- Back to: Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld (prototype; 1996-07-01).
General comparisons
The copyright and date screens are missing from this build.
You can skip Options if not on the title page.
The message says "Let's go next floor!" instead of "Let's play a game!"
Robotnik is misspelled as "Robotnick" throughout the game.
The message says Have you played Sonic's Toy Grab? instead of The Toy Drop is fun!
The casino floor from the Japanese version is still present, but glitched with a graphic of Robotnik's name on and inaccessible.
The list of characters after the Diamond Maze game haven't been implemented yet.
There is a message if Robotnik won or lost (I won!, I lost!) that is not in the final.
The drawing page hasn't been implemented yet.
Gameplay comparisons
There is a delay between revealing the contents and controller the character in the Diamond Maze. The mini game is also harder due to this.
Audio comparisons
The music is at a lower pitch and has slightly different instruments than the final.