

Dan Genesis

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 02:10, 4 August 2008 by Dan Genesis (talk | contribs) (Quotes: Just added one of my personal favorites from this past week. And, ftr, They do spell camp with a 'K'. For the letter 'C' is overrated)

<forumuser name="Dan Genesis" /> Dan Genesis (real name Dan Heiney) is among the most avid of Sonic fans, and has since '98 has done his best to collect every Sonic game and issue of Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics. Dan has spent the past 10 years studying the mechanics of games of various series, and has studied the layouts of levels to effectively describe the vibrant and varied environments.

Contribution to Sonic Retro

Dan's claim to fame on Sonic Retro is expansion and creation of various articles, usually in the form of describing the stage's appearance.


  • Respect the penguins. Respect them all.
  • [after being asked what pet he would like]: I want a penguin. That would be awesome. I would name him Penguino!
  • Jason, no birthday dance!
  • [In response to being called 'crazy' or 'insane']: Of course. Otherwise I never would have made it through the sixth grade.
  • [In response to being told something he could care less about]: And I care because......?
  • [From his talent show act at Kamp Koinonia]: Well... I don't have a script... I forgot my lines... I have no idea what I'm going to do...

The Hit List

Dan has recently added a hit list to his Forum Signature (inspired by Hez's Hate List). This list comprises of people who paticularly piss him off, and people he would actually like to see dead (yes, they are that bad). The list is currently as follows:

         Name          |   Reason for addition to list
    Xr3alex100900      | Being an immature, arrogant bastard that goes into streams and spams, sometimes morally offending people in the 
         ---           | process, then calls them gay for having rules against it; repeated use of the words 'fuck' and 'douche' (Alex, if 
         ---           | you're reading this, grow up)
       SirSpamz        | Creating a Youtube Channel for the purpose of spamming; Spamming
  legoairmailspammer   | Creating a Youtube Channel for the purpose of spamming; Spamming