

Scarred Sun

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 13:40, 13 April 2008 by MathUser (talk | contribs) (#retro: Removing possible vandalism.)

Scarred Sun

Scarred Sun (aliases: ScarredSun, QJanebo) is the webmaster of Sonic Retro—the general go-to person for questions, comments and such—and an administrator at The Sonic 2 Beta Page. She was formerly an administrator at Sonic Classic and sysop of SHIT from 2004 to 2006. A member of the Sonic community since January 2001, SS is also involved (or just reads a lot nowadays, due to time constraints) in other Sonic Communities, including Sonic CulT, The Sonic Stadium and the LiveJournal community sonicstuff (though that mostly involves laughing at bad posts.) When not online, she is a technician, university student and motorscooter enthusiast.


<Shitglove> scarredsun is a corn

Scarred Sun hangs out a lot at the Retro IRC Channel and is the owner of BadnikNET. It's pretty much the best channel in the history of ever, and if you're reading this, then get on irc, fgt. This is highly preferred as the method of contact for SS, as if she's not there, there's usually other folks who will know the answer.

25px American
Sonic Retro Administrator

Contact Me

  • AIM: its catch 20 20
  • ICQ: 54567561
  • YIM: puerco_carne
  • MSN: scarredsun at sonicretro dot org
  • Skype: ScarredSun
  • E-mail: scarredsun at sonicretro dot org

Shoutout to

Bread & butter