


From Sonic Retro

Long history about this person, Bryn2k. Started off inconspicuously in early 2001, worked up the ranks at the old Sonic 2 Beta site, also was a member of Set Ark, then vanished for 6 months in 2002 when his house was flooded. Came back in December 2002 and became notorious for his refusal to back down in the then-infamous 'board wars'. He lost his post as moderator as a result, and is no longer foul tempered. Occasionally posts to the scene, but isn't common to it anymore, as he prefers to deal with his own website rather than other people's. Lost a lot of posts to Becky when the board sort of blew up recently, thanks to AOL's IP system! Common Typos of name:Byrn.Weird Nicknames:Brynu, Bryniffer, Damn Northerner.