Interview: Yuji Naka (2004-05-13) by IGN
From Sonic Retro
(Redirected from Yuji Naka interview by IGN (May 13, 2004))
This is an unaltered copy of an interview of Yuji Naka, for use as a primary source on Sonic Retro. Please do not edit the contents below. Language: English Original source: IGN |
IGN: What is your involvement with the latest Sonic Advance for the Game Boy Advance?
Yuji Naka: I am the father of Sonic, I originally created the character and concept. I oversee the project, make sure everything is okay. I came up with the idea of having two characters work together in the adventure, and have two players work together all the way to the end.
IGN: Does Sonic Team directly work on the GBA versions of Sonic?
Yuji Naka: We do the planning internally, but for Sonic Advance, we used an external developer only because we don't have enough staff internally to work on the Game Boy Advance. I'd rather not reveal the name of the development team, because I need to ask them if it's okay to mention them.
IGN: What particular aspect of the Sonic Advance evolution are you particularly proud of?
Yuji Naka: I was glad to see that the speed increased from the first game to the second, because speed is the most important aspect of the Sonic design. And from the second to third Sonic Advance game, I really like how two players can play the game and beat it together.
IGN: Will we ever see a return to the game's roots, a 2D Sonic adventure on the console?
Yuji Naka: I definitely think it's possible, because in order to really enjoy Sonic, 2D is truly the way to do it.
IGN: On the same note, will we ever see a 3D Sonic on a handheld?
Yuji Naka: After Sonic Advance 3, our next game will mix 2D with 3D. And there is already a 3D Sonic on the Nintendo DS, so we're working on that.
IGN: Where do you see the Sonic series going in future iterations of the platform design?
Yuji Naka: We want to get feedback from the kids. They are the main consumer for the series. And then we will decide where to go for the series.