
SegaSonic the Hedgehog/Development

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According to Wally wo Sagase! director Juro Watari, the trackball controller for that game was reused for SegaSonic the Hedgehog[1][2].


In February 2019, Hiroshi Kawaguchi tweeted four images of documentation for SegaSonic the Hedgehog.[3]

This document shows that the Location test version went up to Stage 3. The stage order also differs from the final game, but is almost the exact same as in the revision A prototype. Wild Water Way is completely missing.


イントロ 効果音中心だんだん盛り上がる
Stage 1 溶岩 溶岩が迫ってくる あせらせるような曲
Stage 2 歯車の城 歯車に追いかけられる
Stage 3 地面が崩れる
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7 全能の塔

Sound Effects

00 イントロ 戦車迫ってくる
01 戦車去っていく
02 歯の閉じる音 ガシーン
03 崖から落ちる時音 (crossed out)
04 ステージ1 鉄格子の開く音 ギリギリギリ
05 爆発音 ドッカーン
06 火炎放射 ゴー

He also included a photo of his notepad tracking his songs.

Request No. BGM Name Combi
10H EX001_M 02
12H Sonic 02A+Sonic 02B 01
11H Sonic 07A+Sonic 07B 03
13H Sonic 04 05 エッグマンのテーマ
14H Sonic 06 06 ボスステージ

Concept art


SegaSonic the Hedgehog
SegaSonic title.png

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