
Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 13:40, 3 July 2007 by Ss is testing (talk | contribs) (Levels)
Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix
Version: 3.0
Last release: 06/30/07
System: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
Original game: [[]]
Credits: Tweaker, StephenUK, JohnnyUK,
Robjoe1107, Stealth, jman2050, Cinossu,
ChimpoMcCrazypants, Yuski, Upthorn,


Sonic 1 Megamix is a multiperson assembly hack headed up by Tweaker of Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. The game features the ability to play as three different characters—Sonic, Mighty, and Shadow—and features extensive reworking of the original game with new art, music, abilities and layouts, among other things.


South Island. A magnificent land; one that is not bound by restrictions such as time.

15 years have passed since Sonic the Hedgehog's first plight against the nefarious Dr. Eggman (formally known as Dr. Ivo Robotnik). Ever since, the two forces have clashed nonstop in a variety of settings, with the eventual outcome always resulting in Sonic's victory. Both sides have gained both new allies and new enemies; some helpful, others... not so much. Naturally, throughout this time, Sonic has learned a few new techniques, in which he uses to further stifle Eggman's plans of world domination. And so, the world is safe - but always just out of Eggman's grasp.

Some say history repeats itself. In this case, the statement is proven true, as Eggman returns to South Island, in hopes that he can obtain the land's powerful Chaos Emeralds, and finally put forth a solid step in conquering the planet. As he arrives on the island, he brings with him a single Chaos Emerald - one that had been missing, and had upset the natural balance of the island for decades beforehand. The others were trapped in an alternate dimension; one which only very few could enter, and even fewer returned.

Of course, Eggman isn't very good at keeping his plans secret (a big reason why they're foiled so easily). As a result, Sonic hears of this, and readies his travel back to South Island. With him, he brings two allies - one being Mighty the Armadillo, a longtime friend of his (though they had not spoken in quite some time), and the other being Shadow the Hedgehog; who, after finally getting over his angst (at least for the moment), felt like teaching Eggman a thing or two about trying the same thing twice. And besides that, he had never seen South Island before; he had heard things about it, certainly, but never saw it for himself. So, he figured, why not?

And so, the three begin their trek of South Island, each taking their own unique abilities with them, and going their separate ways, each in search of the remaining Chaos Emeralds, and of Eggman, in hopes that once he is defeated, he will finally abandon his plans of world domination. But, then again, that's not very likely to happen.

We can all dream, I suppose..


During Sonic Megamix, you have the choice to play through the game as one of 3 characters in a single game - Sonic the Hedgehog, Mighty the Armadillo, or Shadow the Hedgehog. Each character has their own specific abilities, while some share common abilities.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Megamix Sonic.png

Sonic is a blue, 15-year-old hedgehog who lives on the planet Earth. He has the ability to run at supersonic speeds, hence his name. He is always running all over the world, rarely stopping for anything. He is carefree and relaxed; however, he is also very intolerant of injustice, and he will do anything he can to help those in need. He has also got a quick wit, short temper, and a fairly large ego.

Mighty the Armadillo

Mighty chaotix.png

Mighty is a 16-year-old red and black armadillo who has a strong sense of justice. Opposed to any and all inhumanity, he uses his power to control the elements - Water, Fire, and Electricity - in his battle against Eggman. He enjoys nature, tranquility, and hot springs.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Shadow is the ultimate life form experiment, created by Professor Gerald Robotnik aboard the space colony ark. His exact age isn't known, but he is assumed to be around 50 years old. Once hungry for revenge after the death of Maria, Gerald's granddaughter, he is now aware of his past, and who he "is." He prefers to be a loner, but he occasionally tags along with Sonic and his friends when Eggman is up to no good. He is black, with red stripes down his spines and arms. He uses his ability, Chaos Control, to harness the powers of the Chaos Emeralds to enhance his natural abilities. While he is unable to move very quickly on his own, he possesses fire-powered jet skates, which allow him to move much faster than he would be able to without them.


In order to execute all the character specific abilities in Sonic Megamix, you'll need to know the ropes. Here's how you play...

Basic Moves

  • A button: Action button. Each character has a specific use for this button - read below for more info.
  • A button in freefall: Roll into a ball. Allows further execution of double jump moves.
  • B button: Jump
  • C button: Jump
  • Down+B/C: Spin Dash. Roll up into a ball and shoot off at supersonic speeds to destory enemies!
  • B+C: Transform into Super form (requires all Chaos Emeralds)
    • Use the same button combination while Super to de-transform, returning you into your normal state.

Character-Specific Abilities


  • A button: Light dash. Dash towards a path of rings at supersonic speeds!
  • Double jump when near an enemy or monitor: Homing attack. Zoom towards any nearby enemy or monitor at supersonic speeds to destroy them!
  • Double jump when not near a target: Jump Dash. Zoom forward at high speeds to pick up more speed.
  • A+Double jump: Light Speed Attack. Zoom towards all available targets within a certain range and destroy them all, one after another! For each additional target other than the first, there is a cost of 5 rings to continue attacking more targets.
  • Up+Jump: Super Peel-Out. Sonic stands in place, moving his legs into a figure-eight shape. Release the buttons to shoot off in a burst of speed!
While Super...
  • Double jump when not near a target: Super Air Dash. Hold a direction on the second button press to shoot off in that direction at supersonic speeds!
  • A+Jump (with S monitor): Flight. When at full speed, jump into the air and hold the A button to defy gravity and fly in a straight line at your current vertical height.


Mighty's gameplay is primarily centered around the different shield powerups you can obtain in the game. He has the ability to store up to 4 different shields in his shield inventory, displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Switching shields in mid-air allows you to chain various shield moves together. Use it to your advantage!

  • Double jump without an elemental shield: Insta-Shield. Produces a small shield around Mighty, which extends his attacking range, as well as temporarily protects him from being attacked.
  • Double jump with a fire shield: Fire Dash. Shoot off in the current direction you're facing in a burst of speed.
  • Double jump with a lightning shield: Lightning Jump. Double your jump height by executing another jump in midair!
  • Double jump with bubble shield: Bubble Bounce. Bounce off the ground repeatedly by pressing jump in midair.
  • A button: Shield swap. Change between currently stored shields displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Costs 5 rings.
  • Up+A: Store currently held shield into the shield storage. Has no ring cost.
While Super...

Mighty has the ability to stack all currently selected shields together in his Super form, allowing him to use all abilities granted by currently equipped shields. During this time, the ability to swap shields is disabled (due to redundancy).

  • Left/Right+Jump with a fire shield: Fire Dash. Shoot off in the current direction you're facing in a burst of speed.
  • Up+Jump with a lightning shield: Lightning Jump. Double your jump height by executing another jump in midair!
  • Down+Jump with bubble shield: Bubble Bounce. Bounce off the ground repeatedly by pressing jump in midair.
  • A button with normal shield: Super Killall. Destroy all enemies currently on screen with a ring cost per enemy. Cost is lessened depending on how many shields you currently have equipped.
  • S monitor ability: When Mighty collects an S monitor, he automatically recieves all possible shields, and they are also added to his current shield storage when you de-transform.


Shadow's gameplay is mostly centered around exploration, as well as taking advantage of ring-powered speed boosts to even things out. While he isn't very fast in his normal form, his Super form really brings out his true power.

  • Double jump: Double Jump. Double your jump height by executing another jump in midair!
  • A button: Speed boost. Shoot off in a burst of supersonic speed! Costs 5 rings per boost.
While Super...
  • A button: Boost Mode. Shadow shoots off at hyper speed, continue tapping A for extra acceleration. Can only be initiated on the ground, but lasts in air as long as the A button is held and there are rings to fuel it. Hextuples your ring loss.
  • Jump+A (with S monitor): Super Killall. Destroy all enemies on screen instantly! (no cost)


Super Ring

Gives the player 10 rings. Collect 100 rings for a extra life!


Normal Shield

Gives the player a temporary barrier, and allows him to retain one hit without losing any rings. Item disappears once you're hit, so be careful!

Fire Shield

Has the effect of a normal shield, but also protects the player from projectiles and fire damage.

Bubble Shield

Has the effect of a normal shield, but also protects the player from projectiles, and allows them to breathe underwater.

Lightning Shield

Has the effect of a normal shield, but also protects the player from projectiles, electric damage, and attracts rings towards the player.

Air Shield

Has the effect of a normal shield, but also protects the player from projectiles, wind damage, and flyng player.

Speed Shoes

Temporarily gives the player a large burst of speed! Use it to your advantage!


Temporarily renders the player invulnerable to all damage, and destroys all enemies on contact. Be careful, though, as you can still die from getting smashed, drowning or falling down a bottomless pit!


Gives the player an extra life. Collect as many as you can!


Eggman has placed these monitors in various areas on South Island. Avoid them, as breaking one open will deal you damage!


Breaking open this monitor will immediately grant you 50 rings, and transform you into your Super form. It also grants each character a specific ability, described in the controls section of this page.


These save your current position during a level. If you die after hitting one of these, you'll return to the position of the last checkpoint you hit.

Chaos Emerald

Megamix Emerald.gif

Six of these are found in special stages, while Eggman is in possession of the 7th. Collect them all!


Two modes exist within the game: normal, which features new levels, and original, which has the original levels from Sonic 1 intact. Normal levels include:

  • Sunset Hill Zone
  • Dark Fortress Zone
  • City Outskirts Zone
  • Green Valley Zone
  • Mecha Green Hill Zone
  • Misty Maze Zone
  • Starry Night Zone
  • Metallic Base Zone
  • Final Zone

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Current version: 3.0

Prior Versions

Fan Covers

  • By Fabricechaotix: [1]

External Links