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First seen: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (2008)
Rarity: Viral
Description: Bonded character automatically inflicts a random status effect on enemy when making a normal attack.

Farfinkle is a chao from Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. In this game, chao eggs can be found scattered around the stages, and once hatched, the chao take up residence in the chao garden. From here they can be equipped to accompany characters into battle, where the different chao confer various beneficial status effects.

Farfinkle is glitched because the instant KO effect that can be granted as one of the random status effects does not work properly, unlike that of Spartoi. Inflicting KO on an enemy using Farfinkle can result in the battle stalling forever (so the player has to reset) when the afflicted enemy attempts to use a POW move.

In general, the higher a chao's rarity, the better the status effect will be. Along with 40 collectible chao available in-game, there were 5 secret "viral" chao, intended to be made available at a series of official events. Only one of the events was actually held (the others apparently cancelled due to poor attendance at the first), making these chao completely unavailable to Western players (without savestate manipulation). In the later Japanese release of the game, four of the chao were available in-game via secret codes in the chao garden. Because of the glitch, there was no code included for Farfinkle, and so Farfinkle is the only chao that is not available in any version of Sonic Chronicles without hacking.


Chao in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Common   Barbo | Cheezlet | Choo | Churdle | Ghise | Griff | Jirna | Knickt | Koolet | Korus
Oolean | Perty | Pyraz | Rugle | Seeri | Seggo | Stebsly | Stilgin | Velk | Zimba
Rare   Belgog | Bepke | Blayze | Bobo | Dusty | Fess | Gibber | Hayda
Joy | Kayla | Keroyo | Luunan | Oldarg | Radu | Zousar
Unique   Cheese | Choopaloo | Ferox | Ovus | Spartoi
Viral   Baki | Farfinkle | Fimbley | Pooki | Stugs