
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball/Development

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 13:26, 7 September 2008 by MathUser (talk | contribs)

Sonic Spinball has gone through several changes over its development process. There are several rejected ideas, levels, and other things that were left on the cutting room floor. The following details several of these things.

Development Process

Development of the game came about partially due to delays in the production of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sega's desire to have a Sonic game in stores by christmas of 1993. To finish the game in the span of nine months Lee Actor and Dennis Koble were hired as programmers.Polygames handled around 90% of the programming, while Sega Technical Institute members handled the graphics, design, and music. Sonic Team was not involved, but did show up just before the game was ready for manufacturing. The music was then changed at the last minute as Hirokazu Yasuhara noted Sega did not own the rights to the music. Thus multiple versions of Spinball was released in the US.

Music and Versions

There are two versions that were released in the US. The first version was accidentaly released in limited quanities, this version has the classic Sonic title screen music and a different game over and chaos emerald collect song. The more common version has original music. The reason the music was changed was due to Dreams Come True owning the rights to the Title music and Sega was required to pay royalties to use it. Thus, the music composer Howard Drossin quickly composed new music quickly as the game manufacturing process had just started. However, a small amount of carts containing the Dreams Come True music had already been manufactured.

The Japanese version was the same as the final US version but replaced the hee-haw sound when dying with a proper jingle.

The European version was also the same as the final US version, with some music changes. The Options screen music was speed up. The intro tune was extended. The music of Lava Powerhouse was sped up and bug fixed to prevent the PSG from dying off after the music looped once.
