

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 15:28, 4 March 2018 by AsuharaMoon (talk | contribs)
Latest version: 0.3.2 (2nd Demo)
Latest release date: November 9th, 2002
Engine: Multimedia Fusion
Credits: MagicgrafX (Aytac Aksu), Hez (Andrew Chapman), 360, and others

Chaomega is an effort by MagicgrafX (Aytac Aksu), Hez (Andrew Chapman) and other members from SFGHQ. It's a merger between MagicgrafX's "Chaos" games series, and Hez's old "Omega" fangame. Both separately lacked certain capabilities to create a solid fangame by themselves (for example: Aytac didn't know much about art, and Hez lacked the neccesary engines), so they both came together to create this revolutionary project at its time.

The fangame was also influenced by (the most recent official game at the time) Sonic Adventure 2, being the main reason for the aggregation of Shadow the Hedgehog since the early development of the fangame.


Like Sonic Unity, the game maintains the same mechanics as the classic Sonic games, although it was given some gimmicks from Sonic Adventure 2 such as the addition of rails and the Homing Attack.

The 2nd demo includes two entire levels, being "Desert Heat Zone", and "Mud Forest Zone". Along with 2 playable characters (Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog), which briefly vary their techniques.


360 (Desert Heat's level designer) thought that to do the next level to develop, he would need the game's engine for better performance. Although Aytak was disconnected at that time, he spoke with Hez about the idea, which ended up convincing him to give 360 the engine of the project (although he never used it, due to its complexity). To all this, Aytak found out about the situation, and caused him to be completely ballistic with everyone.

After these events, Chaomega was completely canceled. Meanwhile, Sonic Unity (Chaomega's spiritual successor) was starting its development.



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File: Chaomega_(2nd_Demo).rar (3.06 MB) (info)

External Links

Sonic Retro
The story of Chaomega's Development
at Sonic Retro