


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 01:12, 29 November 2009 by Flygon (talk | contribs)

<forumuser name="Flygon" />

<Destructiox> 'Destrux was here, Flygon is kewl'

Destructiox on an unnamed IRC channel commenting on Flygon's general 'kewlness'

Flygon joined the community a few years ago, since then he has progressed in the area of ROM hacking.


Flygon had begun as a foolish member, often making a fool out of himself in various ways. When he used up his 30 posts, he was put into the Pending Approval group. During that time he lingered at SSRG.

He was given another chance when the admins decided to reset all the people that were in the pending approval limbo. As a result, he was approved 3 to 4 months later, after being once again being stuck in a limbo for a short time.


Flygon considers himself a furry (Though, perhaps ironically; he was dubbed furry by others before considering himself bona-fide furry first).

Apart from that, his life is completely uninteresting. He is active at multiple communities across the Internet, such as MFGG[1], Shining Force Central[2],[3] among many other forums. He is an active user of IRC, though does not often speak on Sonic Retro's IRC channel, proffering to talk on other channels.

He works as a publisher for

Current Projects

Flygon has not contributed anything significant at all to the community and at several times has claimed to have worked on his ROM hack Sonic 2 and a Half but it keeps on getting canned due to lack of interest on both sides, He had also been working on the Somari in Sonic 1 hack but it never made it past minor edits.

He has aided a few hacks including Sonic 2 Revamped and Sonic: Super Deformed, though not to any significant extent.

His interest in ROM hacking Sonic the Hedgehog video games has fizzled out completely, mainly due to being unable to keep up with the ASM crazed world lackluster art capabilities.

In recent times, he has started investigating and hacking Shining Force, though his limited knowledge in hacking limits him a bit, being unable to decompress data is a major issue. However, he had uncovered several important pieces of information. However, his works in Shining Force has fizzled out due to the man making the tools, rubixcuber, becoming much less active in updating the tools, thus removing motivation.

He also holds a grudge against the emulators 'Final Burn Alpha' and 'SNES9x' for refusing to dump AVIs correctly while playing back a TAS for the purpose of encoding them.

Flygon is also busy being SO DAMN SEXY!