
Sonic Adventure AutoDemo/Comparisons/Chao Race

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General comparisons

Final game

The only level file in this build that exists for Chao Racing is AL_RACE.bin. Only level geometry for the stage is present - there are no textures or objects. The course structure is the same as the final, but the geometry has a few differences:

  • The area where the races start has no hills surrounding it. There is also a large wall to the left that is not present in the final.
  • The third platform that the Chao get to in the Amethyst Course is floating. In the final, it is attached to the ground.
  • The bridge connecting the second and third platforms is an ordinary bridge. In the final, it is a bridge made of large blocks.
  • The arch over the path under the Amethyst Course's finish line is wider, and missing the water that flows through it in the final.
  • The island at the start of the Ruby Course is missing.
  • The end of the course has an arch over it that is not present in the final.
Final game

The build does have a camera file (CAMAL_RACES.BIN). The final uses two camera files instead of the single one found here.

Final game

The build also has a set file (SETAL_RACES.BIN). The final uses two set files instead of the single one found here.

Final game

The Chao Stadium level used to set up Chao races is missing from this build.


Sonic Adventure AutoDemo, prototype version of Sonic Adventure
SA 98 AutoDemo Title.png

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