From Sonic Retro
<forumuser name="Hez" /> Hez is a veteran of the Sonic scene. He was once well-known to be a rather offensive, loud-mouthed, and otherwise disrespectful scener during his stay at Sonic CulT around 2004. Despite this, Hez has many roots in the early Sonic scene, including having been one of the original members of Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta. As with most early sceners, his first posts weren't exactly pretty, but they exist somewhere on the internet if you look hard enough.
He is the creator of Sonic 1 PC, and the fan game Sonic Omega. He also aided in the destruction of Sonic the Hedgehog Area 51's original message board. In addition, he was once a member of the Snifit Army, led by 16BT.
One of Hez's forum gimmicks was centered around his avatar; he was known to put up seasonal variations of his fan character image depending the time of year or current events in the community. This drew very positive results from many members of Sonic CulT at the time.
These days, Hez is not terribly involved in the community, and is currently attending college. He has considered leaving the community before he finishes school, though he hasn't reached a solid course of action just yet.
He considers Tweaker to be one of the few sceners he would go out and have a drink with. And fuck bitches.