

The Pulse

From Sonic Retro

<forumuser name="The Pulse" /> Noah Micheal Ryan, AKA The Pulse (also known on other sites as Boom the Hedgehog, Boom of the Fourth Wall, or Boom the Guardian) is a member of Sonic Retro.

The Origins of The Pulse

The Early Days

Noah Ryan was an avid Sonic fan since the age of 5, his first game being either Sonic 2 or Sonic CD. While he was not an adept gamer at that time, he instantly grew to love the hedgehog. He would often wake up early to catch the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon (Trivia: He too mistook Tails for a girl =P) and drew pictures of the hedgehog in his spare time. However, a sudden cutoff of video games led Noah to become alienated from all contact with Sonic-y ideas until the age of 10, where his interest in the blue blur was resparked after playing Sonic Adventure, and subsequently receiving a copy of Sonic Heroes.

First Contact

One day, Noah was surfing the forums of to hear more about Sonic games, when he stumbled on to a link to the now defunct, a site introducing Noah to the world of Sprite comics, and in turn, the Sonic community.

Boom the Hedgehog's Conception

Noah Ryan had decided that he wanted to be like the people who ran all these wondrous sites; like the Chaos Bros, and other Sprite Comics authors. To do that, he decided that he needed a character, someone to be his author avatar. And so, the character known as Boom the Hedgehog was created. At first, the design and idea of Boom was incredibly generic; he was simply a sprite edit of Sonic with a maroon sweatshirt and pants. He was also created as another "Son of Sonic" character, coming from a future where Metal Sonic had become incredibly powerful and ravaged the world. Noah began by editing a Sonic Advance spritesheet, only to give up some time later.

Boom the Hedgehog's Evolution

One day, Noah obtained a "how to draw Sonic" book. In this book, he learned the technique he uses to draw characters to this very day. So a few months later, as he was drawing in a sketchbook, he decided to redesign Boom. He gave the hedgehog red fur, an upturned bottom set of spines (but only one pair, unlike Shadow) and a navy blue sweatshirt with a ring design on the front; this is the very same design that the character Boom the Hedgehog is portrayed in to this day.

Max the Dragon, Pablo the Armadillo, and Sonic Zeroes

For the story Noah had planned out, he decided he would use a Sonic Heroes theme, but that would mean creating two other characters to accompany Boom the Hedgehog. For this, Noah turned to his friends; Samuel Maxwell Migre and Brady Hyphits-Balerna. He asked his friends what they would want to be like if they were part animal. Max replied that he would want to be a dragon. Initially, Noah imagined using a large, bulky design for Max the Dragon, but instead came up with the idea that Max was simply a hybrid of a Bat and a Chameleon who had obtained Draconian powers through some means. This has also created an injoke between the cousins where Noah will often call Max a "Bat-Chameleon" in public, much to Max's chagrin. Brady's reply was a little different; he said he would want to be "An armadillo named Pablo." This odd request was the fruition of Pablo the Armadillo, who Noah decided would be, in his own words, "A complete enigma; he's a Mexican who is incredibly stupid and random and he met Boom and Max when he would out of nowhere come to their house and wash their windows without ever having met them." And so, the team of Boom, Max, and Pablo was given the name Team Zero, or sometimes The Sonic Zeroes.

No More Blue and Epic Laziness

When deciding on where to begin his comic, Noah came across a series of links that led him to the forum known as No More Blue. It is here that Noah joined his first long time forum under the handle Boom the Hedgehog, still a childish naive soul. In this forum, he met many friendly faces, including Cold Dog the Admin of NMB, The Random Four, consisting of Wedge, Epros, Jack "Frost" Winters, and the kind Sapphire, and at some point met the at first antagonistic Rumisiel "Rune" Kye. And while he attempted to get his comic off the ground, he once again gave up due to self criticism and loss of interest.

Drama at The MG and birth of The Fourth Wall

During his stint at NMB, Boom also joined a forum at the Sprite comic site known as The Middle Ground. Here, he became a pest to the regulars, eventually getting banned for being an ass. While he initially raged at the MG for being jerks, it woke him up to exactly how unoriginal his initial concept for a character was. However, instead of scrapping the story, he kept that portion as "canon" to the story of Boom.

He just knocked the scope up a whole fuckin' lot.

He began a new story hanging on to the original, where Boom the Hedgehog is one of many alternate incarnations of a single being throughout every parallel universe; one of the incarnations being Noah himself. In this story arc, he merges with every alternate version of himself to become a being known as the FourthWall Guardian, a sort of Agent for the Celestials who's duty is to be a sort of police for interuniversal crime. Max and Pablo appear as well, merged with the versions of Noah's friends. However, Noah at this time started his stint of trying to give a negative spin on his own fantasies, as it appears that Brady's personality was completely overtaken during the merge. In fact, Noah puts a lot of suffering into his own stories, constantly bringing the fact up to himself that a life like that wouldn't be all roses and pickles. However, he also puts a lot of optimism into the story, in one instance saying "In this story, I know for sure how the afterlife works and have confirmation of God's existence. That is bad because now, there's no more surprises in that for me. But in a way, it doesn't matter, because the future is still an exciting mystery!" To this day, Noah plans out a web of stories in his head, every day silently chronicling this spectacular adventure with no one to hear it.

Sonic Arena, the Slow Death of No More Blue, and The Pulse of Retro

Later on, Noah began to see a change in No More Blue's activities; or more specifically, the lack of activity. Recently, Jay Discoponies (One of the NMB admins) created a flash RPG known as Sonic Arena. Hoping to pull in more members, this game instead sucked the life out of the site; the only new posts were usually introductions saying "lol i post soes i cn plai sonki arena" and even those who used to be dedicated posters suddenly posted rarer and rarer. At this time, Noah was given Mod status. Noah constantly warned that Sonic Arena was the cause and that the site was gonna get killed from inactivity, but the other mods passed him off as being an alarmist.

It was around here that Noah began to frequently lurk around Retro's boards. Eventually, Noah gave up on NMB and joined up on Retro, deciding to start anew with a more original handle; The Pulse.

Green Groove and Final Bout of Drama

Sometime after joining Retro, Noah went back to NMB to find that it would be closed down and move to a new domain DUE TO INACTIVITY KILLING THE FORUMS. It was here that Cold Dog mentioned that the suspected cause was Sonic Arena drawing attention away from the site.

Noah at this point had mixed feelings of sorrow, frustration, and "I CALLED IT."

When Green Groove went active, Noah decided to join with a new profile, trying to pass himself off as a new member. He quickly grew bored with the charade and came out admitting that it was him. After this, Noah, now calling himself "The Pulse of Retro" quickly started acting quite asshole-ish to less experienced members, in one occasion going all out on some kid who had a theory that Silver was Shadow and Blaze's descendant with laughable "evidence" to back it up. Noah soon left in a huff, telling the staff that it was their fault that No More Blue had died, due to being apathetic, not seeing an obvious problem when it starts, actually believing that a Sonic RPG would be a good idea, and not encouraging new members to improve. He left saying something akin to "This is your forum, guys. Nurture the newbies that come here. Don't think problem's will magically fix themselves. Also, fuck you Jay."

Yes, to this day Noah holds a grudge against Jay for creating Sonic Arena in the first place and acting like he's the best person ever. Have you seen that shit he does for the Sonic Show? That isn't entertainment.

Hellfire Commentaries. Now that's entertainment.