
Sonic Battle

From Sonic Retro

Revision as of 13:52, 11 December 2004 by Ss is testing (talk | contribs)

Sonic Battle was an attempt at a fighting game based on the Sonic Adventure era characters, differing heavily from Sonic the Fighters. Some found it fun - some found it tedious. It was centerred around the ancient mechanoid Emerl, named by Sonic because of his ability to absorb emeralds. It was originally called Gizoid.

The game-play was 4 player isometric, and played somewhat like Powerstone without items, or moving stages.

Before you were spawned, you had a choice of which special attacks you could use - each character has 3. You choose one to be performed on the ground, one to be performed in air (the style of attack differs by quite a lot depending on which), or you can not use it at all, but guard against all other attacks of that type.

It had a single player story mode - which actually, debatedly, has the best story in the entire series; it doesn't take itself too seriously and gives us a better look at the characters.

The main problem people had with this was that it was long and tedious to upgrade Emerl - he got XPs from each fight, but you needed to fight around 10 long tedious fights before you could get a new move.

It is also the first Sonic game to feature swearing - in Japan, Rouge calls Eggman a "bastard" for hacking into a computer before she did.