at Sonic, but he lifts up a mirror, reflecting it back.]
Sonic: ''Back at ya!''
[The reflected laser hits the Swatbot, incapacitating it. It falls over the edge of the walkway into the mine. Sonic motions for the group to come over. Sonic, now with Sally, Rotor and Antoine, approach the door, but stop when it opens, revealing a Swatbot. The group hide along the wall beside the door. The Swatbot continues walking along without noticing them. All but Sonic enter the door, leaving him outside as the door closes.]
Sonic: ''Hey, electrobreath, get ready for a laser lunch.''
[The Swatbot turns around and fires its laser at Sonic. He hops out of the way, causing the laser to ricochet off the door and back at the Swatbot, knocking it back along the walkway.]
[In the control center, Sally, Rotor and Antoine look around behind a column.]
Antoine: ''Slice of pie, nes pas.''
[Antoine runs ahead.]
Rotor: ''Antoine, it's 'a piece of cake'.''
[Antoine is on the other side of the corridor they are in, hiding behind a column. Rotor and Sally join him.]
Antoine: ''Yes, I'm happy this is so.''
[He goes ahead again, with the group following behind them. A door at the end of the corridor starts closing, but they make it through before it closes fully.]
[Along a rock wall of the mine, Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck are climbing down. They reach some ground.]
Uncle Chuck: ''I'll go first.''
Sonic: ''Careful, Uncle Chuck!'
[Uncle Chuck jumps down another wall reaching more ground, with Bunnie and Sonic following suit.]
Sonic: ''What's next, Uncle Chuck?''
[The ground starts shaking.]
Uncle Chuck: ''You're about to meet the most powerful bot of all.''
[They look down the wall beside them, which has a large opening at the bottom. A large tank-like bot drives out of the opening. It has a head at the front with arms folded in.]
Sonic: ''Man, that is one serious bot!''
Uncle Chuck: ''It's a dinobot, the deadly planet-devouring machine.''
Sonic: ''I wish that dude were on our side.''
Uncle Chuck: ''That's my plan, Soni, but first we have to get to its controls, inside, just follow me.''
[Uncle Chuck jumps down onto the back of the dinobot, along with Bunnie and Sonic. The dinobot stops. It roars and slams its head into the ground, knocking the trio down and forcing them to slide down the neck and to the end of the head. It lifts up and slams its head again, throwing Uncle Chuck off, but Bunnie and Sonic continue to cling on the head.]
Uncle Chuck: ''See you inside.''
[It opens its mouth and slams down, eating Uncle Chuck.]
Sonic: ''Uncle Chuck!''
Bunnie: ''Oh my stars, do we have to do that?!''
Sonic: ''No prob, come on.''
[They both slide down off the head, grabbing onto the bottom jaw. They pull up into the mouth.]
Bunnie: ''Oh, I hate this part.''
[Sonic looks down the mouth into the throat.]
Uncle Chuck: *echo* ''Let's go Soni-boy!''
[The mouth starts closing, which causes Sonic and Bunnie to try to keep it open, but they can't. The dinobot then starts flailing around, trying to get Bunnie and Sonic out of its mouth.]
Sonic: ''Bunnie, can you jam its jaws open?''
Bunnie: ''I'll sure give it a try, sugar-hog!''
[She walks over to one of the joints of the jaw and wedges herself between the two with her robotic arm and legs. She keeps pushing it upwards.]
Bunnie: ''Come on, move!''
[She keeps pushing until the jaw is stuck in place.]
Sonic: ''Alright Bunnie, now lets go find Uncle Chuck.''
[He grabs her and they rush down the throat into the body of the dinobot.]
[In the control center, a bot is manning the controls. The group looks on.]
Sally: ''The main control panel is just beyond that bot.''
[Sally, Rotor and Antoine are hiding underneath another panel. The bot walks over to the panel they are hiding under to do its work. Sally notices a red light going off on the bot's right foot.]
Sally: ''Rotor, there's a toggle switch on his foot.''
[The bot goes to another station as they crawl to that station. Rotor tries to press the switch, but misses as the bot walks away again.]
Rotor: ''I'll get him to turn, you flick the switch.''
[Rotor stands up and leaves their cover. He taps on the bot's shoulder, getting its attention. Sally crawls up behind, attempts to flick the switch, but fails as the bot walks forward to hit Rotor. It starts swinging, but Rotor dodges its attacks. It eventually grabs him and holds him up.]
Rotor: ''Sally! Hit the switch!''
[Two laser cannons appear out of the bot's stomach-area and aim at Rotor. Sally runs over and hits the switch before they fire, deactivating the bot.]
Sally: ''Got it!''
Antoine: ''Gringo!''
Rotor: *still hung by the robot* ''Antoine, it's 'bingo', not gringo. Let go, tin-head!''
[Rotor grabs onto the bot's arm and forces his hand out of the grip.]
Sally: ''Over here!''
[They run over to the control panel.]
[Meanwhile, the dinobot starts going nuts, flailing around, destroying rocks with its arms. Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck are at a control panel in the bot.]
Sonic: ''This bot's blitzed out, Uncle Chuck!''
Uncle Chuck: ''Let's hope he doesn't clear his throat.''
[Uncle Chuck grabs onto a switch on the panel.]
Bunnie: ''Amen to that.''
[He tries to pull the switch, but can't make it budge.]
Bunnie: ''Let me give you a hand there, Charlie.''
[She pulls the switch successfully.]
Bunnie: ''There we go.''
[The dinobot deactivates, with its head hitting the ground.]
Uncle Chuck: ''Thanks Bunnie, now let's figure out how to control this baby.''
Sonic: ''Control it to do what?''
Uncle Chuck: ''To chop suey those cables!''
[Uncle Chuck pulls on a panel, bringing up some controls.]
Uncle Chuck: ''Yes! The control board, now let's see if dinobot will work for us.''
[He goes to start, but the bot starts shaking.]
Bunnie: ''What's that?!''
Uncle Chuck: ''The cranes!''
[He goes to work on the board. The cranes holding the crystal start up.]
Uncle Chuck: ''We gotta work fast!''
[The cranes start hoisting the crystal from the ground. Swatbots are guarding the crane machinery. In the dinobot, Uncle Chuck grabs a telephone from a panel on the wall.]
Uncle Chuck: ''Come on Sally, pick up!''
[In the control center, Sally, Antoine and Rotor are working at the main panel. They are listening to Uncle Chuck over the speakers. Sally is talking to Uncle Chuck on a phone.]
Uncle Chuck: *communication* ''Good job, Sal, now shut down the mine's main circuits.''
Sally: ''Okay, but I don't see a control panel for the cranes.''
Uncle Chuck: *communication* ''Must be separate, keep looking.''
Sally: ''Will do.''
[She hangs up and presses a few buttons above her.]
Sally: ''Maybe one of these.''
[Uncle Chuck has a portable panel with similar buttons. He presses them.]
Uncle Chuck: ''Now, let's get this T-bot cranking, hit it Bunnie!''
[She pulls the switch back up, activating the dinobot. Two Swatbots beside the dinobot run away as it starts driving forward. The Swatbots are able to escape, but the dinobot runs over a mine cart on its way to the crystal.''
Uncle Chuck: ''This T-bot's working for us now!''
Bunnie: ''Alright!''
[The crystal continues to rise.]
Sonic: ''Better juice, Uncle Chuck. Those cranes are starting to lift the ole' crystal.''
[The dinobot reaches the base of the crystal. It grabs a hold of one of the ropes with one of its hand.]
Sonic: ''Large move! Shred that sucker!''
[Suddenly, ropes with hooks latch onto the arm of the dinobot, pulling it away. A whole squadron of Swatbots are firing the hooks and ropes to hold the dinobot back. More and more Swatbots join and greatly overwhelm the dinobot's power. They latch their weapons to the ground.]
Sonic: ''The claw's down!''
Uncle Chuck: ''We'll have to use the laser drill to destroy the crystal.''
[Despite being held down, two laser beams shoot from the nose of the dinobot and hit the crystal. The crystal glows a bright yellow.]
Uncle Chuck: ''The crystal absorbed the laser energy!''
[The bot shakes as more Swatbots fire ropes at it. The crystal continues to ascend up the mine.]
Uncle Chuck: ''We got to take out those cables!''
[The bot fires its lasers again, this time at the cables. It is able to take out one, causing the cranes to lose support, bringing the crystal back down slightly. Swatbots continue to fire ropes as the dinobot's head moves around to fight against the ropes. The control panel inside starts sparking while the whole bot shakes. Using cranks, the Swatbots attempt to pull apart the dinobot with the ropes. Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck hold onto the inside to keep their balance. The dinobot eventually gives up, slamming its head into the ground. The cranes, meanwhile, have continued on as the crystal starts going through the roof of the mine.]
Uncle Chuck: ''This is it.  We cut it loose now, or Moebius is finished.''
[The dinobot fights the ropes holding it down and aims upwards, firing one last laser shot. It hits the crystal and a cable, cutting it, but moving the crystal, causing it to wedge itself into the opening in the roof. This breaks the other cables, letting the crystal loose, thus falling back into place in the mine. The crane mechanisms fall into the mine as well.]
Uncle Chuck: ''We did it, Soni-boy!''
Sonic: ''Yes!''
Sonic/Bunnie: ''Alright!''
Uncle Chuck: ''Now, we gotta hook up with the others and get outta here!''
[They go to leave the dinobot. Meanwhile, in the control center, an alarm goes off.]
Sally: ''That's it, everything is shut down except for emergency power. Let's get back to the elevator!''
[Uncle Chuck, Bunnie and Sonic escape from the dinobot through it's mouth and run away.]
Uncle Chuck: ''Let's go! Let's go!''
[The Swatbots from earlier start firing their lasers at them and give chase. Sally and the others, meanwhile, have left the command center and are running down a walkway. Sally looks down to see Sonic, Uncle Chuck and Bunnie on the ground running away from a group of Swatbots. They enter an elevator while Sonic and the others hide behind a small mine cart. The Swatbots continue on, firing lasers. Sonic points for Uncle Chuck and Bunnie to go in the minecart as he pushes it, charging up his legs to get it going. He stops the minecart at the elevator as Sally, Rotor and Antoine arrive at the ground. Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck enter the elevator as Swatbots continue to fire at them. The door closes right before the Swatbots arrive. The elevator stops, opening to reveal the subway train.]
Sonic: ''There's our ride outta here!''
[They all run toward the train, but Uncle Chuck stops, clutching his head, robotic voices being heard. The rest of the group has reached the train, minus Sonic who looks back.]
Sonic: ''Uncle Chuck...w-what's up? Uncle Chuck?''
[Uncle Chuck grabs the power ring he was given earlier.]
Sonic: ''Oh man...''
[He hands it back to Sonic.]
Uncle Chuck: ''It's alright, Sonic, we saved Moebius. That's the important thing.''
Sonic: ''We've got to get you back to Knothole, warp seven.''
[Uncle Chuck is on the ground, still clutching his head.]
Uncle Chuck: ''It's's too late, Soni.''
Sonic: ''Uncle Chuck?''
[He looks back up, losing control and growling at Sonic.]
Sonic: ''No way am I leaving you here!''
Sally: ''Sonic, he's turned back.''
[He continues to growl at Sonic.]
Sonic: ''You gotta come with me.''
Sally: ''Sonic!''
[A shuttle bot flies toward the group. Uncle Chuck grabs onto Sonic's shoulders.]
Sonic: ''Uncle Chuck!''
[Bunnie runs over to free Sonic, pulling on him.]
Bunnie: ''Come on, sugar-hog!''
[Bunnie ends up dragging Sonic back to the train.]
Sonic: ''Uncle Chuck!!''
Sally: ''Sonic, we have to leave him!''
[As Sonic is pulled on the train, the doors close and it starts up. The shuttlebot arrives, with Uncle Chuck pointing at the train for it to chase. The shuttlebot stops chasing as the train enters a narrow tunnel. In the train, Sonic is crying with Bunnie and Sally trying to comfort him.]
Sonic: ''I should've saved him.''
Bunnie: ''Y'all did what you could honey, we couldn't bring him back. He's loyal to Robotnik.''
Sally: ''We'll get him back another day, Sonic. Promise.''
Rotor: ''Yeah, and look what we did with Uncle Chuck, we totalled that crystal.''
Antoine: ''Se magnifique!''
Sally: ''You know, I was able to copy some of the roboticizer software. One day, we'll be able to change Uncle Chuck back, permanently.''
Rotor: ''Along with all our families.''
Sonic: ''Hang in, Uncle Chuck. We'll be back.''
[[Category:Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) Scripts]]
[[Category:Sonic the Hedgehog (TV series) Scripts]]

Revision as of 01:08, 14 February 2009

This is the English transcript of the SatAM episode Ultra Sonic.

[In Robotropolis, near Robotnik's lair, a large ship flies by. Looking closer, in a large dome, Sonic and Sally Acorn are grunting, running down a corridor in the building. They stop at a panel in a wall.]

Sally: This is it: section 2, module 14.

[Sonic grabs a handle on the panel and opens it, revealing a maintenance shaft.]

Sonic/Sally: Let's do it to it.

[They share their secret handshake. Sonic then enters the shaft with Sally following behind him. Crawling through it, the shaft is filled with many wires and panels. Sonic and Sally barely fit in as they slowly go through it. Sonic stops.]

Sonic: Hold it, Sal.

[He looks back and finds a small hatch. He opens it and they look down to see Snively working at the roboticizer, reading from a paper.]

Snively: Maximum ferrite field, 95.7% robotization factor.

[They look around at the various wires in the shaft.]

Sonic: Which one controls the ole' roboticizer?

[Sally takes one of the wires.]

Sally: First, we shut down the alarm.

[She pulls the wire apart.]

Sally: That should do it.

Sonic: Should?

Sally: He could have a backup.

Sonic: No prob! We can handle it.

Sally: The difficult part will be getting into that roboticizer software, so we can deactivate it.

[They look back down in the room. Snively is still walking around the roboticizer, which is active, reading his paper.]

Sonic: Come on, Sal, with my looks and your brains, we're unstoppable.

Sally: You're...partly right.

Sonic: Which part?

Sally: Guess...

Sonic: Ha, the incredible good looks part, right?

Sally: You're dreaming again.

[Sonic pulls out a personal mirror from his backpack and checks his quills. Then checks the rest of his face, with Sally growing impatient.]

Sonic: That, is not a dream. That is one hedgehog hunk.

[Sally slaps it out of his hand.]

Sally: Sonic, will you get serious?!

Sonic: Yo, I am serious.

[Sally puts a chip into a control panel on the roof of the shaft. This sets off an alarm in Robotnik's control room. He activates the screen on his chair to contact Snively.]

Robotnik: Snively, the roboticizer is in sabotage mode!

Snively: I'll check it, sir.

[Snively presses a button on the roboticizer control panel, activating a laser scanner that checks the area. He looks up at the maintenance shaft, and the open panel. Snively looks as his monitor shows a silhouette of Sonic and Sally, with alarms going off.]

Snively: The hedgehog...

[Four Swatbots are marching down a corridor.]

Snively: *communication* Swatbots! Sector 6, third corridor.

[The Swatbots stop and start running toward Sonic and Sally's location. Snively walks over to the roboticizer, keeping his eye on the open panel in the roof. Sally and Sonic are looking down on him.]

Sonic: Excuse me, is this where we catch the monorail to Knothole?

Snively: Go ahead and joke, hedgehog, but this time we got you!

Sonic: What you got, Snively, is a big, fat zippo!

Snively: Guess again, rodent.

[He walks over to the control console.]

Snively: What I have is your worthless hide.

[He presses a button, releasing a gas into the maintenance shaft. Sally coughs as it fills the area. They both crawl away as it covers the floor of the shaft.]

Sally: The fire extinguisher!

Sonic: What, he can't take a joke?

[They reach the end of the shaft, but it is blocked by a locked door. Sally pushes and Sonic hits it, eventually causing it to fall out of place. They look as the door falls to the outside, they are in a tall building, many floors up from the ground.]

Sonic: Hold tight, Sal!

[Suddenly, numerous laser blasts hit near the duo. They gasp as they look up and see Swatbots on the roof, firing down at their location. Sonic grabs Sally's arm.]

Sally: Any ideas?

[Sonic looks around and sees two hoverbots approach. The fire extinguisher foam is starting to accumulate outside the building.]

Sonic: The foam!

[They both jump and land in a mass of the foam at the bottom of the building. They both escape.]

Sonic: Past cool. Now let's hope the hoverpad is still where we left it.

[They continue running, with Swatbots continuing to fire toward them. They reach the hoverpad (a flat-panelled ship) and fly away.]

Sonic: We're in gear!

[Hoverbots follow them.]

Sally: Sonic! Behind us!

[Sonic makes numerous manoeuvers in the skies of Robotropolis in an attempt to lose the hoverbots, moving erratically and between pipes.]

Sonic: Hang on, Sal!

Sally: They're still behind us.

[Sonic flies past a large hole in a pipe, then does a quick turn-about, flying into the hole. He looks back as the hoverbots fly by without noticing.]

Sonic: Adios, Swatbots! When the hedgehog brain is really cooking, those chumps do stand a chance.

[He activates the hoverpad again and leaves the hole. Just as they exit, a hoverbot approaches from above.]

Sally: Sonic!

[Sonic presses a button on the hoverpad control panel.]

Sonic: No prob.

[The hoverpad instantly stops, causing the hoverbot to fly by at fast speed, knocking the pad into a downward twirl. Sonic is able to take control before they hit the ground.]

Sally: Maybe the old hedgehog brain is a little overcooked?

Sonic: A minor mistake, no biggie. We gotta be close to that subway station.

[The hoverpad flies at a high altitude while 4 hoverbots on guard continue to fly low. They take notice and fly upwards at the pad. Sonic is sweating as he looks back.]

Sonic: Oh man.

Sally: No biggie, huh?

Sonic: Okay, a major biggie.

[The hoverbots continue to pursue over the skies of Robotropolis.]

Sonic: How come they're not shooting at us?

Sally: They're saving us for the roboticizer.

Sonic: Well, it ain't gonna happen. Hang tight.

[He presses another button on the control panel.]

Sally: Sonic...

Sonic: Chill, I know what I'm doing.

Sally: That would be a first.

Sonic: Very funny...

Sally: Thank you.

[The hoverpad does a U-turn with the bots still in pursuit, then turning around again, passing by the hoverbots, nearly hitting them.]

Sonic: Outta the way, Swatbutts, hedgehog coming through!

[Sonic looks back at them, laughing, then looks at Sally.]

Sonic: Am I cool, or am I cool?

Sally: That was absolutely crazy, Sonic.

Sonic: Yeah, it was, wasn't it?

Sally: You are impossible.

Sonic: Thank you, thank you.

[He looks around.]

Sonic: See that subway station anywhere, Sal?

Sally: Yes, there!

[They see a small cube-like building with one entrance and head at it. Two hoverbots have found them and follow, firing at them. One shot hits the hoverpad, sending it in a spiral at the ground.]

Sally: SONIC!

Sonic: Hang on!

[Sonic gains control and safely lands it on the ground.]

Sally: Atleast we made it to the rendezvous point.

[They slowly step off the pad as the hoverbots fire their lasers at them. They then start running.]

Sonic: Let's juice!

[They make it into the building as the hoverbots fire at the entrance, destroying it. In the underground subway station, a long subway train sits at the platform. Three Swatbots are guarding the entrance to the train while three other bots enter it. Sonic and Sally watch from behind some debris.]

Sally: Workerbots.

Sonic: Sal...there. That bot is...

[The last bot to enter the train has a blue hedgehog appearance.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck...

Sally: You're right.

Sonic: I gotta get him outta here.

Sally: Sonic, wait, there's too many Swatbots.

Sonic: I can handle the Swatbots.

Sally: Sonic, use your head, it's too risky! We need a plan.

Sonic: Your right.

[A siren goes off as the destination sign 'Crystal Mine' lights up on the subway.]

Sally: Where's the Crystal Mine?

[The train departs.]

Sonic: I don't have a clue, but we're gonna find out.

[He helps Sally stand up.]

Sonic: Let's juice!

Rotor: Sonic!

[They gasp as Rotor runs over to them. Antoine and Bunnie Rabbot are also with him.]

Rotor: We scoped out Robotnik's junkyard, but we couldn't find any old roboticizer parts. How'd you guys do?

Sally: Not much better, I'm afraid, except that...

Sonic: ...we found my Uncle Chuck!

Bunnie: Oh Sonic, that is so exciting!

Rotor: Yeah! Where is he?

Sonic: On a train, headed for the Crystal Mine.

Antoine: Where is this Crystal of Mine?

Sonic: That way!

[Sonic points down the subway track.]

Sally: Well, we better start walking.

Rotor: Hey guys, here's our ride to the mine.

[Rotor points at a small subway car on the platform. They start walking at it when Swatbots enter and fire at the group. They start entering the car.]

Rotor: Incoming!

Antoine: Perhaps it is time to fly from the coop, yes?

[Sonic helps Rotor and Antoine into the car and closes the door. The Swatbots fire at the car, but their lasers have no effect on it. It activates and speeds along the track to the mine.]

[Crystal Mine consists of a large cave with two cranes hanging over a massive hole in the ground with the subway track following around the hole. The Freedom Fighter's car enters the cave and stops. They exit the car.]

Sally: I can't believe this. Robotnik pollution is everywhere.

[They hide behind their car and look at the subway train.]

Rotor: Man, I'd love to turn Robotnik into a can-opener.

Sonic: Shhh, cool it, Roat.

[They watch as a Swatbot escorts the workerbos into a building in the mine.]

Sonic: Keep your eyeballs peeled for Uncle Chuck.

[The last bot in the line is Uncle Chuck.]

Sonic: There he is. I'll get him.

[He hops on to the top of the car and runs at the Swatbots.]

Sally: Sonic! Be careful.

[The Swatbots and workerbots enter the building as Sonic runs up. The door to the building closes on Uncle Chuck.]

Sonic: Yo! Uncle Chuck, wait up!!

[Sonic grabs his arm.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck! Chill will ya? It's me!

[Uncle Chuck removes Sonic's hand from his arm forcibly and walks over to a control panel beside the door.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck, what are ya doing?

[He slams the button on the control panel, activating an alarm. He growls and starts walking fiercely at Sonic, causing him to walk backwards cautiously.]

Sonic: Yo, it's me, Sonic!

[He continues to walk at Sonic, growling.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck, it's me, Sonic; your one-and-only too-cool nephew. Don't you remember?

[Uncle Chuck jumps at Sonic, but he moves aside, causing him to fall on the ground.]

Sonic: Bunnie, grab him!

[Bunnie runs over and grabs Uncle Chuck. He tries to escape from her grasp.]

Bunnie: Easy does it, sugar, I won't hurt ya.

Sonic: Get him outta here, Bunnie.

[She takes a resistant Uncle Chuck back to the subway car as Sonic walks over to the control panel. He kicks the button on it, stopping the alarm. He runs back to Bunnie, who is still holding onto Uncle Chuck, with Antoine nearby. Rotor and Sally join them.]

Antoine: Sacre bleu! This is terrible! (?)

Sonic: Don't worry, Uncle Chuck, we'll get you back to normal. Got any ideas, Sal?

Sally: Well, the roboticization process is still a big mystery, but maybe...just maybe...'

[She reaches into Sonic's backpack and takes out a power ring.]

Sally: ...we can jog his memory.

Sonic: Yeah! Past cool, sal.

[Sally gives Uncle Chuck the power ring.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck, this is one of the power rings you invented for me, remember?

[It lights up as Sonic walks over. He calms down.]

Sonic: Sal, it's working. That a way Chuck, it's me, Sonic, your baby nephew. Please, remember.

[Uncle Chuck squints, then looks back at Sonic.]

Uncle Chuck: ...Sonic? Is that you, Sonic?

[Sonic hugs Uncle Chuck, with Bunnie letting go.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck! Yes! Man, I sure missed you.

[They both shed some tears of joy.]

Uncle Chuck: I missed you too. Still good looking and always cooking, eh Soni-Boy?

Sonic: You got it, Unc. Shakin' and bakin'.

Uncle Chuck: Princess Sally, Rotor, Bunnie, ah, it's a real treat to see you again.

Sally: Welcome back, Charles.

Rotor: How you doing, Chuck?

Antoine: Doctor hedgehog, bonjour.

Uncle Chuck: Bonjour, Antoine.

Sonic: Come on Uncle Chuck, we're bailing you out of this dump.

Antoine: For the best, the sooner, the better.

[As Sonic goes to leave, Uncle Chuck grabs his shoulder.]

Uncle Chuck: Not yet, Sonic, there's something much more important than me that I need your help on.

Sonic: More important than you? Like what?

Uncle Chuck: I'll have to show you, down in the mine.

[They approach the door to the building structure. It doesn't open.]

Uncle Chuck: Bit of a snag, here. The elevator's gone till the next shift.

Sonic: Forget the shift, there's always the shaft. Bunnie, waste these doors.

Bunnie: My pleasure.

[She walks up to the doors and and forces it open. They look down the elevator shaft, which looks bottomless. A couple of elevator lines descend down the length of the shaft.]

Uncle Chuck: Sweet thinking, Soni. Let's get slidin'!

[Uncle Chuck jumps at one of the elevator lines and slides down.]

Sonic: Is he my uncle or what?

[He jumps at the line and slides down, followed by the rest of the Freedom Fighters. In the elevator car, Uncle Chuck breaks open the roof panel and drops in, along with Sonic.]

Sonic: So what are we looking for, Uncle Chuck?

Uncle Chuck: It's something you gotta see with your own eyes.

[The rest of the group jump into the car. Uncle Chuck forces open its door, revealing a bright blue light.]

Uncle Chuck: Check it out, Soni.

[They both walk out of the elevator, Uncle Chucks stands triumphantly.]

Sonic: Oh man! That is large!

[Suspended in the middle of the mine with a number of lines is a large crystal.]

Uncle Chuck: Robotnik is mining this energy crystal to replace his dwindling oil supply. They're hoisting it outta here today, we have to stop it!

Bunnie: What'll happen if they do get it out?

Uncle Chuck: Removing that much active crystal will destroy the whole ecosystem.

Sally: You're right, we do have to stop Robotnik, but how?

Uncle Chuck: Only one way, we shut him down here and at the control center. Sal, that's where you come in.

Sally: Okay. Let's do it!

[The group are hiding behind a small partition on a walkway high in the mine, with a Swatbot guarding a door to a tall building nearby.]

Uncle Chuck: That's it, Sal.

Sally: The control center?

Uncle Chuck: Right, that's where you gotta cut the main power circuits. Soni, after you get them, come on back here.

Sonic: You got it!

[Uncle Chuck suddenly holds his head and squints in pain.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck, you feeling okay?

Uncle Chuck: Fine, don't worry about me. We don't have much time.

Sonic: I'm on it!

[Sonic runs away along the walkway to near the Swatbot. He throws a muffin at the Swatbot, getting its attention.]

Sonic: Hey, leadhead.

[The Swatbot fires a laser at Sonic, but he lifts up a mirror, reflecting it back.]

Sonic: Back at ya!

[The reflected laser hits the Swatbot, incapacitating it. It falls over the edge of the walkway into the mine. Sonic motions for the group to come over. Sonic, now with Sally, Rotor and Antoine, approach the door, but stop when it opens, revealing a Swatbot. The group hide along the wall beside the door. The Swatbot continues walking along without noticing them. All but Sonic enter the door, leaving him outside as the door closes.]

Sonic: Hey, electrobreath, get ready for a laser lunch.

[The Swatbot turns around and fires its laser at Sonic. He hops out of the way, causing the laser to ricochet off the door and back at the Swatbot, knocking it back along the walkway.]

[In the control center, Sally, Rotor and Antoine look around behind a column.]

Antoine: Slice of pie, nes pas.

[Antoine runs ahead.]

Rotor: Antoine, it's 'a piece of cake'.

[Antoine is on the other side of the corridor they are in, hiding behind a column. Rotor and Sally join him.]

Antoine: Yes, I'm happy this is so.

[He goes ahead again, with the group following behind them. A door at the end of the corridor starts closing, but they make it through before it closes fully.]

[Along a rock wall of the mine, Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck are climbing down. They reach some ground.]

Uncle Chuck: I'll go first.

Sonic: Careful, Uncle Chuck!'

[Uncle Chuck jumps down another wall reaching more ground, with Bunnie and Sonic following suit.]

Sonic: What's next, Uncle Chuck?

[The ground starts shaking.]

Uncle Chuck: You're about to meet the most powerful bot of all.

[They look down the wall beside them, which has a large opening at the bottom. A large tank-like bot drives out of the opening. It has a head at the front with arms folded in.]

Sonic: Man, that is one serious bot!

Uncle Chuck: It's a dinobot, the deadly planet-devouring machine.

Sonic: I wish that dude were on our side.

Uncle Chuck: That's my plan, Soni, but first we have to get to its controls, inside, just follow me.

[Uncle Chuck jumps down onto the back of the dinobot, along with Bunnie and Sonic. The dinobot stops. It roars and slams its head into the ground, knocking the trio down and forcing them to slide down the neck and to the end of the head. It lifts up and slams its head again, throwing Uncle Chuck off, but Bunnie and Sonic continue to cling on the head.]

Uncle Chuck: See you inside.

[It opens its mouth and slams down, eating Uncle Chuck.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck!

Bunnie: Oh my stars, do we have to do that?!

Sonic: No prob, come on.

[They both slide down off the head, grabbing onto the bottom jaw. They pull up into the mouth.]

Bunnie: Oh, I hate this part.

[Sonic looks down the mouth into the throat.]

Uncle Chuck: *echo* Let's go Soni-boy!

[The mouth starts closing, which causes Sonic and Bunnie to try to keep it open, but they can't. The dinobot then starts flailing around, trying to get Bunnie and Sonic out of its mouth.]

Sonic: Bunnie, can you jam its jaws open?

Bunnie: I'll sure give it a try, sugar-hog!

[She walks over to one of the joints of the jaw and wedges herself between the two with her robotic arm and legs. She keeps pushing it upwards.]

Bunnie: Come on, move!

[She keeps pushing until the jaw is stuck in place.]

Sonic: Alright Bunnie, now lets go find Uncle Chuck.

[He grabs her and they rush down the throat into the body of the dinobot.]

[In the control center, a bot is manning the controls. The group looks on.]

Sally: The main control panel is just beyond that bot.

[Sally, Rotor and Antoine are hiding underneath another panel. The bot walks over to the panel they are hiding under to do its work. Sally notices a red light going off on the bot's right foot.]

Sally: Rotor, there's a toggle switch on his foot.

[The bot goes to another station as they crawl to that station. Rotor tries to press the switch, but misses as the bot walks away again.]

Rotor: I'll get him to turn, you flick the switch.

[Rotor stands up and leaves their cover. He taps on the bot's shoulder, getting its attention. Sally crawls up behind, attempts to flick the switch, but fails as the bot walks forward to hit Rotor. It starts swinging, but Rotor dodges its attacks. It eventually grabs him and holds him up.]

Rotor: Sally! Hit the switch!

[Two laser cannons appear out of the bot's stomach-area and aim at Rotor. Sally runs over and hits the switch before they fire, deactivating the bot.]

Sally: Got it!

Antoine: Gringo!

Rotor: *still hung by the robot* Antoine, it's 'bingo', not gringo. Let go, tin-head!

[Rotor grabs onto the bot's arm and forces his hand out of the grip.]

Sally: Over here!

[They run over to the control panel.]

[Meanwhile, the dinobot starts going nuts, flailing around, destroying rocks with its arms. Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck are at a control panel in the bot.]

Sonic: This bot's blitzed out, Uncle Chuck!

Uncle Chuck: Let's hope he doesn't clear his throat.

[Uncle Chuck grabs onto a switch on the panel.]

Bunnie: Amen to that.

[He tries to pull the switch, but can't make it budge.]

Bunnie: Let me give you a hand there, Charlie.

[She pulls the switch successfully.]

Bunnie: There we go.

[The dinobot deactivates, with its head hitting the ground.]

Uncle Chuck: Thanks Bunnie, now let's figure out how to control this baby.

Sonic: Control it to do what?

Uncle Chuck: To chop suey those cables!

[Uncle Chuck pulls on a panel, bringing up some controls.]

Uncle Chuck: Yes! The control board, now let's see if dinobot will work for us.

[He goes to start, but the bot starts shaking.]

Bunnie: What's that?!

Uncle Chuck: The cranes!

[He goes to work on the board. The cranes holding the crystal start up.]

Uncle Chuck: We gotta work fast!

[The cranes start hoisting the crystal from the ground. Swatbots are guarding the crane machinery. In the dinobot, Uncle Chuck grabs a telephone from a panel on the wall.]

Uncle Chuck: Come on Sally, pick up!

[In the control center, Sally, Antoine and Rotor are working at the main panel. They are listening to Uncle Chuck over the speakers. Sally is talking to Uncle Chuck on a phone.]

Uncle Chuck: *communication* Good job, Sal, now shut down the mine's main circuits.

Sally: Okay, but I don't see a control panel for the cranes.

Uncle Chuck: *communication* Must be separate, keep looking.

Sally: Will do.

[She hangs up and presses a few buttons above her.]

Sally: Maybe one of these.

[Uncle Chuck has a portable panel with similar buttons. He presses them.]

Uncle Chuck: Now, let's get this T-bot cranking, hit it Bunnie!

[She pulls the switch back up, activating the dinobot. Two Swatbots beside the dinobot run away as it starts driving forward. The Swatbots are able to escape, but the dinobot runs over a mine cart on its way to the crystal.

Uncle Chuck: This T-bot's working for us now!

Bunnie: Alright!

[The crystal continues to rise.]

Sonic: Better juice, Uncle Chuck. Those cranes are starting to lift the ole' crystal.

[The dinobot reaches the base of the crystal. It grabs a hold of one of the ropes with one of its hand.]

Sonic: Large move! Shred that sucker!

[Suddenly, ropes with hooks latch onto the arm of the dinobot, pulling it away. A whole squadron of Swatbots are firing the hooks and ropes to hold the dinobot back. More and more Swatbots join and greatly overwhelm the dinobot's power. They latch their weapons to the ground.]

Sonic: The claw's down!

Uncle Chuck: We'll have to use the laser drill to destroy the crystal.

[Despite being held down, two laser beams shoot from the nose of the dinobot and hit the crystal. The crystal glows a bright yellow.]

Uncle Chuck: The crystal absorbed the laser energy!

[The bot shakes as more Swatbots fire ropes at it. The crystal continues to ascend up the mine.]

Uncle Chuck: We got to take out those cables!

[The bot fires its lasers again, this time at the cables. It is able to take out one, causing the cranes to lose support, bringing the crystal back down slightly. Swatbots continue to fire ropes as the dinobot's head moves around to fight against the ropes. The control panel inside starts sparking while the whole bot shakes. Using cranks, the Swatbots attempt to pull apart the dinobot with the ropes. Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck hold onto the inside to keep their balance. The dinobot eventually gives up, slamming its head into the ground. The cranes, meanwhile, have continued on as the crystal starts going through the roof of the mine.]

Uncle Chuck: This is it. We cut it loose now, or Moebius is finished.

[The dinobot fights the ropes holding it down and aims upwards, firing one last laser shot. It hits the crystal and a cable, cutting it, but moving the crystal, causing it to wedge itself into the opening in the roof. This breaks the other cables, letting the crystal loose, thus falling back into place in the mine. The crane mechanisms fall into the mine as well.]

Uncle Chuck: We did it, Soni-boy!

Sonic: Yes!

Sonic/Bunnie: Alright!

Uncle Chuck: Now, we gotta hook up with the others and get outta here!

[They go to leave the dinobot. Meanwhile, in the control center, an alarm goes off.]

Sally: That's it, everything is shut down except for emergency power. Let's get back to the elevator!

[Uncle Chuck, Bunnie and Sonic escape from the dinobot through it's mouth and run away.]

Uncle Chuck: Let's go! Let's go!

[The Swatbots from earlier start firing their lasers at them and give chase. Sally and the others, meanwhile, have left the command center and are running down a walkway. Sally looks down to see Sonic, Uncle Chuck and Bunnie on the ground running away from a group of Swatbots. They enter an elevator while Sonic and the others hide behind a small mine cart. The Swatbots continue on, firing lasers. Sonic points for Uncle Chuck and Bunnie to go in the minecart as he pushes it, charging up his legs to get it going. He stops the minecart at the elevator as Sally, Rotor and Antoine arrive at the ground. Sonic, Bunnie and Uncle Chuck enter the elevator as Swatbots continue to fire at them. The door closes right before the Swatbots arrive. The elevator stops, opening to reveal the subway train.]

Sonic: There's our ride outta here!

[They all run toward the train, but Uncle Chuck stops, clutching his head, robotic voices being heard. The rest of the group has reached the train, minus Sonic who looks back.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck...w-what's up? Uncle Chuck?

[Uncle Chuck grabs the power ring he was given earlier.]

Sonic: Oh man...

[He hands it back to Sonic.]

Uncle Chuck: It's alright, Sonic, we saved Moebius. That's the important thing.

Sonic: We've got to get you back to Knothole, warp seven.

[Uncle Chuck is on the ground, still clutching his head.]

Uncle Chuck: It's's too late, Soni.

Sonic: Uncle Chuck?

[He looks back up, losing control and growling at Sonic.]

Sonic: No way am I leaving you here!

Sally: Sonic, he's turned back.

[He continues to growl at Sonic.]

Sonic: You gotta come with me.

Sally: Sonic!

[A shuttle bot flies toward the group. Uncle Chuck grabs onto Sonic's shoulders.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck!

[Bunnie runs over to free Sonic, pulling on him.]

Bunnie: Come on, sugar-hog!

[Bunnie ends up dragging Sonic back to the train.]

Sonic: Uncle Chuck!!

Sally: Sonic, we have to leave him!

[As Sonic is pulled on the train, the doors close and it starts up. The shuttlebot arrives, with Uncle Chuck pointing at the train for it to chase. The shuttlebot stops chasing as the train enters a narrow tunnel. In the train, Sonic is crying with Bunnie and Sally trying to comfort him.]

Sonic: I should've saved him.

Bunnie: Y'all did what you could honey, we couldn't bring him back. He's loyal to Robotnik.

Sally: We'll get him back another day, Sonic. Promise.

Rotor: Yeah, and look what we did with Uncle Chuck, we totalled that crystal.

Antoine: Se magnifique!

Sally: You know, I was able to copy some of the roboticizer software. One day, we'll be able to change Uncle Chuck back, permanently.

Rotor: Along with all our families.

Sonic: Hang in, Uncle Chuck. We'll be back.