

SamplingMasters Nix

From Sonic Retro

I am a neophyte hacker, with experience in game design from Open Sonic. I am a member of the Technology Student Association (TSA), specializing in Transportation Modeling. I am also a fan of Sonic, past and present. My current goal here is to create a beginner hack for Sonic 1 or 2, whichever is easier. I want to hack (actually edit) a Sonic game, because I want to create a level from scratch through SonED2. Email me, if you would like to help me with my hack. Oh, and please comment, your words of wisdom will greatly be acknowledged.

As of 6/3/10, I started a new hack, but I cannot make a Sonic Retro release, yet. It's called "Sonic 1 Nixed Edition". It's supposed to be the results of what I learned from others at SSRG. Right now, I'm having a hacker's block, because I'm having serious trouble with the VRAM on my Hack. It's better that I take you to the actual thread at SSRG, and see if any of you can fix it for me: Sonic 1 Nixed Edition (needs improvement).