From Sonic Retro
<forumuser name="Soselocke" /> Soselocke is an interesting character in the Sonic scene. He initially joined Sonic CulT under the alias Mr. HARINEZUMI (translated, "Mr. Hedgehog"); after several bans, he adopted the nickname Soselocke, which he continues to use to this day.
Soselocke considers himself the only member in all of Sonic Retro who gets laid and has a stable relationship with an intelligent member of the opposite sex. He doesn't do anything for the community or hacking scene because he is too lazy and procrastinate, though he was responsible for the proposal of the rather popular Sonic 2D Blast project being worked on by several community members at the moment.
Soselocke has cystic fibrosis and will die within 10~15 years, but will live on in spirit to haunt and annoy the fuck out of the living.