
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (16-bit)/Magazine articles

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This page covers magazine articles for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 which are not large enough to create a seperate page for.

Electronic Gaming Monthly

Sound Test

This clip from "Electronic Gaming Monthly" mentions the unused Music Track, number 10 in the Sound Test, and Hidden Palace Zone.

Q-man (July 1992)

This clip from the Qman article mentions that the Sonic 2 development is underway, Time travel included.

Letters (July 1992)

This letter from a reader of the magazine gets a responce that mentions that Sonic can time travel, the past being inhabited by dinosaurs, the future having pollution and being machine controlled. It sounds like Sonic 2 and Sonic CD descriptions getting mixed up, Hidden Palace Zone contains dinosaurs.

International News (November 1992)

This magazine clip contains a screenshot of the beta Title Screen.

Small Preview (November 1992)

This preview comes from the Sega Force insert of the EGM magazine.

Small Preview (November 1992)

This preview also comes from the Sega Force insert of the EGM magazine. This one focuses on the supposed Mega Drive port.

Letters (March 1993)

This letter from a reader of the magazine asks about Sega's so-called Blast Processing.

Cheats (March 1993)

This describes how to input various cheat codes.

Game Over (March 1993)

This displays the 3 different ending cutscenes.

Games TM

This clip from "Games TM" magazine talks about the anticipation for the release for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and also explains the concept and usage of Blast Processing.

Game Players

This clip from gameplayers is from the 1991 issue of Gameplayers Sega Genesis Strategy Guide. It explains how there were two different Genesis pack-in games, Altered Beast and Sonic the Hedgehog. The Altered Beast package comes with a coupon for a free Sonic 1 game. The bottom letter contains a silly mock-up.


Clip #1 (December 1991)

This clip from the December 1991 issue of "GamePro" magazine indicates that Sega had started planning for Sonic 2 by the publication of this issue.

Clip #2

This clip from the same issue as the previous clip explains how to enable the debug mode. Note the "GP" written with Springs.

Letter section (June 1993)

This letter asks about the scrapped Hidden Palace Zone and Dust Hill Zone. The response mentions Hidden Palace Zone, and doesn't use the name of Dust Hill, but describes it.


Contents (November 1992)

This is the contents page of the Novemeber 1991 issue of "Mega" magazine and mentions that Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be covered later in the issue.

Another Clip

This clip contains nothing but mock-up screenshots and mentions the game having 35 levels, the final game has 20 levels (not including special stages). If the special stages and 2 player stages are added in the number could be closer to 35 levels but it isn't sure what the magazine meant when it posted the number of levels. It is also mentioned that time travel will be part of the game, which is achieved when when Sonic reaches top speed. The Sega CD port is also mentioned which will have enhanced sound and cartoon quality slideshows.


This small clip from the September 1992 issue of "Megazone" mentions the release of the upcoming Mega Drive, Game Gear, and Mega CD versions of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Of course, the Mega CD version actually became Sonic the Hedgehog CD.


Cheat Page

This clip is from an issue of "Megatech" magazine. It covers cheat codes of several Mega Drive Sonic games.

Baseball Jacket Contest

This page from an issue of "Megatech" magazine announces a contest to win one of three Baseball Jackets with the Sonic the Hedgeghog 2 Logo on it. In addition to the baseball jacket first place would also win a Ecco the Dolphin gamepack. The answers to the contest were: B,C, and A.

Sega Force

This article is from the 1992 issue of "Sega Force" magazine. It's a small one page preview of the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Sega Guide

These clips span different issues of "Sega Guide" magazine. In the letters section before the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 it uses screens from scrapped levels Dust Hill Zone and Hidden Palace Zone. After the release of the game they issue a response about the use of those images in the second clip.

Sega Pro

This clip from the April 1992 issue of Sega Pro Magazine contains info on the supposed port of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 called Sonic the Hedgehog 2 CD. This of course became Sonic the Hedgehog CD.

Sega Zone

The clip from this magazine describes Sonic's popularity which was quite high at the time. It talks about the merchandise being distributed such as Sonic Soda and the new television series. It also mentions Sonic the Hedgehog CD when it was thought to be a port of Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Unknown Magazine #1

This clip describes on how pre-orders of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 were greater than the pre-orders for Madonnas book, named "Sex". It also beat out the "Terminator 2" video and the CD "Simply Red" in terms of pre-orders.

Unknown Magazine #2

This article from an unkown German magazine contains concept art for Sonic. The text on the image translates to Mr. Hedgehog, or Mr. Needlemouse.

Unknown Magazine #3

This clip mentions a promotion in which Sonic games would be given away if a small 25 word essay were sent to the address provided in the clip.

Unknown Magazine #4

This small clip has a image of the Sonic 2 arcade cabinet used by Nick Arcade. The people in the image are the shows host and the worlds oldest contestant on the show.