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Extra Final Zone, Sonic Advance 3
Number of Acts: 1
Boss: Gemerl

Nonaggression is the final/extra level and boss in Sonic Advance 3. You need to earn 7 Chaos Emeralds and beat Altar Emerald with Sonic as the leader. When you enter the stage, Eggman will be Sonic's partner. Like every game since Sonic Adventure, this level is played only as Super Sonic. Sonic & Eggman only have one tag action move, holding R and charging Eggman up to ram into Gemerl, opening up a red orb in the front, allowing Sonic to dash forwards and ram it. The longer you hold R, the longer Gemerl's "mouth" will stay open after being attacked for Sonic to hit. The maximum charge is signified by an orange aura.

Gemerl's attacks are capable of stunning and disrupting a charging attack, though the former can be avoided by using Super Sonic's dash ability. Gemerl's main source of attack are his arms, which can extend across the screen. They are:

Gemerl (above) & Sonic (below), both transformed after using the Chaos Emeralds
  • A homing lazer that will stun Sonic in place momentarily
  • Extending two arms and creating one large beam that will scroll either up or down
  • Extending two arms to the other side of the screen and allow his "hands" to move across them, firing missles in the middle to prevent the player from attacking him
  • Centering himself and creating a pinwheel effect by extending all four arms
  • After taking 6 hits, he will use a lazer that spins 360 degress

All attacks can be avoided by, as said above, using Super Sonic's dash. Gemerl is vulnerable at all times as long as you can nail his "mouth" with Eggman and then dash attack the red orb that appears. After 12 hits, Gemerl will be defeated.