


From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 12:34, 22 July 2009 by Andlabs (talk | contribs) (Area 51 & Area 52)

<forumuser name="x64" />

x64 is the pseudonym of a male programmer, social experimenter, and phone phreak from New Jersey who has been involved off and on in the Sonic community since 2000. x64 is proficient at object-oriented programming, network infrastructure, and IRC.

x64 is one of the co-founders of #stuff along with HarroSIN and Shade and hosted StuffCon 2009 at his house in New Jersey.


Area 51 & Area 52

x64 came on the scene during the Sonic the Hedgehog Area 51 days. After Jan Abaza left LOst in charge of Area 51, LOst's administrative actions started becoming increasingly more questionable. At one point, he removed post counts and replaced them with a ranking system that ranked users based on how important LOst thought they were. x64 got into an argument over the ranking system after his efforts (several small projects, including coding an object placement editor) gained him no rank, while KojiChao, his then-girlfriend recieved a triple rank for a hack that x64 deemed could be made in a day or two, constisting mostly of palette hack and replaced art.

When RattleMan created the Sonic the Hedgehog Area 52 message board, x64 and many of his alternate accounts were given admin, along with a few others. The message board was a complete copy of Area 51, with a few slight changes--the most notable of these changes being a ranking system based on postcount. For every 10-20 posts you made, you received a Chaos Emerald beside your name. After the standard 7 colors, there were about 20 more nonstandard colors, followed by striped, gold, transparent, glowing, and platinum emeralds awarded for 1000, 2000, 3000, etc. posts. Moderators had black emeralds and Administrators had rainbow emeralds.

At one point there was a strong consensus that the Area 51 board, now run amok by LOst, needed to be shut down. There were efforts made by PACHUKA and several others to do this on the grounds of copyright infringement and computer hacking assertions, but ezBoard didn't take any of the requests seriously. One night, x64 started at post 1 and worked his way up, cataloging a 21 page list of all posts and user profiles that contained copyright-infringing pictures, sound files, links to patches, roms, etc. The report was categorized into copyright infringing images, potential trade secret information, reverse engineering, hacking, and external links to infringing material sections. The next day, Area 51's message board was gone due to "terms of service violation."

Following this incident, x64 left the Sonic community to pursue his interest in IRC daemon development.

Transformation into Alexis

During the creation of one of his many ezboard accounts used to evade LOst's bans, he accidentally set the gender to female on one of them. He began using this account to post on other boards and when other users thought he was female, they started being generally nice and providing him with extra benefits (moderator privileges, web hosting etc). Following this trend, x64 decided never to correct this and continued to represent himself as female, as Dot, Quinn, Olene, and finally as Spike Alexis Damon.

The Sonic 2 Beta Page

After #lemonade exiled x64 (as alexis), he followed some members of the channel to The Sonic 2 Beta Page, where he ironically entered a war zone; literally one day prior, Qjimbo had taken over the community, posing as Tweaker and removing him in an event that would later be called The March 25th coup.

Qjimbo and x64 (as alexis) became friends rather quickly, and he appointed his as network administrator (more specifically, he gave his his o-line password, and he added his own oper account). At this time x64 was working on Scarlet, an object oriented-based IRC server that was modular and could run on any operating system and integrate with any type of information.

Sazpaimon, who ran the S2Beta IRC server, allowed x64 (as alexis) to attempt to integrate the IRC network into the S2Beta forums. Qjimbo, who had just forked the database to start Glowing Bridge, also wanted his to do the same with his forum and network. x64 (as alexis) chose S2Beta since it was bigger, and successfully integrated the network and forum to the point where users would authenticate their nicknames using their forum password, and their post count, forum title, and other information would show up as several lines in their /whois reply. In addition, users and channels could subscribe via a set of user and channel modes to server notices informing them of any updates, edits, or new threads or users on the forum.

Sonic Retro

Roughly 2 years after finding S2Beta, x64 decided to give the community another try (still as alexis), since Sazpaimon had since become addicted to what could only be crack cocaine and had defected from the community (or rather the community defected from him).

Back to x64

On March 9th, 2009 "alexis" decided to correct the gender issue and posted the following on the front page of PoundStuff:

"Alexis" talks

For the last 8 years, i've been living a lie. It started out as a small change.. literally the click of a radio button, but as time went on, it snowballed and cascaded into a legacy. To everyone that knows me, I'm sorry for the misrepresentation.

This is probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and I couldn't imagine that I'd ever be doing it. I'd like to thank Shade up front for giving me the reason and the courage to do this.

I'm going to start buy saying that I'm not gay. This isn't a case of gender identity disorder, I just simply picked the wrong gender when I signed up for an account 8 years ago on Area 51, and i went with it. I noticed people treated me differently and there were perks to it. As time went on, and I moved away from the Sonic community, I found that i could totally use it to my advantage and use it to completely troll unsuspecting people solely by their desire to fuck a girl.

Most of the last 8 years have been me entering and leaving communities. Not many of them really touched me. In the last 3 months, the people that now reside at #stuff; Peter, Harrosin, Shade, Jonna, and Qjimbo, have been so cool to me, and have totally been the best friends I think i've ever had online or off. They've looked past the fact that I presented myself as female, and have completely judged me based solely on my personality, not on what i look like on the outside.

This may come as a disappointment to some, mainly the dozens of people that i've "cybered" with. Honestly anything that happened along those lines was mainly just entertainment and/or an attempt to get close to someone in power. This may not surprise a lot of people, especially with the not so recent trend of female suddenly being male. I'd like to think that it was shear inner- strength that I didn't break until 8 years later.

I've caged myself, err.. "alexis".. into a cage. I couldn't talk, I couldn't webcam, and I couldn't be myself. I swear to god from here on out it's going to be me being completely honest. You can talk to me if you want. If you never wanna see me again, just block me or whatever. Its up to you.

RIP Alexis 4:30 AM EST 3/9/2009

Thank you.


Flash Animation

One of x64's hobbies is creating short humorous flash animations (as olene/alexis). The animations he created as Olene can be found at the chowned mirror site. x64 has also created parodies of Qjimbo's Michael Jackson's Sonic 3 presentation, which can be found here. This was well received by many members in the Sonic Retro IRC channel.


External Links